BlueMooner: As always, we have people bitching and complaining about gays, and Pride, and shoving their anti-gay homophobia down everybody's throats. Never complaining about all the heterosexuality shoved in our faces, or all the non-stop pandering to hets in every form of media, every minute of every day. Us having to see a million hets is "nothing", but you having to see one gay is simply beyond the pale, and completely "unfair" to you. How incredibly, staggeringly selfishly self-centered and bigoted.
Stop shoving your heterosexuality in our faces, stop pushing your het agenda into games and movies and books, stop flaunting your degeneracy in front of decent people and stop recruiting kids into your perversion. Stop acting like your unnatural desires are normal, and stop politicizing games when most of us just want to relax and not have to deal with your messaging forced down our throats.
You don't like even the
tiniest scrap of anything positive for gays?? Well you're going to have a terrible life, because gays are everywhere, they're not going to go away, and they're not going to spend their lives in the closet because of your disgusting bigotry. By ALL means, leave gog, leave steam... avoid any business that doesn't display the same hostility and bigotry that you feel. Keep all your hate and animus and malice in one place... far away from the rest of the civilized world.
Go back to whatever religious forum you crawled out of, where you can "hate da queers" all you want, and us moral folk don't have to see it.
There are plenty of non-religious people that do not accept homosexuality. On a larger scale, I'd say there is tolerance (which in itself is freedom from bigotry) towards homosexuality. Tolerance is a virtue I'm sure many possess. There can be tolerance without acceptance, but there is no acceptance without tolerance. Some will take that step further, others won't. This is nothing new or surprising.
All in all, your choice of words seems rather strange. You cannot expect tolerance, let alone acceptance, if that is your mindset. You refer to those that do not align with your ideology as bigots, but then you seem quite intolerant towards them. Why is that?
People won't go anywhere, not from GOG, not from Steam, not from any other place for that matter. They should be free to express themselves, preferably in a civil manner. What's more, they shouldn't be forced or indoctrinated into accepting something that does not fit their values or ideals in this life.
Something to ponder on: what in the West might be considered a right (by some), in other areas of the world it will be seen as a vice (or even worse). Yes, for some people homosexuality is not a natural act and it's not so much about religion as it is about biology - there wouldn't be evolution without reproduction. You'd be surprised to learn how certain cultures or individuals react to this.