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Help Aisha find a safe way home from the dangers of the Ardusta Sea!
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Discount: 10% off until 17th July 2022, 4 AM UTC.

Warning: adult content
low rated
Reaper9988: The patch is here on Gog too but you won't see it as german without VPN.
BreOl72: As far as I'm aware, the patch is already integrated in the version of the game (I didn't check it via VPN, too much of a hassle for a game, I'm not interested in, anyway).

And that (already patched?) version is unavailable for Germans. That much is true.

However: if the unrated game is LEGALLY (meaning: by German law) forbidden from being sold to Germans - then offering the patch to Germans is forbidden, too (following the same German law).
Just legal mumbo jumbo due to how german(Or other) youth protection works.
GoG does offiicial business in Germany so the uncensored version can't be sold here unless they add a age verification that is acceptable to Germany(Way too useles and expensive).
So german customers should never see that unrated patch.(Steam is even worse as you can't bypass it as easily with a VPN)
Kagura doesn't do official business in Germany so they don't care one bit about that law and just offer it on their site.

Reaper9988: 5/10 nice bait but you're overusing it.
FrodoBaggins: What bait? Do you think it's okay to degrade women like that?
Nice try, I don't believe anyone is so prudish(especially signed up here since 2008) to believe that is degradation so logically you must be trolling.
You made it to a 7/10 btw. Nice dodge.
Post edited July 12, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
FrostburnPhoenix: I'm confused as to why you are complaining about almost naked people in the release thread for a 18+ game.
A game that degrades and offends only women, but not men. Can you explain why men are not strutted about like that?
If both were treated equal, there wouldn't be a need to point out that women are not objects.

FrodoBaggins: What bait? Do you think it's okay to degrade women like that?
Reaper9988: Nice try, I don't believe anyone is so prudish(especially signed up here since 2008) to believe that is degradation so logically you must be trolling.
You made it to a 7/10 btw. Nice dodge.
You didn't answer my question. Instead, you used name-calling as a way of deflecting.
Nice try.
Post edited July 12, 2022 by FrodoBaggins
FrostburnPhoenix: I'm confused as to why you are complaining about almost naked people in the release thread for a 18+ game.
FrodoBaggins: A game that degrades and offends only women, but not men. Can you explain why men are not strutted about like that?
If both were treated equal, there wouldn't be a need to point out that women are not objects.
I Haven't played the game and I don't ever intend to so I can't say for certain there aren't any men strutted about like that. It may or may not degrade and offend women, but you were complaining about almost naked people and that is a rather inappropriate complaint for a 18+ game. I'm not defending the game at all.
low rated
FrostburnPhoenix: I'm confused as to why you are complaining about almost naked people in the release thread for a 18+ game.
FrodoBaggins: A game that degrades and offends only women, but not men. Can you explain why men are not strutted about like that?
If both were treated equal, there wouldn't be a need to point out that women are not objects.

Reaper9988: Nice try, I don't believe anyone is so prudish(especially signed up here since 2008) to believe that is degradation so logically you must be trolling.
You made it to a 7/10 btw. Nice dodge.
FrodoBaggins: You didn't answer my question. Instead, you used name-calling as a way of deflecting.
Nice try.
You no like Bikini ? Why you play game if so degrading ?
Post edited July 12, 2022 by Reaper9988
FrodoBaggins: You seem to have missed the point. Why is it okay to degrade women, and strut them around almost naked and their private parts bulging out, treating us like objects. But men are not treated like that. Men are not paraded around with their privates bulging out. Why is it okay to treat women like objects, but not men?
FrostburnPhoenix: I'm confused as to why you are complaining about almost naked people in the release thread for a 18+ game.
Don't feed it. It is a troll.
It purposely chooses topics with similar releases and copy-paste the same provocative comment.
It simply ignores the fact that its comment is a blatant lie and does not correspond to reality.
This is not the first, and clearly will not be the last, case of such dumping in the thread.
Is that crap supposed to arouse men?
All I'm thinking of with this name is that there are better games of multiple linkages.

Such as the Survival Kids/Lost in Blue, order:random on any booru imageboard, searching for "pirate" on Wikimedia commons/OpenClipArt, literally any Famicom RPG except for rare exceptions such as Super Monkey Daibōken.

