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Dear GOGers.

The thread on Time's article on VR had a link to this beautiful gem:

amazing cover. What is also amazing is the preview for the game Prey. An answer to Quake. Whatever they showed in that magazine had nothing to do with the game we actually got over a decade later.

So I ask you a question:

Do any of you enjoy revisiting old articles, reviews, previews and news from old computer magazines? To read how people are excited about upcoming Master of Orion 3 or how that newbie startup is making niche title Half-Life something?
i got a stack of official sega saturn and computer and video games magazines from the mid to late 90's
i still read them from tims to time

ossm mostly because of the sarcasm in the articles and the letters
Everyday I kick myself and those around me that I got rid of all of my old Amiga magazines. I certainly is interesting to go back and look at up and coming gaming developments with the benefit of hindsight. Personally, I'd love to read more about the doomed Sony/Nintendo agreement.
I used to browse the CGW archives a bit. It was fun to go back and read reviews of games from the early 80s, Scorpia's columns. When I was a kid I used to read a magazine called Electronic Games (not the EGM most people think of).
Everything was better back in the day.. sigh.
All I remember about the old Prey was that they had 'realistic' climbable ropes and a (probably also 'realistic') flashlight.
I've got a collection of PC Gamer (US version) issues from about 1996 to 2006. When I was younger I had a ton of Compute Gazette and Info issues, but I've no idea what happened to them. :(
I still remember those CD-roms, I use to have some gold anniversary copy with like a bunch of games inside including I believe with a copy of Terror from the Deep......
drewpants: Everyday I kick myself and those around me that I got rid of all of my old Amiga magazines. I certainly is interesting to go back and look at up and coming gaming developments with the benefit of hindsight. Personally, I'd love to read more about the doomed Sony/Nintendo agreement.
Am with you there, I had a whole collection of Spectrum mags, cover tapes, not to mention all the actual spectrum games on tapes. Got rid of it all when I moved many years ago. Can still see that lovely boxed Collectors Dizzy set staring back at me in the dark depths of the night :o(
I had every issue of PC Accelerator, and then I lost 'em all while moving. That was a major regret, they had tons of hilarious articles that I liked to re-read, like testing racing games while drunk, a doctor's analysis on what would really happen to a victim in games like Carmageddon and Quake, and coming up with controversial game ideas like a terrorism game and 'Escape From Phil Hartman's Wife'.
lukaszthegreat: Dear GOGers.

The thread on Time's article on VR had a link to this beautiful gem:
amazing cover.
I especially like the "Virtual Reality - What's behind the hype?" - headline.
When was this written - 1995 / 1996?

And the hype's still going on.
Not quite that old of anything but I own some Nintendo Power from back in 06, I do own one form 05 but the rest of them from that year are lost. Sometimes I pop them out and think of the more or less better times. I stopped getting them all that regularly when Future US took over. They made them so poorly they aren't even wrinkled at all but they still fall apart.
Absolutely! I like reading old video game magazines. And I'm a proud owner of the PC Gamer issue with the cover of VR! :) Some of the old issues of PC Gamer are not bad at all.
I enjoy revisiting old magazines, I just rarely do it. I probably wouldn't enjoy reading PC Gamer any more than I did at the time, but I would likely still enjoy reading a Cindy Yans article in an old issue of Computer Games / Strategy Plus.
I loved the smell of fresh DVD release.
I remember after buying these magazine I used to smell their pages and DVDs.
Once a magazine provided Dual Layer DVD having all big freeware and shareware games.
I backed up that DVD once every 4-6 months for 3 years.
After that I used it as catalog and downloaded updated version of those games.
One of the gem I remember iis Comix Zone.
I still hope some day GOG will bring Comix Zone here!
The magazine i was buying the most,was the greek version of gamepro,along with a few others.Rarely do i shuffle through them now,to see the 'newest' releases for ps1 and saturn,check out the preview for dark cloud 2 and look at the 9/10 for fire emblem,making me feel vindicated about my purchase.Let's not forget the strategy guides,which were invaluable for the time.I still remember that i threw away 3 magazines with a full final fantasy 7 guide,'cause i was too small to appreciate it..sigh
Favorite feature?The demo cds of course,which are loooong gone,sadly.Getting a small taste of games like,soul reaver,star ocean 2,rollcage,ape escape etc etc leaving you craving for more.Also,instead of demo cds,the magazines had anime movies or series:Hellsing,evangelion,final fantasy unlimited(sniff).
One of my favorite magazines has to be Retro Gamer,initially was buying it as training for my english,it wasn't really for my age group.It wasn't just about ancient(for me) games though,it contained new games coverage as well,along with:Developer stories,franchise history,console history and other interesting bits.
It's funny though,thinking about it,those magazines are of no value today....but still,i don't want to just throw them away,nostalgia i guess.One of the lines that has stuck in my head through the years was from a divine divinity review. ''Divine saying,cheese cheeseburger''.