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Join the knight named Sonia on her unusual investigation.
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Enebias: All right, all right, jeez. I'll stay quiet before I get summarily executed.
Hell, nobody can say a word on this forum anymore.

U want claxic gaems - didn't mention them.
U had 12 years of non-porn - so what?
Were not gettin only porn gaermez - you don't say? It's not like I meant we're getting LITERALLY only that.

Ffs, calm yourselves, I'm not eating children or anything!

EDIT: Besides, my point was about Selaco not being considered, not about wanting a ban on hentai games. Kindly read before replying, aye?
TheGrimLord: Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. You may not have realized this, but Zoom is getting big. They have all the old Duke games now DRM-Free. They have Hatred now. They have a bunch of games that run great on newer systems and Zoom does patch games all the time. All of you, if GOG is not accepting these games that you want, please tell them to get in touch with the Zoom Platform. They're already working with big name companies and have half of GOG's classic library, including several they won't carry for some reason.
What a nonsensical reply. Because Zoom has nothing to do with the GOG staff being unprofessional and not granting any kind of answer to those who ask using the proper channels. They could just say "sure", "not interested" or "keep in contact and we'll see when the game is ready", since the devs submitted their build in the dedicated developer portal that is there just for this reason.
low rated
TheGrimLord: Real talk, why don't you just ask the devs to put their game on the Zoom Platform. You may not have realized this, but Zoom is getting big. They have all the old Duke games now DRM-Free. They have Hatred now. They have a bunch of games that run great on newer systems and Zoom does patch games all the time. All of you, if GOG is not accepting these games that you want, please tell them to get in touch with the Zoom Platform. They're already working with big name companies and have half of GOG's classic library, including several they won't carry for some reason.
Enebias: What a nonsensical reply. Because Zoom has nothing to do with the GOG staff being unprofessional and not granting any kind of answer to those who ask using the proper channels. They could just say "sure", "not interested" or "keep in contact and we'll see when the game is ready", since the devs submitted their build in the dedicated developer portal that is there just for this reason.
Not at all. In fact, it makes better sense than what you've been doing - complaining. If one company doesn't want to carry a game you want to find another. We now have what is starting to come up as a worthy alternative to GOG itself. I was skeptical a year or so ago when they had just a few games that nobody cared about. But now my opinion has changed and I spent quite a bit of money over there.

- They have the Gold edition of AVP
- They're working on but are putting Alien Trilogy back up soon, which is a game I wanted GOG to get for years.
- Their Duke3D has ALL the expansion content included for FREE

These are all things that companies should be doing. All my games work and play well with a modern rig. We now have an alternative and they seem much more willing to listen. They even have a request section in their Discord, because unlike GOG, they actually have a Discord server rather than this ancient forum. Zoom already works with dozens of notable publishers.

Why in the hell wouldn't you ask them to sell on Zoom? If you don't, I will. The devs have a Twitter, I'm pretty sure "hey these guys are already working with big names and selling Duke like hotcakes" is enough to get their little indie some extra money. To hell with the staff here. If they don't want to work with certain devs, I'll bet you Zoom will and that shit will end up coming back to bite GOG in the butt later.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Edit: nothing here
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Breja
high rated
JackknifeJohnson: #PornFriday
Orkhepaj: disgusting
So are your posts and I still have to read them in every VN or anime related release thread. That's life.
Enebias: What a nonsensical reply. Because Zoom has nothing to do with the GOG staff being unprofessional and not granting any kind of answer to those who ask using the proper channels. They could just say "sure", "not interested" or "keep in contact and we'll see when the game is ready", since the devs submitted their build in the dedicated developer portal that is there just for this reason.
TheGrimLord: Not at all. In fact, it makes better sense than what you've been doing - complaining. If one company doesn't want to carry a game you want to find another. We now have what is starting to come up as a worthy alternative to GOG itself. I was skeptical a year or so ago when they had just a few games that nobody cared about. But now my opinion has changed and I spent quite a bit of money over there.

- They have the Gold edition of AVP
- They're working on but are putting Alien Trilogy back up soon, which is a game I wanted GOG to get for years.
- Their Duke3D has ALL the expansion content included for FREE

These are all things that companies should be doing. All my games work and play well with a modern rig. We now have an alternative and they seem much more willing to listen. They even have a request section in their Discord, because unlike GOG, they actually have a Discord server rather than this ancient forum. Zoom already works with dozens of notable publishers.

