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Locked in a timeless conflict.

Massive Chalice, a kickstarter-born Double Fine strategy, is available 20% off, on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, DRM-free on!

A 300 year war draws near, your people need a leader. Massive Chalice is a turn-based strategy game that spans hundreds of years and outlives generations of fighters. It's a desperate fight where every advantage matters, and a strong bloodline is the greatest one you'll get. No human is perfect, but with careful planning you can breed and design the perfect army which complements itself like sophisticated puzzle. Family matters, so take good care of a young generation and they'll reward you with their lives - through valiant fight their weapons will become Bloodline Relics to be passed on to aid their children in the struggle. Massive Chalice requires you to plan for years and years ahead, as the Immortal Ruler of a nation locked in epic conflict.

As an added bonus, you can pick up the Original Soundtrack for Massive Chalice, also 20% off. Play it on repeat for 300 years!

Forge heroic bloodlines in Massive Chalice, available now, DRM-free on
That was the nice thing about being away from computer gaming from the early 90s until 2013 (excepting Diablo 2). I have so few enemies in the gaming world and so many companies haven't yet pissed me off!

Bethesda, this obviously does not apply to you, you bunch of tools.
Today i learn that chalice is pronounced chalice.
I wishlisted it, but DF....
Experiment513: Hmmm... now where is that backer portal again...
Good question... I'm a backer too and I fear that we'll repeat the Broken Age situation where DRM-Free doesn't equal GOG in Double Fine mind.

Let's see but until now, no news (even from Humble)...
From what I've seen so far it reminds me of Endless Legend a bit (in certain visual aspects), and the gameplay sounds good. Watching this one to see how the reviews / feedback turn out.
Post edited June 01, 2015 by Sachys
Experiment513: Hmmm... now where is that backer portal again...
cal74: Good question... I'm a backer too and I fear that we'll repeat the Broken Age situation where DRM-Free doesn't equal GOG in Double Fine mind.

Let's see but until now, no news (even from Humble)...
I've asked them on KS and that's what I fear too, though I've just realised that I've got a way to redeem a broken age key for GOG on my humble bundle account right now !

All hope is not lost :)
cal74: Good question... I'm a backer too and I fear that we'll repeat the Broken Age situation where DRM-Free doesn't equal GOG in Double Fine mind.

Let's see but until now, no news (even from Humble)...
MacArthur: I've asked them on KS and that's what I fear too, though I've just realised that I've got a way to redeem a broken age key for GOG on my humble bundle account right now !

All hope is not lost :)
Just noticed that too a few minutes ago :)
It was an instabuy for me.
Impaler26: A new game from Double Fine? No thanks!!! After they ripped off people with Space Base DF9 i won't buy any games from them. :P
well, Spacebase DF9 and massive challice are two diffrent aspects.
while DF9 didnt get much money to talk about from early access, massive chalice got funded by backers on kicstarter.
basicly Doublefine hoped achive the same sucess as another early acess title : prison arcitect wich also was a early acess game.
Prison arcitect got fully funded by just early acess money alone.
df 9 didnt achive the same sucess and its no secret that you have to pay sallary to whoever that works for you.
But i digress.
Shoud Doublefine taken the gamble?
Probably not.
I think kickstarter are a much better platform to see if there is intrest for a particulluar game.
Problem is, not even kickstarter is scam free but at least you can sue people there.

Personally i dont think that steams early acess program is that great in its current form when money is involved.
Post edited June 01, 2015 by Lodium
Where the heck did this game come from? This looks hugely up my alley and I had no clue it even existed! Mechanics sounds awesome and love that art style.

I hate total impulse buys in the $15 range (thank you GoG for making $15 seems like a massive game investment - it is MUCH appreciated!) especially with a sale around the corner and a few games on my "long term want list" but I might have to jump at this one!

I checked out the screenshots, time to go watch the little video. Anyone want to give impressions? Is there an overworld / strategic map (one of the shots makes it look like there is). Is it all character focused or is it possible to conquer territories, build new structures, assign lords of fiefdoms and such? A "Total War" aspect I guess is a good way to ask. Excited!
How long will the discount last?
It's a kickstarter game that has been in EA for a while now.
Was I the only one that ignored this game because I tought this was just another adventure game from Double Fine and ignored it entirely? :-p Color me surprised. It even looks interesting, but debacle that was Spacebase DF-9 has left me extremely cautious towards anything Double Fine so I think I'll wait on this one.
Post edited June 01, 2015 by Petrell
Xray_StyleZ: Will it be like Space Base DF9?! No, thanks.


the miserable/hilarious failure that was "double fine adventure" [now more commonly known as broken age], the fact that they went /right/ from kickstarting broken age to kickstarting this game, and the fact that they abandoned spacebase df-9, i will /never/ give them full price for any of their games again. they'll have to be incredibly discounted [like 90%+] for me to bother buying in.

sorry, tim shafer, but i've lost all my respect for you and double fine.