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A 1997 action strategy game in which you command a pirate ship in the Caribbean during the 17th century is now out on GOG – we’re talking, of course, about Buccaneer, launching with a -15% discount until July 15th, 1 PM UTC!

A 3D adventure game set in the 17th-century Caribbean, Buccaneer offers high-seas combat and elements of resource management. Choose a “cut-to-the-chase” combat-only option, fight ship-to-ship, or watch as your crew boards enemy vessels to take them over. Immerse yourself in the wide-open world of the buccaneers by choosing the campaign option – to survive you’ll have to obtain bigger and better ships, keeping crews happy and loyal.

Now on GOG!
Atreyu666: I'll stick to Win10 as long as my machine lives.
And to think Win10 is already nine years old. I'm more surprised that people are shocked that it's considered a requirement at this point in time. Hell, it's already the longest-supported (mainstream) version of modern Windows.
Oriza-Triznyák: The discount is 24% off if you received the newsletter .
No newsletter in the inbox despite being a subscriber.
Oriza-Triznyák: The discount is 24% off if you received the newsletter .
The-Business: No newsletter in the inbox despite being a subscriber.
I can send you a code if you're interested.
Redfoxe: Neat!

Altough i was hoping for the pc version of Overboard!/Shipwreckers!
Psygnosis/Sony. So don't ever get yout hopes up.
ssling: I can send you a code if you're interested.
Thank you. It's more a complaint to GOG about not always sending every offer to every newsletter subscriber. And in general sending out discount codes shortly after the release is weird because one would wait to see if they will be offered a deal.
The-Business: And in general sending out discount codes shortly after the release is weird because one would wait to see if they will be offered a deal.
If said it before, but it's actually genius to punish those pesky insta-buy customers.