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Title: Mary Skelter 2
Genre: RPG and strategy
Discount: 15% off until 27th January 2022, 5 PM UTC.
BanditKeith2: I have seen other ones that don't need one to manually do the work thats the thing here
Gersen: As I mention HuniePop is like that, either unzip the patch in the game folder or create an empty file called "" and the game will be uncensored. And even if it was the only one it is still an official patch released by the devs. It's not some sort of unofficial mods like the uncensor patch for Fatal Frame.
Its still technically a work around and not a patch nor a update.. thus it will easily be lost or cause problems for the games rep do to buys unaware of this or it gets pulled/the site goes down like afew cases I have heard about
BanditKeith2: I have seen other ones that don't need one to manually do the work thats the thing here
Gersen: As I mention HuniePop is like that, either unzip the patch in the game folder or create an empty file called "" and the game will be uncensored. And even if it was the only one it is still an official patch released by the devs. It's not some sort of unofficial mods like the uncensor patch for Fatal Frame.
Also to add I was unaware Honiepop had a uncensor factor to it its why I legit waited to get the game cheap as can be do to the fact it wasn't realtively talked about rather then buy it at about regular if not regular price thus lost money from its well known censored but not well enough known it has a uncensor method put out by the devs or whatever
Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
I do agree that those reviews that only talk about the censorship now would be misleading. Giving only those the option to write a review who actually own the game would not have helped in this case though, since the game in fact WAS censored before and afaik it is still not possible to change reviews in hindsight.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by MarkoH01
low rated
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
why not? why shouldnt we be able to share our opinions about a release?
what if you refund should your review be deleted?
looks like you support censoring
Post edited January 23, 2022 by Orkhepaj
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
There are so many "reviews" like this on GOG though. Reviews which have nothing to do with the gameplay and are just weirdos complaining over their little pet peeves. Take that Disney Classic release, most of the negative reviews are just complaing about the price.
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
MarkoH01: I do agree that those reviews that only talk about the censorship now would be misleading. Giving only those the option to write a review who actually own the game would not have helped in this case though, since the game in fact WAS censored before and afaik it is still not possible to change reviews in hindsight.
That is true.

My second sentence was not directed specifically to this release but was meant in general.
What I mean is, only those that own a game should be able to 'review' it to stop those joke reviews a la 'game bad, höhöhö' or 'I bought the game when I was drunk...I hate racing games, 0/10'.
To me those reviews that are about the censorship and nothing else are in the same category.

gog should rework reviews, being able to modify your own reviews needs to get implemented.

Sorry if my post is barely readable, I'm having the worst migraine. :P
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
Crosmando: There are so many "reviews" like this on GOG though. Reviews which have nothing to do with the gameplay and are just weirdos complaining over their little pet peeves. Take that Disney Classic release, most of the negative reviews are just complaing about the price.
Yeah, I'm not ashamed to say that I sometimes report those memey reviews.
Post edited January 23, 2022 by NuffCatnip
high rated
NuffCatnip: Half of the 'reviews' should be removed, they are about the censorship and not the game itself.

I've said it a couple times already, if you don't own the game, you shouldn't be able to write a review.
Orkhepaj: why not? why shouldnt we be able to share our opinions about a release?
what if you refund should your review be deleted?
looks like you support censoring
YOU are talking about censoring ... ROFL!

Anyway, to explain to you why it is a good idea to reduce reviews to those who actually purchased the game at least once (so no matter if it will be refunded afterwards or not). Those who puchased the game in most cases do know what they are talking about since they played the game at least a bit. Let me remind you how you actually tried to convince me that MS2 is porn at heart just because of a snippet of the minigame you found on youtube ... it might be a little bit sexual but it is far away from being actual porn. Also it is just a very small part of the game. You see? A user who does not even know what a game is like should not be allowed to influence sales because this user is unable to create a fair review. Also hate reviews for basically every VN or anime related stuff won't help anybody.
BanditKeith2: I'd agree that or if it was at the very least put out as a optional dlc or whatever
actually, thats quite a nice idea. I mean - JAST done exactly that thus far (but only on gog, coz steam is the reason why censorship has been added to begin with). Cmon, Ghostlight, do it
Sorry for the necro, but I think it's worth mentioning it here too:

I was testing around with the patch a few hours ago, and I can confirm it - the patch has the same MD5 and SHA256 hashes as a generic empty file I created using the command "touch random-file-name" from Ubuntu, as well as having the same hashes of an empty txt file I created with Sublime Text, meaning it's indeed just a generic empty file, and so the game should keep being patchable even if the download link goes down. Just make sure the file has the name "Minigame.dat", or else it'll very likely not work for patching the game.

MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Minigame.dat
SHA256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Minigame.dat