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Discover an amazing action-adventure title fused with RPG and Farming elements. Kitaria Fables is now available on GOG.COM with a 20% discount that will last until 16th September 2021, 9 AM UTC!

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No Kitaria Fables: Deluxe Edition here?
Sorry,I love cats but I don't want to add manually every skins to buy...
So I'm waiting for the full package ^^
It's also a lot of DLC for a little Indie game...
Post edited September 02, 2021 by Reglisse
Is there a chance this game will have the 'Deluxe Edition' available here, instead of having to buy the 16 pieces of DLC individually? That is quite a lot

Also, some of the store page names do not match the URL titles. The Blue Cat Skin DLC has the URL of "kitaria_fables_black_cat_skin", and the Black Cat Skin has the URL of "kitaria_fables_blue_cat_skin"
Here is the link to the deluxe edition (with all dlcs included) :

Post edited September 02, 2021 by Splatsch
Splatsch: Here is the link to the deluxe edition (with all dlcs included) :

Thank You ^_^
The trailer looks awesome.
Reglisse: Thank You ^_^
You're welcome :)
Great release!

Sept is turning out to be a great month for RPGs! First Pathfinder WOTR, then the massive upgrade to NMS, a slew of excellent RPGs this month and now this fluffy pile of goodness, keep it up GoG, here's to hoping CDPR keeps up the pressure of building CP2k77 into the game it should have been!

Sure, it's now at a playable state, but a Hello Games-styled redemption tale would not be such a bad thing!
This game looks really good.

How long does an average playthrough of the game take?
Cute, has an Animal Crossing vibe.

no OST ?
I just bought the Digital Deluxe Edition on a whim and found that DLC have to be installed separately. It would be more convenient to have one file to install all in one go. To make installation easier and more convenient I wrote a batch-file that does it semi-automatically which I would like to share here.


You can change the directory I set from "C:\Kitara" to where you got your installer files and run the script. When it asks for the directory just confirm and after each file has been installed you simply have to press enter to continue installation of the next file. When finished the command prompt window will auto-close.

Here is the result of an online virus check for you to see that it is clean. Virustotal Result I just post this because Google says it could not scan it for viruses.
Post edited September 02, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
Can't decide if I want to try a game in this genre or not. Seems like it could be a terrible time-sink :\

If I could have my I'd much rather this have cutesy graphics used for a proper LBA inspired game. Then again, perhaps LBA would've been enhanced with a small farming element.
avatar Kitaria Fables is now available on GOG.COM with a 20% discount that will last until 16th September 2021, 9 AM UTC!
Its countdown clock is wrong.