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Title: Martha is Dead
Genre: Adventure
Planned release date: 24th February 2022
Discount: The Town Of Light game is added to this pre-order until the premiere of Martha is Dead
low rated
bluethief: It did, and there were articles saying that inside the company there were factions, where one wanted Zack to make more movies, and the other to move in a different direction.

Zack himself seemed to hint at various interviews that we would not be back for more.
I don't blame him. Giving him a chance (and the money) to at least make the his cut of JL was huge, but overall working with WB on those comic book movies with suits breathing down his neck, trying to force a more Marvel-like universe at every turn must have been rough for a guy like Zack who, love him or hate him, has a very distinct vision and style and wants to do his thing and not be just a hack for hire.

Apparently he is now working on a movie that started as his pitch for Star Wars, but got rejected so he's making it into a whole new thing, kinda like it went with Riddick and the Alien franchise, and he's probably happiest starting his own new thing.

bluethief: It is rumoured that the upcoming Flash movie will reboot things, erasing Zack Snyder continuity. Also, there are rumours floating around that Henry Cavill will not return as Superman, and will be replaced by someone else.
I think the latest was that HBO was working on a tv series (mini series?) with a different actor, and Cavill is still, at least officially, the big screen Superman. I hope that's true. He is a way bigger name now than when he started as Supes, so they probably want to keep him, same as they are keeping Momoa as Aquaman and Gadot as Wonder Woman.
Post edited January 11, 2022 by Breja
I bought Town of Light during Christmas sale. The game is still bugged, there are soft-locks and it is badly optimised.

Steam customers reported the same problems for the demo of Martha is Dead. A developer said that the performance and optimisation of the final game will be far and away ahead of where it was in this particular early build

Thanks to KLA using Unity to develop their games, which in part explains the rather poor performance, high GPU usage and whatever else has been reported but never fixed, ultimately has me giving Martha a pass. If at all i will get it during one of the future GOG sales with a discount of %60~90.
Martha is dead?!
RIP Martha

also, solid low effort post again lol :D
Mori_Yuki: I bought Town of Light during Christmas sale. The game is still bugged, there are soft-locks and it is badly optimised.

Steam customers reported the same problems for the demo of Martha is Dead. A developer said that the performance and optimisation of the final game will be far and away ahead of where it was in this particular early build

Thanks to KLA using Unity to develop their games, which in part explains the rather poor performance, high GPU usage and whatever else has been reported but never fixed, ultimately has me giving Martha a pass. If at all i will get it during one of the future GOG sales with a discount of %60~90.
Oh shit, an idiot over-ambitious dev that doesn't know how to develop for Unity while shitting out yet another unity title with shit performance, thanks for the info! ⇐(Sorry, I was a bit harsh as they learned their lesson and are trying to right their past mistakes!)

I already wasted money on shitty performing unity games, and virtually NO under-performing URE developed ones, shitty developed unity games are usually a deal-breaker for me, but I still may snag this title depending on the performance of the new title, thank fuck for Gog's generous refund policy!
Post edited January 12, 2022 by TZODnmr2k5
wolfsite: These bare bone new posts are rather odd.
It doesn't do much to inform or inspire.

Heard good things about their first game (, so we'll see how this pans out.

*I just clocked this is a new idea why, it takes a few moments to write something and inform forum users! Hopefully they see sense and change
Post edited January 11, 2022 by Linko64
Has anyone connected the dots as to why bare bones descriptions are all of a sudden now a thing?
TheCleaner517: Has anyone connected the dots as to why bare bones descriptions are all of a sudden now a thing?
Maybe one of their 3 employees is sick and the others can't keep up with the work flow.

Maybe if they finally dropped the Warsaw requirement they could get new people... just suggesting.
TheCleaner517: Has anyone connected the dots as to why bare bones descriptions are all of a sudden now a thing?
gOg have basicaly given up by now, and just can't be bothered anymore.

or they may still have an hangover since the new years party.
How is a game called Martha Is Dead not a Batman origin game. Leaving disappointed.
TheCleaner517: Has anyone connected the dots as to why bare bones descriptions are all of a sudden now a thing?
Apparently they are "simply testing a new template".
Also, why "Believe me!", not "Save me!"? (as in SOS)

Unashamedly authentic voice acting in Italian
The first Indie game to launch using the native Italian language as the default setting – for full immersion into the story and the characters.
TZODnmr2k5: Italians always have stellar voice-work, I'm debating whether to pre-order or not as I'm such a franchise hoarder; plus, I love the walking sim genre!

Sono già pronto per divertirmi con questa affascinante storia! Inoltre, NIENTE ZOMBIE!
Cool, as long as we can chose separate subtitles independently and rebind controls.

Can we?
I don't understand : Why is it so expensive if it was co - founded by the EU ?
low rated
TheCleaner517: Has anyone connected the dots as to why bare bones descriptions are all of a sudden now a thing?
I suspect it's a cost-cutting measure, similar to their new support chat bot that is meant to weed out people from talking to an actual human GOG support staff.