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Raiders of the Galaxy.

<span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, the timeless space combat simulator with plenty of RPG elements, is available now, DRM-free on

Your crew didn't deserve that fate. While you were out there on your own, investigating a derelict ship floating through space, a band of ruthless Manchi raiders appeared out of nowhere and wiped out everyone aboard your trading vessel, the Princess Blue. Now you're on the warpath, seeking to avenge your mates and perhaps become a class-A space rogue in the process.
Those are both admirable goals, but to get there you've got a lot of space to cover. You will be constantly alternating between the 3D view used in space combat and exploration, and the top-down perspective through which you navigate the planetary outposts, talk to NPCs, and handle trades, quests, or ship upgrades. The galaxy is a pretty vast space, but there's no wormhole big enough for these despicable Manchi to hide in!

Travel across the galaxy, upgrade your ship, and become the ultimate <span class="bold">Space Rogue Classic</span>, DRM-free on
JMich: But Noctropolis wasn't an Origin developed game, unlike Space Rogue. Thus my surprise, I thought EA had all the Origin works.
This, I thought so too. Wonder what else of Origin Night Dive got ahold of?
IAmSinistar: Flashback (assuming they now hold that last one).
They don't. EA only own the sequel, Fade to Black.

Flashback is owned by Ubisoft, but unfortunately, its release has been stalled because the game's soundtrack is licensed.
Grargar: They don't. EA only own the sequel, Fade to Black.

Flashback is owned by Ubisoft, but unfortunately, its release has been stalled because the game's soundtrack is licensed.
Damn. I was hoping since they had the sequel that they had somewhere along the way acquired the original too. A shame, that. Such a good game.
haydenaurion: I want Autoduel along with those.
Used to play the tabletop original version of that. An old grognard, I. :D
Post edited November 17, 2016 by IAmSinistar
Grargar: They don't. EA only own the sequel, Fade to Black.

Flashback is owned by Ubisoft, but unfortunately, its release has been stalled because the game's soundtrack is licensed.
IAmSinistar: Damn. I was hoping since they had the sequel that they had somewhere along the way acquired the original too. A shame, that. Such a good game.
haydenaurion: I want Autoduel along with those.
IAmSinistar: Used to play the tabletop original version of that. An old grognard, I. :D
Never played it, but I most certainly would like to from what i've seen of it. :)
Hey, never heard of this game before, but it does look good. Really good; but is it? The two exsisting reviews rate it harshly for being bland. How does this compare to like Starflight or Elite in terms of overall polish?
I know that's a really subjective statement, but some incite would be nice.
A classic release from ORIGIN from the 1980ies period that I don't know about ... wow! I have to try it.
Looks interesting. Can you play it with a gamepad?
docbear1975: Looks interesting. Can you play it with a gamepad?
You should be able to play it with an XInput gamepad like the Xbox 360 controller pretty much right off the bat. I know I played Secret Agent, another DOSBox title, with a controller before...
Grargar: They don't. EA only own the sequel, Fade to Black.

Flashback is owned by Ubisoft, but unfortunately, its release has been stalled because the game's soundtrack is licensed.
IAmSinistar: Damn. I was hoping since they had the sequel that they had somewhere along the way acquired the original too. A shame, that. Such a good game.
In one way, they did, since you can play the original as a 'game within a game'. IIRC, in the main menu, there's an arcade cabinet you can use to play the original Flashback, but without any music, and possibly some other issues. I don't know if it's possible to extract it from the reboot somehow. I still have the DOS floppy version, though it has that annoying 'look up word in manual' copy protection.
Space Rogue Classic? Sounds like there is a more modern version of the game in developement.
Is this released so cheaply to get some players on the hook for a sequel/HD remake?
angryjedi: Fond memories of shuttling messages back and forth between the sisters Cebak and Tiwa. Quite why I remember that after about 20 years I have no idea!
These types of games seem to have that sort of lasting impression / appeal.

To this day, I STILL remember running drugs from the pirate base in the asteroid field in Privateer, occasionally having to drop my cargo when I was about to be scanned by local police forces. I felt just like Han Solo in my beat up old freighter.

Man was the shiny space fighter I bought with all my ill-gotten smuggling cash an amazing ship... but it never quite felt the same and I never did love that ship. Not like my bulky freighter, half the viewscreen taken up by dingy monitors and rusty hull plating.
Maxvorstadt: Space Rogue Classic? Sounds like there is a more modern version of the game in developement.
No, there's just an unrelated, recent game that happens to also be called Space Rogue, and is also available here on GOG already:

So the "classic" moniker is just to differentiate this older game from the newer one. Otherwise they are unrelated.
vicklemos: Yes. but I'm more of a dude. I'm an [url=]Armies of Exigo man, a Beasts and Bumpkins fella and I'm also like those EA Replay kiddos ;P
IAmSinistar: I want REALLY OLD games from EA, like and [url=]Murder on the Zinderneuf and The Hound of Shadow. But I'll also take , [url=]Genewars, and Flashback (assuming they now hold that last one).
Damn damn damn. With such amount of instaclassics, I wonder why EA won't give us this tasty sugar in like no time ;(