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In order to make sure people have something from me given I've again not had a post out last night, I present the fragmented thoughts of QuadrAlien (started off trying to say something about each post since my last, but didn't have time for all this morning):

#719: Ixamyakxim: Slightly whiny, but may have a point.
#720: RWarehall: ...Actually had a thought on the not-blowing-up thing from Trent, but it is counter-productive to go ahead and say it.
#721: Stanari: Wait. Didn't Ix eventually give Bler the answer he wanted? (see #736)
#722: Trentonlf I'm helping! :D
#724: bler144: It was 8 in the morning! It was not quite time for the rum yet! :P
#725: Brasas: Thought Flubb was cult leader last, but I think I missed the mini-game.
#726: bler144: Oh, so you have the plan now? Good. :P
#727: Ixamyakxim: Irrelevant.
#736: Lifhrasil: (see #721) Or wait, was that Lift? Dammit. Now I need to go back and look again later.
#751: Ixamyakxim: I take offense to this "Quad's actually done something, he's scum!", though in fairness I could see it as a scum attack. In any case:
#753: ...(sighs deeply)...
#755: Er... Somewhere past my vote for him, before the dentist's, I think.
#756: (continuing from #755) Thank you.
#758: I'm going to be honest. There is a thin line between "absurd enough that it must be Scum" and "absurd enough that it must be Town". In this case, I'm going with Town for now.
#790: Trentonlf: is being Trentonlf, which given my comment on #720 comes as something of a relief. :)
#796: Yogsloth: *smacks in face* Get a hold of yourself, man!

Now, back to work.
Current state of thoughts.

Agent seemed scummy. Voted agent. Agent requested a replacement. RWareHall is catching up.
Ixam seemed scummy. Voted Ixam. Ixam claimed. <sigh> A bit premature, but probably true. Off the table for Today.
Docbear seemed possibly scummy. Docbear requested replacement. This felt all sorts of scummy but babark deserves a chance. Off the table for now.

I can't decide if Lift's push on Stanari is sincere or opportunistic.
yogs/Stanari/Lift - someone here is likely scum, any of you want to fess up? It would sure save some time ;-)

Would love to see more from Quad, Tammy, Nacho, Dragon. The latter three have contributed when present. Quad just posted, but still not sure he said much - too much work to trace the comments to the posts.

@Quad - do you have an opinion on anyone other than docbear? (I think someone asked this earlier)

Unvote Emma (Ix)
Brasas: So you see the mess he's causing but don't like the wagon? How sure are you he is town heh Lift?
Not at all, of course. There is no way to be sure of anybodies alignment but one's own. But I didn't write that I was sure, just that I don't see myself lynching bler today. ... HijacK once accused me of mistaking quantity for towniness. Maybe that's true. And maybe my general tastes for game participation interfere here with my reading ability. I prefer to play with players who actually play - and not those who hide in the shadows and lurk. Of course scum can hide behind spamming too. But just the fact that someone is enthusiastic doesn't make him scum. So I won't lynch someone for spamming. Not as long as there are more suspicious players around, in any case.

But speaking of spamming and lurking: I will be gone over the weekend. I'm travelling and probably will not have internet.
bler144: snip
Brasas: This is a goldmine. Let's just number them:
1 Heh
2 Also conveniently your scum M.O.
3 Wrong
4 Some
5 Scum | Wolves | Nasty McPants team
6 What question? Even under attack you are distracting from the fact you're under attack!
7 I don't do Russian

TL:DR too many false positives, too much driving going nowhere.
Well. That was nice and non-descriptive. Especially your reply to point 3; what was "wrong"? Your point 5 reply was only a little less egregious, being an overly broad rebuttal that doesn't actually provide any sort of answer to the question.


On Sunday, Yog kinda sorta promised more content. I'm sad that I've not seen any attempt to fulfill said promise.

Hopefully Nacho comes through on his offer to get back in and provide some more content.

I'd be fine lynching either of these two guys, at the moment.

On the scale of Hit and Miss, DragonSushi's posting is mostly a Miss for me.
Brasas: ...
How sure am I that bler is town? Sure enough that I will not vote him today. I know the feeling of seeing someone so town that you think they are scum (RW was the last that did it to me and he was scum), but I'm not getting that vibe from bler. If he is scum I'm fooled as of right now.
Bookwyrm627: Well. That was nice and non-descriptive. Especially your reply to point 3; what was "wrong"? Your point 5 reply was only a little less egregious, being an overly broad rebuttal that doesn't actually provide any sort of answer to the question.
Nicely enough 3 and 5 go together.

He is wrong that "distraction suggests there's a particular person or wagon [he's] covering for and trying to stop from building." as what I see scummy of him is not any specific interaction with a specific wagon / player, but rather the overall flip floping, shade all around, unfocused to and fro which only helps scum. It's particularly amazing how he is right under our noses saying he knows this approach is unhelpful and just does it anyway. Again, and again.

