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Help Aisha find a safe way home from the dangers of the Ardusta Sea!
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Discount: 10% off until 17th July 2022, 4 AM UTC.

Warning: adult content
FrostburnPhoenix: That's great. Have you ever heard of retroactive laws?

I've never played Gears of Shooty btw, but I might quit the game if I didn't like what I was doing.
Retroactive Law: Any law that makes a prior legal act illegal, or increases the penalty for a prior illegal act.

Gears of Shooty is just a made up name for all them hyperviolent shooters out there.

Anyway quiting a game because you don't like something in it is something i can understand but it is entirely a you option.
Does not inherently make said content illegal or anything.

I dunno what else to tell you. If you like living your life in fear of something like fiction becoming illegal, again, that's an option you chose for yourself.
Post edited July 13, 2022 by Hikage1983
FrostburnPhoenix: That's great. Have you ever heard of retroactive laws?
I've never played Gears of Shooty btw, but I might quit the game if I didn't like what I was doing.
Ever heard that reality is not the same as a video game and that nobody is harmed at all when playing a video game no matter the content?
Reaper9988: The patch is here on Gog too but you won't see it as german without VPN.
BreOl72: As far as I'm aware, the patch is already integrated in the version of the game (I didn't check it via VPN, too much of a hassle for a game, I'm not interested in, anyway).

And that (already patched?) version is unavailable for Germans. That much is true.
There aren't two versions of the game there is just one freely available version and a patch that adds R-18 stufff to the freely distributed version. The R-18 patch is not available without VPN on German ip.

BreOl72: However: if the unrated game is LEGALLY (meaning: by German law) forbidden from being sold to Germans - then offering the patch to Germans is forbidden, too (following the same German law).
Which is the reason why they don't sell the patch to Germans.

BreOl72: What GOG does here is the equivalent of a brick and mortar store selling two versions of a game/movie to its customers:
one version being for international customers only, the other version being for German customers only.
Like I said, there aren't two versions available - the patch is useless without the freely distributed game.

BreOl72: You can not LEGALLY offer the "over 18" content to the "under 18" customers.
And it definitely doesn't matter, if it's offered for free, or not!
Correct - even for free GOG is not allowed to offer the patch to Germans and they don't. Loger13 stated the same when he said that the loophole is NOT working with German laws - that's why the patch is not available for users with a German ip.

BreOl72: Since GOG is putting the link to the "forbidden" patch on the game's store page, it could equally well just put the "forbidden" patch itself on the game's store page.
Legally, it's exactly the same.
No, it is not. GOG is not responsible for content from other sites. They simply post a link to the publishers site because that site might or might not have a valid age verification gate ... it is not GOGs responsibility to check if THEY follow German laws. The site itself is not illegal. In addition to this GOG is selling to German customers directly (with the German website and all) the publisher is not. So no, it is NOT the same legally.
Post edited July 13, 2022 by MarkoH01
low rated
TheGrimLord: Depends on what a guy's into. Some men dig it, some don't. Not fair to kinkshame folks. We all have our own poison.
Cambrey: Guys enjoying adult content, sure. Guys enjoying sexual content with busty young teenager, no. Those weirdos need help and "kinkshaming" them is the least that you can do.
It's a goddamned cartoon. We're not talking about toddlercon or some other kind of crap. Maybe that's not your thing, but a lot of guys and gals dig it. If you want to call half the human population of the world a pedophile, go for it. But it would be stupid. If you don't like it, don't buy it and quit complaining about it. Also, quit going into the forums to gripe about games you're not going to buy anyway. There are two games today that came out, Tale Of Bistun and Necrosmith. I'm not interested in either of them. But guess who's not going into the forums to complain about them? Me. Maybe you should follow my example and just let people enjoy things. If it means so much to you, cry about it on Reddit, Twitter, NeoGf, ResetEra or several other places where they will hear you and sympathize with your plea. You're not getting any sympathy here from me.
BreOl72: Well, the way I see it: nowhere on the game's page is Aisha's age mentioned.
And an 18 year old is a teenager, too.
And if you want to tell me, in France, guys can't have fun with 18 year olds (be them busty or not), you've got to explain to me: why?
FrostburnPhoenix: The AoC in japan is lower, so not having an age listed is a very good reason to avoid this game. Although, even if there was a age listed, for all we know the original Japanese version of the game may have the same character with a younger age.
Well i think adventurer Aisha which killed maby magicians and thiefs before really not a teenager, just a slim young woman (its 3rd game of the series).Thats just syle of artist. (for example i esthetically dislike big boobs and draw small-mid when draw woman\girl)
BreOl72: Well, the way I see it: nowhere on the game's page is Aisha's age mentioned.
And an 18 year old is a teenager, too.
If you watch animes then you know darn well than the character is not even close to being 18.
Also, I specifically mention a young teenager, so we are talking about a 12-14 years old kid here. The rest of your demonstration is irrelevant.

