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In the shadow of a massive earthquake, you must brave a destroyed city where your choices will determine who survives. Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM. In this action-adventure game, you find yourself at the epicenter of a chaotic and catastrophic crisis. It’s up to you to rise above the calamity, gather your thoughts and fellow survivors, and outlast the disaster.
Japanese earthquake... Is a happy ending a possibility?
Very nice. I'm definitely interested in this one. :)
I'm not saying that this is inherently bad, and i like that it's in Japanese. But noway this is a 60 euros game. Human models are unnatural and stiff, even the lip sync sucks. Basically the lips move like in the Muppet Show. How can they justify the asking price, oher than...being from Japan?
But at 60. It's a No.
I've been waiting for this game for years.

But this price is ludicrous.
low rated
avatar you find yourself at the epicenter of a chaotic and catastrophic crisis.
You don't say...
low rated
Why doesn't GOG have the Free Costume Set DLC?
SeduceMePlz: Why doesn't GOG have the Free Costume Set DLC?
It says it's included right on the game page.
SeduceMePlz: Why doesn't GOG have the Free Costume Set DLC?
Mr.Mumbles: It says it's included right on the game page.
I just scrolled to the DLC to check and didn't see it. They should have mentioned the inclusion in the announcement, but GOG news posts have sucked for a long time now.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up.


Interesting. Do all you negative-raters seriously disagree that GOG news posts (for game releases) have declined in quality? Past news posts would link each edition and DLC and actually inform you about what was being offered. Current news posts are almost redundant - there's little reason not to skip straight to new releases in the store. If not for the fact that release threads often highlight problems with releases, news posts would be entirely useless these days.
Post edited April 08, 2020 by SeduceMePlz
Awesome release!
low rated
This game looks like trash. $60....are you guys joking?
I hadn't seen any info about this coming here and almost lost hope. Glad it's here, instabought!
Looks interesting, and I'm a sucker for games with Japanese voice and settings; wishlisted for a sale though as I'm not made of money!
In English subs?? Damn, I saw this when it was a PS4 Jap only release... didn't realise it would get a translation, so that's awesome.
high rated
I never thought that I would see this game sold on GoG...
And I completely forgot it had to be released in West on PC today.
I let you imagine how surprised I was to see this game available here and now.

Instabought, of course.

Because of this, I'd like to add three things :
- like the Steam version, the GoG version of this game contains the VR "mode" (accessible from a separate *.exe, available in the VR subfolder) ;
- by default, the game is in JP. Don't panic, language can be set when you start a new game ;
- if GoG publish the free trial, savedata can be imported in the game.
Post edited April 08, 2020 by shade