silvrbacgorrila: Yeah just as an FYI this user stalks these free giveaway threads and then PM's the gifter with several account so that he (or she) can get all the keys and then Im sure he (or she) attempts to make a profit or does something shady with them. Sorry guys I learned my lesson. Next time I'll only give keys to people who post publicly with decent rep seem trustworthy. Lol guess I found out why rep is such a big deal. It really is a useful tool in determining who is trustworthy and who isn't. Once again I learned the hard way but at least I learned something. My next batch of unwanted code WILL go to people who deserve them! :)
I almost got scammed a few days ago myself! It was only the warnings from nice people in this thread that kept me from getting duped. The games they got from you weren't super-valuable, though, so it's not as bad as it could be. Plus, if they haven't sold them yet, you could always screw them over by redeeming all the keys on a secondary Steam account!