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Experiment and have fun in the ultimate playground as Agent 47 to become the master assassin. HITMAN - Game of The Year Edition is now available on GOG.COM with an astounding 70% discount that will last until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC.

Get ready for even more challenges! All games from the Hitman series available on GOG.COM receive 75% discounts lasting also until 29th September 2021, 1 PM UTC:

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high rated
Dear Community,

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us – while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by chandra
LiefLayer: The response to my ticket:

"Genoan (

Sep 27, 2021, 8:42 GMT+2


Please check the official statement:
and follow the thread for any updates on the topic.

Unfortunately GOG Support is unable to provide you with further assistance in this case.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a nice day.
GOG Customer Support "
What was your initial ticket about?
Truth007: lmao at the gog shills and fanboys astroturfing for gog's bs. I need that laugh so thanks.
LOL, thanks for that laugh. I always get a humerous visual when I hear the term 'astroturfing' used.

FWIW whenever I read one of those posts the term 'Gogpologist' comes to mind.
high rated
Sheershaw: I am seeing a lot of paranoia and hostility towards GOG that I think is unwarranted.

We have no idea what sort of arrangement exists between GOG and IOI. I think neither of them were expecting this sort of negative reaction.

I do think GOG and IOI will eventually address this, but given how integrated the online-only progression system is to the game, a proper fix may take some time, and they are probably unwilling to speak until they feel confident that whatever solution they have in the works will actually work.

At this point people need to tone down the histrionics and be patient.

At the end of the day, despite all of their faults, GOG is the best place for games. I will not be so hostile to a company that does a good thing imperfectly when no one else attempts it all.
Here's the situation as I see it: CDPR wants to play in the Big Boy Ball Pit of online game stores. GOG is and has been, from its very inception, a niche market; old games, and now newer games, sans DRM. I wish it weren't so niche a market, it baffles me that it has so little demand relatively speaking, but that's the reality of it.

This isn't good enough for them anymore.

The well of old games and properties and licenses to dig through runs ever drier. Not that I'm ungrateful for the efforts; those Star Trek games that popped onto the storefront recently were a pleasant surprise. In terms of dusting off and digitally restoring old games, I agree that GOG is the best (and only) in the biz, but CDPR has been growing explosively, dangerously fast thanks to the success of The Witcher 3, the Netflix series, et al. The problems with this are manifold; too many staff with management that is too inexperienced to give the kind of direction needed on this sort of scale (I suspect this is but one of the many issues to befall Cyberpunk), and when the company starts growing the business execs and shareholders expect it to keep growing.

What's the best way to grow CDPR? Grow GOG as an online storefront. How do you grow GOG as a storefront? Get more big name games and publishers on board. Why are more big names not already on board with GOG? The no-DRM stipulation. How do you get them on board? Lower your standards.

I very much suspect Hitman is simply the most blatant case of them testing the waters. Unfortunately, I don't see how they expect to entice anyone to the store with bigger-name releases by compromising their core selling point. If I wanted to deal with a singleplayer game that's going to be 75% unplayable when the servers go down, I would've already bought it on Steam. At least there I'd be able to play it on Linux! [INDIGNANT THROAT-CLEARING]

So, this is why I'm glad everyone is pissed. I can agree with "tone down the histrionics" for the people openly declaring they want the place to burn, but at the same time, absolutely do not allow the discontent to subside. Make it clear that this will not stand.

Unfortunately, even in a best case scenario I'm not sure we could reasonably hope for IO to spend the time and effort to dig in and rewrite enough of the code to actually make most of the game playable offline; we're already dealing with a several-years old release, and changing the core infrastructure for the game's data management is no overnight task. It's not impossible, just... unlikely.

So... I'm not holding my breath for anything, but I'm definitely keeping an eye on how things go from here.
high rated
LiefLayer: The response to my ticket:

"Genoan (

Sep 27, 2021, 8:42 GMT+2


Please check the official statement:
and follow the thread for any updates on the topic.

Unfortunately GOG Support is unable to provide you with further assistance in this case.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a nice day.
GOG Customer Support "
Ueber: What was your initial ticket about?
Remove the drm or the game from the gog store of course
high rated
chandra: we will not tolerate review bombing and will be removing posts that do not follow our review guidelines.
Dear CDPR, I will not tolerate buying games from your platform anymore.