Speaking of irrelevance, you have my sympathy TheGrimLord.
Reaper9988: Well it's a painted anime Picture.
For all we know she could even be a 100 year old Magic fairy. "shrug"

I really don't know why (western) people get so hung up on virtual depictions and comics.
Some countries have hangups about the age of "virtual depictions and comics". Plus, being horny on main for Amy Rose is just a bit weird when her age is barely past single digits, for example.

(The Sonic franchise is so chosen because it's full of furbait characters, of whom maybe four are of legal age; one couldn't even pass a Harkness Test.)
Cambrey: If you watch animes then you know darn well than the character is not even close to being 18.
No, I don't.
And she doesn't look like an underage girl to me...but that's maybe because MY mind isn't in the gutter, like that of others.

Cambrey: Also, I specifically mention a young teenager, so we are talking about a 12-14 years old kid here.
Oh, rest assured: it's very clear what you're talking about.
Just one small annotation: a 12 year old is no teenager.
You know: twelve <-- no teenager. Wheras: thirTEEN <-- teenager.

Cambrey: The rest of your demonstration is irrelevant.
Well, thank you for letting me know that.
I hope it's ok for you, if I return that sentiment.
Have a nice one.
Cambrey: If you watch animes then you know darn well than the character is not even close to being 18.
Also, I specifically mention a young teenager, so we are talking about a 12-14 years old kid here. The rest of your demonstration is irrelevant.

Speaking of irrelevance, you have my sympathy TheGrimLord.
They look 16-19 to me. they certainly don't look as young as 14.
low rated
Reaper9988: Well it's a painted anime Picture.
For all we know she could even be a 100 year old Magic fairy. "shrug"

I really don't know why (western) people get so hung up on virtual depictions and comics.
Darvond: Some countries have hangups about the age of "virtual depictions and comics". Plus, being horny on main for Amy Rose is just a bit weird when her age is barely past single digits, for example.

(The Sonic franchise is so chosen because it's full of furbait characters, of whom maybe four are of legal age; one couldn't even pass a Harkness Test.)
Yeah I know some countries do, still weird to me as no one gets hurt in the process.
And well the furry interest is generally weird to me, her age is rather irrelevant at that point,but eh, to each his own.
A lot of people have a lot of weird fetishes, as long as no one gets hurt, why would I care.
Especially if it's just a virtual/comic thing.

That aside if that chick in the pic is below 18 then I'm more worried about who allowed her to have such a big breast implant while underaged........
Post edited July 14, 2022 by Reaper9988
Reaper9988: A lot of people have a lot of weird fetishes, as long as no one gets hurt, why would I care.
Especially if it's just a virtual/comic thing.
Funny how this crowd is able to twist themselves like a pretzel in their arguments.

Is it a game or some kind of wired jerk of material? You can’t have it both ways.
If it is “fetish” thing, why is it sold on a game store instead of on a porn site?
low rated
You realize the game in Question there was Sonic right ?
Post edited July 14, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
Post edited July 14, 2022 by Reaper9988
I don't have a problem with the mature themes since boobs exist and have to be honored.

But when I saw the name I was really hoping for an island survival/adventure type game, which are so few and far between it's a crying shame. So I guess this one just isn't for me.
bombardier: Is it a game or some kind of wired jerk of material? You can’t have it both ways.
Games with a story will always work in two ways - the story and the gameplay. Interactive story if you like. So if it is possible for a game to tell a horror story and evolve scary feelings why isn't a game allowed to cause erotic feelings while playing as well? You might dislike those games but they are still games - just like any other game.