Why in the hell wouldn't you ask them to sell on Zoom? If you don't, I will. The devs have a Twitter, I'm pretty sure "hey these guys are already working with big names and selling Duke like hotcakes" is enough to get their little indie some extra money. To hell with the staff here. If they don't want to work with certain devs, I'll bet you Zoom will and that shit will end up coming back to bite GOG in the butt later.
Please do. I don't really care, because I am on the GOG forums, hence I talk about stuff related to the place.
I don't go eating in a restaurant to say the one nearby is better, if you catch my drift.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Many Puritans bash literally every single AO game that GOG releases, without fail.

That means that even if some of them are bad games, it would still be impossible to determine that from the Puritans' comments, given that they always "cry wolf" for all AO games.
Good thing that usually we are talking about the same people every time so it should not be too hard to ignore them.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: ^^ Virgin detected!
TheGrimLord: Mercy snip.
If you actually thought I was going to read all that, well... I have bad news for you...
Enebias: All right, all right, jeez. I'll stay quiet before I get summarily executed.
Hell, nobody can say a word on this forum anymore.

U want claxic gaems - didn't mention them.
U had 12 years of non-porn - so what?
Were not gettin only porn gaermez - you don't say? It's not like I meant we're getting LITERALLY only that.

Ffs, calm yourselves, I'm not eating children or anything!

EDIT: Besides, my point was about Selaco not being considered, not about wanting a ban on hentai games. Kindly read before replying, aye?
I guess this is about a rejected game - so GOG curation? If that is the case we should keep in mind that accepting a certain game or a certain kind of game does not have to mean that the acceptance of one game is the reason for the rejection of another game. GOG curation works in curious way and I am sure that there will always be rejected games that should not be rejected. In the past GOG rejected AO games and VNs (yes, those don't have to be the same) and they changed their minds about it. They also reconsiodered rejecting several other indie games - so I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will reconsider rejecting your game as well.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by MarkoH01
TheGrimLord: Mercy snip.
fronzelneekburm: If you actually thought I was going to read all that, well... I have bad news for you...
Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: If you actually thought I was going to read all that, well... I have bad news for you...
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Yeah, the "hole in a piece of meat" is especially "well written". Very classy and respectful :D
fronzelneekburm: If you actually thought I was going to read all that, well... I have bad news for you...
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Even if Fronzelneekburm doesn't read the post, other people can. The cultural battle is about people who haven't decided what kind of society they want to support.
MarkoH01: In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Had a great laugh at that sentence. No worries, I get what you mean. It just reads like that if truth can ever be an opinion. We either adapt to the truth through passion/stupidity or we don't.

However, it is probably humanities best way to say "everyone is absolutely fucking stupid". Plato was on the nose, since stupidity is actually our most important trait. Otherwise true opinionation and passion could never intertwine and people would never even attempt to do anything.
Post edited January 22, 2022 by Dray2k
MarkoH01: Though it actually IS well written imo. It explains quite a lot as well and imo is very honest to the subject in question. In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Breja: Yeah, the "hole in a piece of meat" is especially "well written". Very classy and respectful :D
Agreed - that one tiny bit of the pretty long post - might not have been written so "well". (and I never said anything about respectful or classy - just "well" as in "good explained" or "making interesting points").
Post edited January 22, 2022 by MarkoH01
Enebias: Please do. I don't really care, because I am on the GOG forums, hence I talk about stuff related to the place.
I don't go eating in a restaurant to say the one nearby is better, if you catch my drift.
I think it is beneficial if GOG, Zoom, Itch, and so forth recognize each other as viable rivals. It is through genuine competition that capitalism offers the greatest benefit to society. That can't happen if the competitors are too comfortable or isolated, unwilling to work for their victories.

People should talk about the great and terrible aspects of GOG, and other stores as well.
MarkoH01: In my opinion there's a lot of truth in the post.
Dray2k: Had a great laugh at that sentence. No worries, I get what you mean. It just reads like that if truth can ever be an opinion. We either adapt to the truth through passion/stupidity or we don't.
You are probably right with that, but since I can't be certain that what the user wrote actually IS the objective and complete truth I decided to add the "in my opinion" part.