Jordan95: Does anyone else have this problem with games? I struggle to enjoy them now due to having to obsessively explore every corner and check everything for loot. I never used to be like this.
Being a completionist i like to collect all the items, but games are taking it too far these days, Fallout series for example, why the fuck is every desk drawer lootable, with most of it being absolute crap. The kicker is sometimes they have stuff in you may want, so end up checking them to be sure.
Tauto: It's all part of the game that makes it interesting. Especially finding ALL the secrets and hidden places.What would be the point besides, extremely boring just to go through a game without these searches. Sounds, like you aren't a ridgy didge gamer:)
Yeah that was fun, back in the days of Zelda LTTP or Alundra, but these days 70% of the stuff is utter pointless crap.
It's just a timesink because they are too lazy to put anything worthwhile in.