Posted August 17, 2019

Edit: With that classification of consumable items, who here actually uses items in category 2, and who just hoards them?
I have a habit of hoarding consumables just incase I needed them in case the game throws a rediculously unbalanced challenge at you. More often than not, I found I didn't need to hoard items but there were a few games when it was needed. The way I beat Ruby weapon in Final Fantasy 7 was constantly hit him with a stockpile of dazers with releasing an unrelentling string of the ???? enemy skill. I think I used about 120 -130 dazers but I can't remember, it was definately over 100 though.
As for the category 2 items mentioned in your last post, I do use those items when I know the game. For example, I use a protection from undead scroll in Baldur's Gate 2 to take out the lich in Watchers Keep without any fuss. While this is cheesy is still a justifiable way to deal with the lich's cheesier imprison spell. The same goes for using a scroll of magic protection on Isair in Icewind Dale 2, he falls so quickly when you do that.