Also, I'm now thinking of Castaway of the Atrius Sea, because I have Myst on the mind.
low rated
Reaper9988: Oh I know that they exist.
The comment is the bait, Frodo did that a few times before in these threads.
If Frodo cared they could suggest a few they were interested in and also would recognize that topless is happening all the time with male chars.
FrodoBaggins: I'm NOT interested.

You seem to have missed the point. Why is it okay to degrade women, and strut them around almost naked and their private parts bulging out, treating us like objects. But men are not treated like that. Men are not paraded around with their privates bulging out. Why is it okay to treat women like objects, but not men?

Reaper9988: 5/10 nice bait but you're overusing it.
FrodoBaggins: What bait? Do you think it's okay to degrade women like that?
You skipped me though, because as the BL games I mention point out, that exists. Male pretty boys strut around in them as well. There's actually quite a few out there. I mean, if you're not looking, that's your fault.

And women treat themselves like objects all the time. There's a bunch of them on my social media feed dressed the same way, shaking their booties and their breasts. You're either a white knight or an unattractive woman, because all the women I know on my feed who've got it, flaunt it.
Cambrey: Is that crap supposed to arouse men?
Depends on what a guy's into. Some men dig it, some don't. Not fair to kinkshame folks. We all have our own poison.
Darvond: All I'm thinking of with this name is that there are better games of multiple linkages.

Such as the Survival Kids/Lost in Blue, order:random on any booru imageboard, searching for "pirate" on Wikimedia commons/OpenClipArt, literally any Famicom RPG except for rare exceptions such as Super Monkey Daibōken.

Also, I'm now thinking of Castaway of the Atrius Sea, because I have Myst on the mind.
GOG hosts adult material now. Quit griping about it.
Post edited July 13, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
TheGrimLord: GOG hosts adult material now. Quit griping about it.
I can hold them to a standard of fucking.
TheGrimLord: Depends on what a guy's into. Some men dig it, some don't. Not fair to kinkshame folks. We all have our own poison.
Guys enjoying adult content, sure. Guys enjoying sexual content with busty young teenager, no. Those weirdos need help and "kinkshaming" them is the least that you can do.
Cambrey: Guys enjoying sexual content with busty young teenager, no.
Well, the way I see it: nowhere on the game's page is Aisha's age mentioned.
And an 18 year old is a teenager, too.
And if you want to tell me, in France, guys can't have fun with 18 year olds (be them busty or not), you've got to explain to me: why?
low rated
Cambrey: Guys enjoying sexual content with busty young teenager, no.
BreOl72: Well, the way I see it: nowhere on the game's page is Aisha's age mentioned.
And an 18 year old is a teenager, too.
And if you want to tell me, in France, guys can't have fun with 18 year olds (be them busty or not), you've got to explain to me: why?
Well it's a painted anime Picture.
For all we know she could even be a 100 year old Magic fairy. "shrug"

I really don't know why (western) people get so hung up on virtual depictions and comics.
Post edited July 13, 2022 by Reaper9988
Cambrey: Guys enjoying sexual content with busty young teenager, no.
BreOl72: Well, the way I see it: nowhere on the game's page is Aisha's age mentioned.
And an 18 year old is a teenager, too.
And if you want to tell me, in France, guys can't have fun with 18 year olds (be them busty or not), you've got to explain to me: why?
The AoC in japan is lower, so not having an age listed is a very good reason to avoid this game. Although, even if there was a age listed, for all we know the original Japanese version of the game may have the same character with a younger age.
FrostburnPhoenix: The AoC in japan is lower, so not having an age listed is a very good reason to avoid this game. Although, even if there was a age listed, for all we know the original Japanese version of the game may have the same character with a younger age.
My genuine question is, why does it matter? Do you stop to confirm the age of the teen/young adult/whatever you shoot in the face in Gears of Shooty: Gratuitous Violence edition?
In both cases we are talking works of fiction. And at least where i live, fictional characters are not the same as real people. Not in the legal sense and not in the common sense.
Just my 2 eurocents.
Hikage1983: My genuine question is, why does it matter? Do you stop to confirm the age of the teen/young adult/whatever you shoot in the face in Gears of Shooty: Gratuitous Violence edition?
In both cases we are talking works of fiction. And at least where i live, fictional characters are not the same as real people. Not in the legal sense and not in the common sense.
Just my 2 eurocents.
That's great. Have you ever heard of retroactive laws?

I've never played Gears of Shooty btw, but I might quit the game if I didn't like what I was doing.