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Become the Ultimate Vampire!

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is now available for pre-order, DRM-free.

Written by the creative mind behind the original Bloodlines, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 brings the ambitions of the first to life and sees the return of a few fan favorite characters.

Immerse yourself in the World of Darkness and live out your vampire fantasy in a city filled with intriguing characters that react to your choices. You and your unique disciplines are a weapon in our forward-driving, fast-moving, melee-focussed combat system. Your power will grow as you advance, but remember to uphold the Masquerade and guard your humanity... or face the consequences.
Well this is exciting news. Screenshots look cool.
Love the idea, passed the first one because it looks too dated. Happy to see new titles coming to GOG on release day.

But... a year in advance announcement, "Soon", preorders without ingame footage... come on. The whole industry is becoming this hype train engine, no matter which shop. Let's hope GOG is not infected.
Reglisse: First person view only... Cross my fingers for them to change their mind
(some quotes)

Key Facts about Bloodlines 2

Genre: Singleplayer RPG
Release: 1st quarter 2020, date shifts not excluded;
Currently, Bloodlines 2 is in pre-alpha.

Scope: Paradox speaks of 25 to 30 hours of playtime for the first run as a "reasonable completionist" who plays through the story and explores most corners of the game world, but does not turn over every single pebble.

Replayability: Paradox promises a high incentive for a second pass, because every decision, ability, and character value shall have consequences:
On available dialogue options, on possible scenes we can enter, and on the way NPCs deal with our character.

Technique: Vampires: Bloodlines 2 is based on the Unreal Engine 4 and does not look spectacular, but already pretty gloomy.

Modding: Bloodlines 2 will provide mod support, Paradox will offer directly to the release modding tools. "We want players to keep working on this great world," says Florian Schwarzer.

Ego Perspective: We play Bloodlines 2 exclusively in the first person view. The game will only switch into third-person-perspective, if we trigger in melee a special maneuver à la Roundhouse kick. Or, if we climb up somewhere.

More verticality: Speaking of climbing, this is now becoming more important: we walk up walls and pull ourselves up on protrusions and roof edges. "A vampire is a supernatural predator," says Florian Schwarzer, "an open window on the second floor is an invitation for him." This is also how we should move through the game world, roofs and courtyards become much more important.

Weapons: As in the predecessor, there is a smorgasbord of guns and firearms, which are now wearing out: At some point, every club and every gun breaks apart. The official rationale is that as a vampire we are just too strong for mortal weapons. Let's see how much that sucks later.

I hate wear and tear of weapons in's always unrealistically, and it always sucks.
Uh,okay...not so excited now...
Thanks for the translation.

Edit:And I really hate the thing with weapons T_T
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Reglisse
Awesome! And the DLC train... My dear Backlog, I used to be scared watching your growth. But now... I'm so happy you're here! Until I'm half way through it, Outer Worlds should be on gog and Bloodlines 2 have near complete version. And possibly PoE II will have definitive edition by then.

On the topic: Must be Malkavian or bust! I think I've seen on some Paradox promo page a creenshot indicating Tremere will be there. That's already half awesome!
Oh boy, hope it will be good...

...still... no pre-orders (until Cyberpunk... :P), or so my brain say, my heart wants it...
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Trid
Ambitious. Trying to make a sequel to an awesome game that has been polished and improved for years by a dedicated community ... the successor can only fall short of expectations.

Still, it might become a decent game. However, you should take note of the 'not actual gameplay' disclaimer at the start of the video. That means, what you see here are just render movies. I'll wait for release and the first slew of reviews. Let's see if they can fill those big shoes at least half-way.
So the secret is the game is 12 months away?
that what is/was shown in the trailer looks very generic and boring.
sorry, chris avalon or not, this is not a Pre-order for me.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by sucht

So is the "Blood Moon Edition" supposed to be the "Season of the Wolf" expansion pass? It's a little confusing?

Also I love it - GoG just releases a game and everyone is all like "Oh man I wish GoG communicated better - I just bought it on Steam"

They announce a huge AAA release of a sequel to a huge classic and people are like "Meh, year away *yawn* GoG overhypes again"

It's not like console games just drop on the shelf out of nowhere and everyone is like "Oh my God I had no clue Halo 7 was coming out today!" - sometimes you know a game is coming and have to like, wait.

Sorry, bit salty today ;)
Ixamyakxim: Sorry, bit salty today ;)
sometimes, a bit of Salt every now and then is very healthy, so just let it out err i mean take it in? i'm confused. :)
Post edited March 22, 2019 by sucht
low rated
Krogan32: So, at least 16 DLC's will be added to this game later. So toxic.
I hope so.

Paradox has a great DLC policy in which they release free updates and optional expansions. They've already confirmed an expansion and two story packs I think.

Why are you so mad about games constantly getting bug fixed and updated? People are just so strange.

Holy crap, this is so exciting.
Waiting for a in-game movie first before deciding
When did this become a thing? I thought I would've heard more about this going on before now! :o

I'll wishlist it for now and see how things go before purchasing. I'm quite excited to see this.
carneignis: I'd like to highlight the fact, that Valve and Steam were crucial to Troika's downfall. So, if pre-order at all - do it on GOG or elsewhere, but, for the sake of Blood - not on Steam! It's a rare case where I deliberately refuse to let it go.
Less Valve and more Activision because they hurried up for finally releasing and gaining money with it.
Troika told them it whas madness to release on same day as Valves Half Life 2 because everyone waited for it and they should wait and patch the game instead a bit longer.
Phasmid: But if I preorder today I save 27c from the fair price guarantee!

Seriously though, sixty bucks is pretty steep, and a year long preorder too. Happy the game is getting made since I loved VtMB, hope it turns out well, will only consider a preorder if it looks good closer to release.
Well it is the sequel to the game we waited so long. GoG is DRM free and you get in Austria 10,50€ back if you Pre-Order Blood Moon Edition until end of the Month so Shut up and take my Money!
Post edited March 22, 2019 by Korotan
Oh GOOD, GOG finally offers a game with a AAA style, ransom-based, pre-order spreadsheet.

$84 Australian for the base game and you can't even come at me with some clearly defined gameplay screenshots, let alone a trailer?

Gonna be a long wait-and-see for this one. Thought that whole all weapons wear out and break things sounds extremely offputting.
Post edited March 22, 2019 by ReynardFox