In the span of a single year you've managed to trash everything you built over a decade of good work. Good job.
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Kuldor
low rated
7PCGamer: unrelated.. what is gog's stance on galaxy. do they intend to make it compulsory? have been out of touch with developments for a while
Dunno, but I do know that they (more or less) made Galaxy 2.0 compulsory for galaxy users when they pushed the new version on everyone using 1.2 awhile back.
(iirc galaxy auto installed the new version on galaxy user's machines and wouldn't allow people to switch back)
low rated
mrkgnao: 1) Some game receive updates on galaxy without also receiving them on the offline installers. These discrepancies can last weeks or months or years. Here is a tentative list (updated once a week):
2) Some games have known bugs in the introduced in the latest offline version (sometimes years ago). On galaxy you can access older versions, but GOG refuses to offer the same for such broken offline installers, nor to revert the offline installer to the earlier bug-free version. One example, off the top of my head, is Divinity: Original Sin.
Knowing 2 is a thing, I think it's preferable if updates are delayed for the offline installers for a bit (a few weeks or so). Now if GOG let people choose which offline installer version they wanted, or at least had the previous offline installer versions also listed for DL in people's libraries, then i'd be ok with more frequent updates of such.


LiefLayer: Please check the official statement:
and follow the thread for any updates on the topic.
Likely future GOG updates on the topic: *crickets* or *pr-speak*


Orkhepaj: 66 pages omg
*GR draws another 6 on the end of the page number with a very red marker*
"There, now the thread truly is cursed"


By the way, for old game lovers/fans: I just found out that zoom-platform has a sweet Postal 1+2 set(pic attached), which seems to contain more (afaik) than GOG's version

[modded - advertising is not allowed - ponczo_]
Post edited September 27, 2021 by ponczo_
high rated
Dear GOG, I've been a happy customer since 2009 according to my account, although my memory tells me that it's been even longer than that. And I'm also a huge fan on the Hitman series. Having said that, this situation is completely unacceptable and if IO is unwilling to patch this game then it does not belong in this store.

I have a spotty Internet connection and playing this game on Steam, it would repeatedly take me out of the game to tell me that my connection has been lost and my progress would not be saved, so I would have to play levels sometimes repeatedly and just hope the connection would last until the end of the level just to get the mastery ranks. And those ranks are a huge part of the game. Sure, you could play each level once and see the story to its completion, but the whole point of the Hitman series is to play around the sandbox they have created for you and to try different methods, and for those the unlocks are vital on getting it done. How are you going to do the sniper challenges for example when you can't unlock the sniper rifle?

And that is to say nothing about what happens when those servers go offline permanently. Most people seem to assume that IO will patch offline mode into the game then, but if they haven't bothered to patch it in 5+ years they probably won't do it later either.

Also, people giving bad reviews to a broken game is not review-bombing and it is concerning that you seem to think otherwise.
high rated
if you are afraid of bad reviews then maybe stop delivering this nonsense.
try to cover up and call it review bombing will not help you in any way, we are not kids and we definitely don't appreciate the corp bull crap
high rated has also covered this issue, like every other outlet talking more about how terrible is the review bombing.

It's sad how the headlines are "GoG Responds to backlash" and not "GoG releases game with DRM." Anyway...
chandra: we will not tolerate review bombing and will be removing posts that do not follow our review guidelines.
Kuldor: Dear CDPR, I will not tolerate buying games from your platform anymore.

In the span of a single year you've managed to trash everything you built over a decade of good work. Good job.
Very good summary in a few lines
A new in French appeared today (which sums up the problem rather well) :
which also goes in this direction which also goes in this direction, recalling the origins of GOG, with this site

And now he dares to call it review bombing
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Ganyse
high rated
Well, it's Monday... and the game's page is still the same misleading, incomplete description. Good, great, excellent. It's a good thing we "brought it to your attention", right, GOG?
Post edited September 27, 2021 by Breja
tag+: Yes, mine and I was not notified about it.
I mentioned the details on Post923
I can say the -purge- happened but not how many.

Maybe by the time mrkgnao did the 1st save mine was already deleted as others.

Apparently I could add a new review (screenshot), but I will not:
The number of reviews was very low when I submited mine; I wanted to warn potential buyers.
Currently there are a lot of warnings there: GOG cannot cover the sun with a finger.
Besides, I really fear to convert to a troll :)

Edit: Forgot the attachment
If they delete my review, I will re-post it. I will not be intimidated by GOG's threats and by their efforts to suppress legitimate criticism to cover up their disastrous decision to release a DRMed version of Hitman 2016 on GOG.

@GOG: go ahead, block my account; delete my review; whatever. I have my offline installers backed up and I don't give a shit. I will not cooperate with your dirty corporate cover up. You can't silence us all.

high rated
If GOG cannot provide fully playable DRM-free single player offline experience, there is just no reason not to buy games on Steam. There is absolutely nothing else that GOG does better.
Breja: Well, it's Monday... and the game's page is still the same misleading, incomplete description. Good, great, excellent. It's a good thing we "brought it to your attention", right, GOG?
To be fair

chandra: We’re looking into it and will be updating you in the coming weeks.
Thinking back how these things worked with every other incident in recent years, I'd be pleasantly surprised to hear anything on this before Friday at the very earliest. This being acknowledged I'd consider an improvement, really.