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An exciting JRPG, The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak, is coming soon on GOG – and you can now pre-order its amazing editions!

In The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak you take up the role of Van Arkride, a spriggan. He's a low-profile professional who takes on assignments from various clients, assuming roles of a detective, negotiator, or bounty hunter, without any allegiance. His existence will undergo a profound transformation when he accepts an unusual case that poses a grave threat to the entire nation. Immerse yourself in thrilling battles brought to life with stunning visuals, and tailor your gaming adventure in the land of Calvard with options like Story Mode and a high-speed game mode.

You can now pre-order:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Launch Edition
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Launch Deluxe Edition
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak Launch Ultimate Edition

Check them out!
SargonAelther: Already gobbled it up.
timppu: I'm trying to decipher what you guys are talking about...
Check this link.
Then check the "numbers" on my profile.

The conclusion is obvious. And you pretty much figured it out anyway.
Post edited 2 days ago by SargonAelther
Look, to those still bit in troubles with getting it: He is a high value and high number gamer and he is eating small numbers for breakfast.
Skimmed over the discussion and the good news is there are still few lucky good fellas having (or planning to) have all the time in the world to play games. Kudos!
Here we go...wishlisted!
Just wanted to say that if they still work and you're not going to sell them, at least try to see whether they could be donated somewhere, or post them on some freecycling or similar groups or sites. If nobody wants them in a reasonable amount of time, all right, but if someone does, they'll end up somewhere where they'll still be used, and reuse is always much better than recycle. Plus that all too often recycling, especially for electronics, means shipping them off to some third world country to enter an informal economy where most of the object is burned off in highly toxic ways just to get the easily accessible metals to actually recycle.

As for what whale means in this context, those who spend unusually large amounts of money on games. Typically used for those who pour huge amounts of money in in-game purchases in mobile games or MMOs.
GoG is not really the right place for those "microsells" and NIS is actually not even the record holder here, still top 3 or so in DLC prices, i guess. Microsells, however... have to look elsewhere... GoG users are really hating it.

Generally i rarely buy any DLC... rather stuff like addons, so i am not really the right person to ask "how it feels like", because in most cases i simply do not feel bothered with and rather will grind more. Maybe a few clothes DLC could be fun but those "cheat items" and those ugly accessories... i would not even bother buying it anymore. In the past i was trying to buy a "full version" as i simply enjoy this series, i like to collect complete stuff (who doesnt?), feel like supporting it so HOPEFULLY GoG will always get those releases. Still, since the release of Reverie, and after a lot of thoughts regarding the situation and the just "bad value", i came to the conclusion that it could even cause more damage than "real support", in the long term, if someone is letting themself becoming robbed by NIS. In order to understand this issue, i had to closely bring up the "regional pricing issue" and that a price is never fixed, but instead... it purely is speculation related to "what seems to work best for a publisher" and it is surely almost never fair. There is no room for those "moral views" in the current economy which is simply based on gaining advantage and hard competition.

UItimately, i think in the long term it is better not to pay overpriced stuff in order to support the ones "who can barely afford it" even better... trying to be here for everyone and not supporting a artificially boosted "elitism" on a thing... digital data... that could be produced in a near endless quantity; unlike a gold ingot or a car... which got some limitations.

There is simply some "false sense of rarity" and i think, software and gaming can be here for almost anyone, not just for those who could as well afford a shiny new car (which is maybe... every third adult human or even less than that, probably a minority in most countries).

In a perfect world... everyone could simply get access to a "huge world archive" and the coins may not even play a role because the people may not create a piece of art out of "gaining an economical advantage or simply for raw survival, but rather because they REALLY want to do it with their entire heart and brain"... so i find the economy actually defective and not serving the human to well... because coins should serve the humans, not the other way around. Just my own "idealistic ideas" but i know... the big mass can not adapt to it because, since childhood... they was living with a complete different mentality... and their whole world was build in "becoming rewarded for being able to overwhelm others". A pretty short term view... which can, at some point, cut the valuable connection with each others as we are growing selfish and narcissistic.
Post edited 2 days ago by Xeshra
SargonAelther: Check this link.
And there I thought we were talking about Brendan Fraser. =P
Xeshra: Maybe someone should develop better Swimsuits as a mod for free... this would be a mental breakdown for NIS. We can be glad no one is doing it because... either they fear the consequences or there is simply no one doing this effort for a niche game.

