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Reclaiming your soul, one fireball at a time.

<span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, an epic open-world RPG about wresting your soul back from the forces of evil, is available now DRM-free on with a 50% launch discount.

Unchecked by the gods, the Titans were free to ravage the land, leaving humanity broken to lick its wounds, regroup, and launch a desperate attempt at retaliation. You awaken from a sleep of the dead, after a fateful encounter with a Shadow Lord has left your soul trapped in the Underworld. Claiming it back will prove a desperate race against time as the longer it stays separate from your body, the closer you get to becoming an unwitting minion of the Shadows.

Allying yourself with one of the opposing guilds has been a pinnacle of the series and in Risen 3 you must be particularly cautious when choosing sides as everyone has their own secret agenda and ulterior motives. But when politics and shady dealings fail, you can always rely on your glistening weapon or your blistering fireballs to bend the open-world to your will. Devastating magic, intense combat, and open exploration await you in the shadow of the Titan Lords.

Choose your path to greatness and reunite with your soul in <span class="bold">Risen 3: Titan Lords</span>, DRM-free on If you crave the extra adventures found in the game's DLCs, treat yourself to the <span class="bold">Complete Edition</span> now or opt to <span class="bold">upgrade</span> later.
The 50% launch discount will last until the end of our Weekend Promo on February 23, 7:59 AM GMT.
NuffCatnip: Maybe today´s Deep Silver day and we´ll get Saints Row IV in 2 hours ? (wishful thinking xD)
anothername: Saints Row 4 I would buy even without the 50% off :)
Exactly, I´d buy it for the full price, I just want this game on gog ! xD
Several have asked, and i will here as well.

How is Risen 3 compared to the first two? (i played bits of Risen 1 back in the day - it was ok. heard Risen 2 was so so ).
About friggin time!
Niggles: Several have asked, and i will here as well.

How is Risen 3 compared to the first two? (i played bits of Risen 1 back in the day - it was ok. heard Risen 2 was so so ).
Honestly... Play the first one (it lacks the spark that made Gothic1&2 special, but it's a decent game in its own right) and forget the remaining two exist. Risen 2 was a giant step in the wrong direction in every possible way, both story- and gameplay-wise (flat out sucked if you ask me, but some people manage to get some enjoyment out of it), as for Risen 3... a huge waste of time with hardly any redeeming qualities. Don't bother.
Post edited February 20, 2016 by Phaidox
The odd edition pricing is reflected in the regional price offset: for the UK it's

Complete Edition - £12.59 (at 50% off), £2.20 credit
Regular edition - £7.59 (at 49% off), 70p credit
Upgrade DLC - £4.09 (at 49% off), 60p credit

Regular+upgrade = £11.68 (at 49% off), £1.30 credit

So the difference is 91p in price, 90p in credit.
Martek: I've started Gothic 1, but the clunkiness of the controls (it's an old game) turned me to G3. I'll eventually play it (and then G2).
I know what you mean, I'm playing through Gothic now. Risen's the only Piranha Bytes game I've completed. I loved the demo for Gothic 2 way back in the day, and I bought the collector's edition boxed copy of Gothic 3 but only got half-way through it, so I wanted to give the series a proper playthrough, in order. I had some trouble with graphics issues in Gothic 1 but finally resolved everything as much as possible. I used the alternate control scheme, but the combat controls really took some getting used to. Once you feel your way around the quirks of the movement and combat systems, it's not that bad. =)
I thought i had all the Risen games.. seems there's a third...

Still have to beat the first two though...
Great release! Thank you ^_^
Wow I think I missed this on the front page earlier today... looks tempting!

I know I've mentioned this ad nauseam but I always had a poor first impression of Risen because I played it originally on the vastly inferior console platform. I've since seen it described as almost a totally different and amazing game on the PC.

Between the looks of the locales (love the dead swamp!), the armor and especially those beasties this one seems pretty impressive - might have to eventually give the series a second try with this one. Oddly enough as much as I LOVE "pirate RPGs" the second game - an "RPG with a pirate setting" does very little for me LOL.
Nice! Bought. :)

ShadowWulfe: I wonder what the incredible delay was.
The gamecard lists August 13, 2014 as the release date. So it's been about a year and a half wait for a DRM-free version... That's not bad!
IronArcturus: So how does Risen 3 compare to the previous 2 games?
tremere110: You're not the same character as the first two. Patty has been hyper-sexualized.

Which might not generally be a bad thing except, she's your sister now - and she's flirty with you o_O

It's wierd to see Patty go from love intrest to sister from a player perspective.
Um. Ew. Understandable since you're not the same character, but in game sense != good idea from meta perspective.
Great Release , Risen series is pretty fun to play , Risen 1 was the masterpiece , while Risen 2 tried to cash in on the pirate craze

The only real downside of Risen 3 i have seen is the lack of relationships / story development of companions , sorely misses out on what dragon age and other rpgs showcase so much.
Hm, I haven't heard much positive feedback about this one, most reviews I saw of it were scathing...

The world map is supposedly a copy/paste of Risen 2 as well.
Post edited February 20, 2016 by ReynardFox
SeduceMePlz: Nice! Bought. :)

ShadowWulfe: I wonder what the incredible delay was.
SeduceMePlz: The gamecard lists August 13, 2014 as the release date. So it's been about a year and a half wait for a DRM-free version... That's not bad!
The german first edition (which I bought) is DRM free from day one and also includes all DLC's so the wait was not about making the game DRM free.