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Klumpen0815: Gameplay of PST feels very different to Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale to me. I aggree on your points but not in this game.
That's very possible. I never got further than the very beginning. It starts of very slow and boring, and my dislike for it's "cousins" made approach it with little enthusiasm despite all the praise. It might really be as great as it's supposed to, but at this point I doubt I'll ever find out. After all, I did call it "my excuse to not play it" not my review of it :)
Breja: That's very possible. I never got further than the very beginning. It starts of very slow and boring
I had the same reaction but persevered. Once you get outside the starting area, it gets much, much better. Several orders of magnitude better. So if you ever decide to give it another go, just force yourself to get through the beginning. It's worth it.
GR00T: just force yourself to get through the beginning. It's worth it.
No offence, but I find it hard to put much stock in the opinion of someone with a Guardians of the Galaxy avatar and username :D
low rated
Breja: No offence, but I find it hard to put much stock in the opinion of someone with a Guardians of the Galaxy avatar and username :D
Unless GR00T changed his nickname after the movie came out, it seems s/he is someone who enjoyed the comics before the movie made them popular. A Marvel hipster? :D

But yeah, I also agree, judging P:T by other games in the same engine isn't really fair, as it isn't like those games at all. I wouldn't go anywhere as far as those who've said here that they actually enjoyed the combat of P:T, but combat is really not the main point of the game: I've always said it would've been better as an adventure game.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by babark
Interesting article, I find RPG's the most capturing and immersing game genre. :-)
babark: Unless GR00T changed his nickname after the movie came out, it seems s/he is someone who enjoyed the comics before the movie made them popular.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he changed it after the movie :D

babark: But yeah, I also agree, judging P:T by other games in the same engine isn't really fair, as it isn't like those games at all. I wouldn't go anywhere as far as those who've said here that they actually enjoyed the combat of P:T, but combat is really not the main point of the game: I've always said it would've been better as an adventure game.
It may well be fantastic past that opening stage, but I have so many games yet to play, I really don't feel like going back to this and forcing myself to "get to the good part". Not when there are so many good games I can enjoy from the get go.
Breja: No offence, but I find it hard to put much stock in the opinion of someone with a Guardians of the Galaxy avatar and username :D
Whatever. Take my advice or don't, makes zero difference to me.
Breja: DIablo 3? Dungueons of Dredmor? Torchlight 2?

This is supposed to be a joke, right?
tinyE: WTF is a 'dungueon'? :P
When I was in elementary school, I was reading a book on Greek mythology. I read a passage about Hercules until I ran into a section where Hercules was supposed to clean out the stables as one of his tasks. I had read "dung rose mountain high" and I had asked my dad what a "dung rose" was.

My mom and dad bantered over that a bit until my dad took the book and got more context. However, it was almost consensus that somewhere out there was a pretty, but stinky flower.
Breja: No offence, but I find it hard to put much stock in the opinion of someone with a Guardians of the Galaxy avatar and username :D
GR00T: Whatever. Take my advice or don't, makes zero difference to me.
0 + 0 * 0 - 0 = ?

Breja: That's very possible. I never got further than the very beginning. It starts of very slow and boring
GR00T: I had the same reaction but persevered. Once you get outside the starting area, it gets much, much better. Several orders of magnitude better. So if you ever decide to give it another go, just force yourself to get through the beginning. It's worth it.
I agree, some games are grueling like that. You actually have to work to get to the fun parts. I remember when I first played Elder Scrolls Arena and was thinking I was going to be fighting goblins in a dungeon over and over again, then when I finally made it out of the prison maze, I was giddy with excitement when I was walking around in a world which had villages and people! It was worth the minor bit of grind.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by JDelekto
Bloodlines 16th? hrmm... that's not right.

Mass Effect 2?!? The game Bioware took all the rpg out of? System Shock 2 and Deus Ex shouldn't be on there as much as gamers want to. Looks like I should get around to Knights of the Old Republic 2.