Indeed, NIS is kinda abusing the fanbase by this rather cheap "development". A fan usually want all the bells and whistles, no matter "how useless"... some collectors-DNA they barely can get ride off. I still say again, just not worth it people... if someone is not having way to much coins to spare... hold yourself back, so NIS is either reducing prices or in the future hopefully offering a "better value".

Yes i want to support this game/series and GoG too but NOT this robbery DLC practice with stuff of low value.

Still, the price increase Standard vs. Deluxe Edition is somewhat bearable to me, but not the increase Deluxe vs. Ultimate Edition, with a Edition simply not Ultimate at all and the only changes are cheat-items and a accessory-set.

Normal: 65.99
Deluxe: 89.89 (+23.90)
Ultimate: 130.99 (+41.10)

Compared to the Normal version, yes, the Ultimate version is about 2 times more and... to me, not worth it, thats clear.

Besides: At some point the goodies of "Trails into Reverie" got removed from GoG, so it can not be downloaded anymore, from the account.

Affected items:

-Art Book and Mini Art Book
-Digital Novel
-Soundtrack sampler

No statement from GoG or simply evasive statement, as the decision is solely the publishers thing, GoG does not bother to interfere at all.

Of course, it is removed everywhere... even for the people who was buying it at launch. Well, this is NIS, not Nicholas...
What it means... "version upgrades, i would be careful about", but the game itself surely is totally worth it.
Just to clear this up. This happened to me and even the launch goodies from Nayuta got removed for me. What i did was ,i contacted gog support, told them what happened an voila a week later i had them back again and they are still here to this day. Sometimes some things go wrong. We are all humans, we make mistakes. So everybody who is still missing their content just contact gog support, be nice and respectfull, patient and you will get back the stuff you paid for ;)
Those who experience stuff that is "suddenly disappearing" or perhaps "no discount" or what else, those are "only human" too, so they may not always "ask nice", yet they still got a legitimate request.

The entire issue is sill not very clear because there was in fact "launch only items" people was only able to get at launch, but those items, if they has been added at all... should stay there. Yet you see... it was happening to many people and some people apparently did not get their stuff back, even after contacting support, for whatever reason. Maybe they got it back by now... may have to investigate.

Still good to know it is apparently a GoG failure and not done by NIS. In general items are not being removed on purpose, in general, unless GoG was detecting some sort of "fraud" (with unknown source of failure... a key is not a failure, it is a feature).
Post edited 16 hours ago by Xeshra
Xeshra: Maybe someone should develop better Swimsuits as a mod for free... this would be a mental breakdown for NIS. We can be glad no one is doing it because... either they fear the consequences or there is simply no one doing this effort for a niche game.

Indeed, NIS is kinda abusing the fanbase by this rather cheap "development". A fan usually want all the bells and whistles, no matter "how useless"... some collectors-DNA they barely can get ride off. I still say again, just not worth it people... if someone is not having way to much coins to spare... hold yourself back, so NIS is either reducing prices or in the future hopefully offering a "better value".

Yes i want to support this game/series and GoG too but NOT this robbery DLC practice with stuff of low value.

Still, the price increase Standard vs. Deluxe Edition is somewhat bearable to me, but not the increase Deluxe vs. Ultimate Edition, with a Edition simply not Ultimate at all and the only changes are cheat-items and a accessory-set.

Normal: 65.99
Deluxe: 89.89 (+23.90)
Ultimate: 130.99 (+41.10)

Compared to the Normal version, yes, the Ultimate version is about 2 times more and... to me, not worth it, thats clear.

Besides: At some point the goodies of "Trails into Reverie" got removed from GoG, so it can not be downloaded anymore, from the account.

Affected items:

-Art Book and Mini Art Book
-Digital Novel
-Soundtrack sampler

No statement from GoG or simply evasive statement, as the decision is solely the publishers thing, GoG does not bother to interfere at all.

Of course, it is removed everywhere... even for the people who was buying it at launch. Well, this is NIS, not Nicholas...
What it means... "version upgrades, i would be careful about", but the game itself surely is totally worth it.
GutsSerk: Just to clear this up. This happened to me and even the launch goodies from Nayuta got removed for me. What i did was ,i contacted gog support, told them what happened an voila a week later i had them back again and they are still here to this day. Sometimes some things go wrong. We are all humans, we make mistakes. So everybody who is still missing their content just contact gog support, be nice and respectfull, patient and you will get back the stuff you paid for ;)
Same for me, and I think Sargon too, items from launch week disappeared, but after contacting support that was fixed, it didn't happen to me with Nayuta.
Hoping it doesn't happen now with this, but if it does I'll recommend contacting support as fast as possible.