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Explore the world with your trusty Frogun in a cute, lowpoly adventure – Frogun Encore, now available on GOG with a -15% launch discount until July 9th, 3 PM UTC!

Join Renata on a brand new FROGUN adventure in this fast-paced classic 3D platformer! Building off of the original gameplay, FROGUN Encore features a slew of new movements, like the double jump, sling catapult and toss jump! Plus, experience FROGUN in true couch co-op. Have Jake pop in at any time to explore together the perilous ruins!

Now on GOG!
Oh. I still haven't finished the first part.
Even the sequel without achievments, what a waste.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by Alexim
Alexim: Even the sequel without achievments, what a waste.
What's the point? They're barely even public ways of showing that you indeed, went though a game, in perhaps esoteric games. It makes a number bigger maybe. But do you think anyone else cares?
Looks a bit fun so I will chuck it onto my list for when the price is a bit better.
dnovraD: What's the point? They're barely even public ways of showing that you indeed, went though a game, in perhaps esoteric games. It makes a number bigger maybe. But do you think anyone else cares?
But without them how can people get their dopamine rush and make their e-peen the big e-peen?
Post edited June 25, 2024 by JacobSlatter
Alexim: Even the sequel without achievments, what a waste.
dnovraD: What's the point? They're barely even public ways of showing that you indeed, went though a game, in perhaps esoteric games. It makes a number bigger maybe. But do you think anyone else cares?
Yes, it interests many people I know, and certainly many others I don't know, just that they simply move on as soon as they see that the achievements are absent.

The absence of the achievements is a problem for GOG because it actually leads to fewer copies sold, then of course there are other factors as well, but this is a point not to be underestimated.
Alexim: , just that they simply move on as soon as they see that the achievements are absent.
If anyone moves on from a decent game solely because it is missing achievements, they should question why they game in the first place. I say if any gamer pretenders want to move on because of such trifling reasons we should let them.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by JacobSlatter
high rated
dnovraD: What's the point? They're barely even public ways of showing that you indeed, went though a game, in perhaps esoteric games. It makes a number bigger maybe. But do you think anyone else cares?
Alexim: Yes, it interests many people I know, and certainly many others I don't know, just that they simply move on as soon as they see that the achievements are absent.

The absence of the achievements is a problem for GOG because it actually leads to fewer copies sold, then of course there are other factors as well, but this is a point not to be underestimated.
I actually agree with Alexim on that one. Some people are actually drawn - and fueled through the game - by the achievements. It may not be my cup of tea but I do understand the notion.

So seeing the thing they actually care about and find enticing in a game entirely missing here, while present on certain other platform, it's not much of a mystery to guess where they would go spend their money and get their kicks from.

I mean, inferior version is inferior version - be it os support, build parity, dlc releases or indeed, achievements. It's understandable linux or mac enthusiasts might not want to buy a game on GOG, if other store offers a support for their system of choice while GOG version doesn't. It's entirely normal to expect the same if the DLCs get ommited from GOG release, or if GOG version of the game is still the pre-release alpha build.
I fail to see why achievement support, or lack thereof, should be treated differently.
Alexim: , just that they simply move on as soon as they see that the achievements are absent.
JacobSlatter: If anyone moves on from a decent game solely because it is missing achievements, they should question why they game in the first place. I say if any gamer pretenders want to move on because of such trifling reasons we should let them.
Same thing could be said about linux builds or offline installers.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by Andrzejef
Andrzejef: I mean, inferior version is inferior version - be it os support, build parity, dlc releases or indeed, achievements.
I would venture to say that games with achievements are the inferior versions. Also I don't think it is wise to encourage addictions.
Andrzejef: Same thing could be said about linux builds or offline installers.
Neither are on the same level as those who abstain from buying due to lack of achievements.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by JacobSlatter
Andrzejef: I mean, inferior version is inferior version - be it os support, build parity, dlc releases or indeed, achievements.
JacobSlatter: I would venture to say that games with achievements are the inferior versions. Also I don't think it is wise to encourage addicts or addictions.
Again with this, then any game that shows completion percentages, collectibles, or scores in levels is a dangerous addictive tool and should be banned. Perhaps walking simulators would survive this annihilation.
Alexim: Again with this, then any game that shows completion percentages, collectibles, or scores in levels is a dangerous addictive tool and should be banned. Perhaps walking simulators would survive this annihilation.
Addictive justification would better be left to something with content like the games themselves and not to junk like achievements.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by JacobSlatter
JacobSlatter: I would venture to say that games with achievements are the inferior versions. Also I don't think it is wise to encourage addicts or addictions.
Alexim: Again with this, then any game that shows completion percentages, collectibles, or scores in levels is a dangerous addictive tool and should be banned. Perhaps walking simulators would survive this annihilation.
Oh man, Zachtronics games with the histograms - this many people used less instructions than you did, this many people finished the level faster...
Andrzejef: Same thing could be said about linux builds or offline installers.
JacobSlatter: Neither are on the same level as those who abstain from buying due to lack of achievements.
They are on the exactly same level - things most people don't care about.
To borrow your words - If anyone moves on from a decent game solely because they can't play it on linux, they should question why they game in the first place - it's literally no bother at all to have dual boot. I say if any gamer pretenders want to move on because of such trifling reasons we should let them.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by Andrzejef
Andrzejef: They are on the exactly same level - things most people don't care about.
I meant on the level of being useful features. A linux build would allow more people to play the games on their OS, and offline installers help preserve games for future instalation and play. Achievements often do little beyond giving people a dopamine infusion and a chance to brag to others.

And yes, if people want to move on from a purchase for some dumb reason then we should let them.
Post edited June 25, 2024 by JacobSlatter
I think everybody there are missing the point.
The absence of achievements isn't a valid reason to miss a decent game but could be valid enough to buy it on the platform that has them.
Alexim: Again with this, then any game that shows completion percentages, collectibles, or scores in levels is a dangerous addictive tool and should be banned. Perhaps walking simulators would survive this annihilation.
Andrzejef: Oh man, Zachtronics games with the histograms - this many people used less instructions than you did, this many people finished the level faster...
JacobSlatter: Neither are on the same level as those who abstain from buying due to lack of achievements.
Andrzejef: They are on the exactly same level - things most people don't care about.
To borrow your words - If anyone moves on from a decent game solely because they can't play it on linux, they should question why they game in the first place - it's literally no bother at all to have dual boot. I say if any gamer pretenders want to move on because of such trifling reasons we should let them.
Not comparable, I play a lot but there's no reason (for me) to use Windows anymore. Why should I be questioned?
I don't buy on Steam and I don't care about achievements because the main reason I buy anything there is ownership but these reasons are strong enough.
(sorry for my bad English)
AGCByYiro: I think everybody there are missing the point.
The absence of achievements isn't a valid reason to miss a decent game but could be valid enough to buy it on the platform that has them.
Since having achievements via GOG's Steam crack introduces the annoying timeout issue for those that don't use Galaxy, not having achievements can be a very good thing.