Magic_Of_Light: The 6300 will do you just fine for now. As long as you arent playing any cpu bound games. I was able to play dying light and shadow of mordor on it. You may have to lower a couple settings for it, but it should be fine for now.
Thank God.
Like I said before, I don't really mind lowering settings, I don't even mind capping my FPS at 30 for some games.
Magic_Of_Light: I highly recommend you check out the thermaltake overseer on newegg though man. Its a full/mid tower case, has 200mm fans "up to 4" plus 120mm bottom intake and 140mm rear exaust. My friend got his for i think 60-70 when it was on sale with a rebate.
From what I can tell at a glance, newegg doesn't even ship to Germany, though.
Magic_Of_Light: I can help you build a pc to do what you need it to do for the price point you have set. Add me if you want, i have helped like 3 people build their pcs through steam. I have an abundance of time to help you find the right parts if you need.
Heh. You build me a PC for 200€, I'll bake you a cake.
Kleetus: Why do you want to replace the current card, a 7770 should be able to play most games with adjusted settings (I haven't read all the posts, if you've already answered that)?
Aside from gradually upgrading stuff over time to very slowly catch up with current technology, so I'll be able to play current gen games in about five years or so, there's the possibility that the 7770 or a combination of my hardware components is causing rare mysterious blue screens.