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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
high rated
Honestly seem like GOG needs new management that will stick to there DRM free principles. All I see is GOG ignoring the issue and blaming the customers for so called review bombing. Let's hope they fix the issue this week.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Syphon72
dropped down a few more places on the current bestselling list (at #4)
high rated
chandra: Dear GOG community!

Thank you for bringing this topic to our attention. We’re looking into it and will be updating you in the coming weeks. In case you have purchased HITMAN and are not satisfied with the released version, you can use your right to refund the game. At the same time, while we’re open for meritful discussion and feedback, we will not tolerate review bombing and will be removing posts that do not follow our review guidelines.
Dear GOG,

All reviews made by people bought the game on gog and then left a negative review should be valid. You advertise as a DRM free store. Elusive targets, user created missions and escalation missions being locked is understandable as they are triggered remotely. IO interactive blocking basic features like weapon, outfits and starting location unlocks behind an online requirement is a form DRM and should not be tolerated. I would rather see hitman 2016 and subsiquent games be removed for from gog than let ioi get away with it's blocking of basic features.
high rated
chandra: Dear GOG community!

Thank you for bringing this topic to our attention. We’re looking into it and will be updating you in the coming weeks. In case you have purchased HITMAN and are not satisfied with the released version, you can use your right to refund the game. At the same time, while we’re open for meritful discussion and feedback, we will not tolerate review bombing and will be removing posts that do not follow our review guidelines.
SgtHobbes: Dear GOG,

All reviews made by people bought the game on gog and then left a negative review should be valid. You advertise as a DRM free store. Elusive targets, user created missions and escalation missions being locked is understandable as they are triggered remotely. IO interactive blocking basic features like weapon, outfits and starting location unlocks behind an online requirement is a form DRM and should not be tolerated. I would rather see hitman 2016 and subsiquent games be removed for from gog than let ioi get away with it's blocking of basic features.
I'd rather IOI fix all of this, so we finally have an offline version of Hitman 1: GOTY.

This should've came DRM-FREE w/ all of the Single-Player content worked offline and all the extra content was all unlocked, all ready to go on its original GOG launch. GOG and IOI should've agreed on that, before dropping the game here.

Well, it didn't...and now they're getting slammed for it, by their fans of DRM-FREE games on GOG.

Why do we deserve an offline Hitman 1: GOTY? B/c we got enough games now leaning too much into online-services, proprietary online servers, content locked behind online servers, games with only central severs, games w/ nasty DRM, games stuck behind client-app requirements, and whatnot.

GOG fans deserves games and versions of games coming here with offline support, especially for games that are single-player games - which Hitman 1: GOTY pretty much is.

Games like these - especially really good ones like the Hitman games - deserve to preserved.

And many are likely ready to drop some $$$ and coin, just to get some offline games w/ No DRM.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by MysterD
high rated
Okay Gog, I'll respond. This is not review bombing. Making comments on and reviewing a game based on the state of the game, and considering one piece of non-functional architecture game-breaking, is not review bombing. If at any time myself or others consider DRM a section of software being outright broken, then we have a right to do so. If you think DRM is necessary you are free to disagree.

If you have honestly think that "this game requires a constant online connection and thus I no longer consider it functional" is not discussing an in-game aspect, then we need to have a discussion about this.

Additional: Are you also going to be doing the same for positive? Paying moderators to removes 5/5 reviews for things like "thank god X company took a stand, bless them." Because I highly doubt that ANY company would spend the time and resources to do that
Post edited September 27, 2021 by mastyer-kenobi
high rated
Fellow gogers, coverage from gaming on linux
unrelated.. what is gog's stance on galaxy. do they intend to make it compulsory? have been out of touch with developments for a while
lmao at the gog shills and fanboys astroturfing for gog's bs. I need that laugh so thanks.
high rated
7PCGamer: unrelated.. what is gog's stance on galaxy. do they intend to make it compulsory? have been out of touch with developments for a while
Nothing significant has changed. They continue calling it optional and stating it will remain optional.

That said:
1) Some game receive updates on galaxy without also receiving them on the offline installers. These discrepancies can last weeks or months or years. Here is a tentative list (updated once a week):
2) Some games have known bugs introduced in the latest offline version (sometimes years ago). On galaxy you can access older versions, but GOG refuses to offer the same for such broken offline installers, nor to revert the offline installer to the earlier bug-free version. One example, off the top of my head, is Divinity: Original Sin.

So some could question how optional galaxy really is.
Post edited September 29, 2021 by mrkgnao
Danielx64: Just wondering, did anyone here get their review taken down and if so, do you get told or not?
mrkgnao: For those curious, like me.

When Chandra posted her "review bombing" threat, I saved all the reviews posted up to that point (N = 116). Now, two days later, I compared the list to the current oldest 116 reviews. None have been deleted.

It is possible that later reviews were deleted, but knowing GOG, I think it's statistically more likely for a review to be eaten up by a forum bug, than actually read and deleted by a GOG staff member.
Yes, mine and I was not notified about it.
I mentioned the details on Post923
I can say the -purge- happened but not how many.

Maybe by the time mrkgnao did the 1st save mine was already deleted as others.

Apparently I could add a new review (screenshot), but I will not:
The number of reviews was very low when I submited mine; I wanted to warn potential buyers.
Currently there are a lot of warnings there: GOG cannot cover the sun with a finger.
Besides, I really fear to convert to a troll :)

Edit: Forgot the attachment
Post edited September 27, 2021 by tag+
high rated
Truth007: lmao at the gog shills and fanboys astroturfing for gog's bs. I need that laugh so thanks.
I'd say those championing DRM-infested platforms are the ones who are astroturfing.

Before those platforms came along and took over the industry, popular opinion among consummers was very pro-ownership (before that, physical media was the dominant form after all).

Steam was the platform that normalized DRM. Some of us just never got on board with that.

GOG got popular with a certain crowd not because they sold DRM-free to us, but because they gave us what we already wanted.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Magnitus
tag+: Maybe by the time mrkgnao did the 1st save mine was already deleted as others.
Yes. Probably.

tag+: Apparently I could add a new review (screenshot), but I will not:
The number of reviews was very low when I submited mine; I wanted to warn potential buyers.
Currently there are a lot of warnings there: GOG cannot cover the sun with a finger.
I'm glad you're taking in good humour.

tag+: Besides, I really fear to convert to a troll :)
From what I've seen from you so far, I don't think there's much danger of that ever happening.
high rated
The response to my ticket:

"Genoan (

Sep 27, 2021, 8:42 GMT+2


Please check the official statement:
and follow the thread for any updates on the topic.

Unfortunately GOG Support is unable to provide you with further assistance in this case.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a nice day.
GOG Customer Support "
66 pages omg
high rated
The DRM free games are the friends we made along the way... also, shame on GOG
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Laboux