I would probably give it to Morrowind or Bloodlines. Isometric just isn't as immersive in my opinion.
bad_fur_day1: I would probably give it to Morrowind or Bloodlines. Isometric just isn't as immersive in my opinion.
That's kind of how I feel too, I do like the 3-D first-person perspective of a game, there's something about it which feels natural.

Isometric view of games is OK, but you see much more than you would normally, so it's like playing the game with ESP.

I don't know if I could play Morrowind from an isometric point of view and get the same experience.
Too many pseudo-RPGs in that list but whatever. I've been meaning to play Mask of the Betrayer expansion to NWN 2 as it's supposed to draw similarities from Planescape. The same with KOTOR 2.

I'm very glad to have played Arcanum, Fallout and Planescape at least.

Ultima 7 is another I would like to play. Probably should give it another go with Exult now that it seems relatively bug-free.
Some of the game in that list are not even real RPG.
Also... really? No the witcher 1 (that really is one of the best RPG), but instead the witcher 2 (that is just an ok action game)?

Also Deus Ex 1 place 8? after morrowind, after mass effect 2, after dark souls, after the witcher 3?
In my personal list Deus Ex 1 is at 1-2 place, but WTF, morrowind, mass effect2, dark souls and the witcher 3 are really one step back Deus Ex.
babark: Their criteria, as outlined on the first...slide??(I really hate these scrolling picture article lists) focused more on what games they found fun to play today, right now, that they could recommend to someone immediately, rather than games with historical significance. Which is why they might not include games like Daggerfall
They did include e.g. Ultima Underworld though. I'd say UUW had aged more than Daggerfall.

However, I presume they didn't add DF because they already had two other TES games listed there (Morrowind and Skyrim), so maybe it would have been a bit redundant. Maybe they wanted to select games from as many series as possible, so that one or two games would represent the whole series.

That's at least what I would have done!
JDelekto: Isometric view of games is OK, but you see much more than you would normally, so it's like playing the game with ESP.
I think isometric RPGs, as well as strategy games, usually restrict what you can see, ie. if something is around the corner or behind a door, you don't see it. It is hidden from you until one of your party members goes around the corner or opens the door.

I prefer party-based RPGs with the isometric view, as then you can control the party members independently. Party-based RPGs with first person view like Eye of the Beholder, Might&Magic 6-8, Wizardy Gold... They just seem a bit off, as if all your party members are tied together (Siamese quadruplets?) and one of you can't scout ahead.

That's what I did quite often in e.g. Baldur's Gate games and Icewind Dale, ie. I sent my thief character ahead to see if there was an ambush ahead, or to detect traps before other party members trigger them. That just doesn't seem to work the same way with first person view. Or, you might want to surround a single powerful enemy with you characters so that you can attack it from all sides, and make it harder for it do attack your whole party at the same time (like I did with one of those harder dragon battles in Baldur's Gate 2).

For single person RPGs first person view is ok I guess, but it seems to me they tend to be action/RPG hybrids mostly, like the TES series, System Shock 2 etc.

Also, with first person RPGs you tend to get lost more easily. If only the automap of Daggerfall wasn't so hard to use in those twisty dungeons...
Post edited December 20, 2015 by timppu
LiefLayer: Some of the game in that list are not even real RPG.
Also... really? No the witcher 1 (that really is one of the best RPG), but instead the witcher 2 (that is just an ok action game)?

Also Deus Ex 1 place 8? after morrowind, after mass effect 2, after dark souls, after the witcher 3?
In my personal list Deus Ex 1 is at 1-2 place, but WTF, morrowind, mass effect2, dark souls and the witcher 3 are really one step back Deus Ex.
Yep, some people over there seem not to know what an RPG is and what not. They don`t even have RPGs like Bloodwych, Dungeon Master or a game from the Bards Tale trilogy in that list!! C`mon, what did those guys smoke?