I'm sorry to push this way, but you're all too familiar with him to see it I guess.
October 21, 1696 -

The days drag on in Oakwood Village. The villagers grow more and more restless. Frustration, fear, and anger grip each member of the group to varying degrees at different times, and, while some are able to keep on the semblance of some sort of good nature, it's obvious that the situation wears on them all and that they really want to figure out what course of action to take. The problem is no one can figure out a course of action that even half the total of them can agree upon. It's soon to be a week from a month from the brutal slaughtering of Julie Ives, and they feel no more closer to a resolution than they did one week into being here on their own.

What happened to Julie? Was it a simple pack of rabid wolves or something more sinister? Werewolves? Evil witches? A crazed-killer among the villagers? Mutant cy-bears from the future? All of the above?! Perhaps they will figure it out. Perhaps there will be another attack and they'll be able to figure out more or more will be revealed by whatever happens. Perhaps the threat is gone and they should send word to Nashua and the rest of the community that all is well and to return.

The are all gathered at the community home and discuss the situation together.
Post edited September 17, 2016 by drealmer7
gone for several hours

no votecount until I get back, just how it goes
Brasas: I'm sorry to push this way, but you're all too familiar with him to see it I guess.
Sounds like you're saying we'd be better off basically ignoring his posts, since they are just noise. Does this sound about accurate?
Dessimu: Now we really can be certain of lurkers to be taken care of, so QuadrAlien falls into that department and vote shall not be wasted on him.

Don't know about what others think but lx can be as much of a distraction as a really helping hand if town. Simply take the last game where I had to kill myself to make him believe. Thank the gods he was confirmed town at that moment. Otherwise I would have voted him in the blink of an eye.

Also, lx has a small to average tendency to go into wild theories later in the game if we (as a group of all players) get stuck with inabillity to make a decision. That only adds to confusion and makes lx always look more scummy regardless of the alignment.

Based on my personal experience, lx's behavior and fact that his wagon would something to talk about, I feel perfectly fine voting him.

Vote: lxamyakxim


So that is one player I see of voting. Another player makes my eyebrows dance a bit and I am having second thoughts about one of the newcomers. Nothing concrete to share though, so until I gather facts to support my feelings, that will be that.
So is the weird responses to bler the norma for lx (i.e. where he claimed Bler's attack was just making everyone think they were buddies even thought that makes no sense whatsoever with what's going on in the game)?

i'll be catching up in full this morning :)
Apparently my post didn't post. Doesn't look like it should be the new page bug, either. Lets try again.

TammyTown: So is the weird responses to bler the norma for lx (i.e. where he claimed Bler's attack was just making everyone think they were buddies even thought that makes no sense whatsoever with what's going on in the game)?
I have no idea where Ixam's "they'll think we're scum buddies!" or whatever came from. I've seen some pretty wild thoughts from him, however.

In one game, where he was a mafia member that needed to be recruited (there were two different mafia godfather/recruiters in that game, though I don't think he knew that part), he made an open admission to being scum in an attempt to rally what he thought were the hordes of scum against the small town.

In an all mafia game, he was openly suspicious in his scum chat QT about one of his scum buddies possibly playing for a different team. Everyone was mafia, but no one was a hidden traitor to their team.

TammyTown: i'll be catching up in full this morning :)
I hope you're better at fulfilling that plan than certain other players have been. >.>
Bookwyrm627: Actually, I'm Town Bulletproof Berserker Cop Mason. With a couple of Vig shots. Don't tell anyone. ;)
Lifthrasil: Are you sure you didn't forget Arsonist in that list?

TammyTown: While I don't do ordered lists myself, I never have I probably never will my mind doesn't work or see Mafia that way, I don't understand the argument that doing so makes a roadmap that makes it easier for scum. It's a pretty naive assumption to think Mafia works that way.
Lifthrasil: Well, in my experience it does. At least when I was scum that was part of the nightly discussions: Player X is seen as town by most others and is therefore impossible to push to lynch. So we have to nightkill him sooner or later. Players Y and Z, however, are mistrusted by many, so we probably can get a lynch train on one of them going. Let's keep them around. And if everyone makes an ordered list, this evaluation whom to nightkill and whom to keep around gets much easier for scum. At least, if I were scum I would love to have such a list. Which is why I refuse to give it to them. Maybe I was too naive when playing scum and maybe I am too naive now. But I see ordered lists as more helpful to scum than to town.

... not through the new posts yet. Gotta run. Be back later.
I don't want to spend time discussing theory, but of course those are discussion that mafia have when deciding whom to kill. That doesn't mean that lists provide that roadmap because unless the mafia team is extremely weak there are going to be other factors to it - Nacho mentioned this already. You can tell who is town read and trusted without lists, and I've never seen a scum team/never been on one that goes let's get the lists and use that to decide who to kill.

DragonSushi: Honestly, gotta decide between Trent and Stanari. Unlikely w/w.

Gonna go with Stanari

Vote: Stanari
Why are you limiting it to those two?


Heh Wyrm - With the exception of a lunch break I'll be taking soon, I'll be firmly entrenched at my computer grading and focusing this game for the next couple hours. :)
TammyTown: Heh Wyrm - With the exception of a lunch break I'll be taking soon, I'll be firmly entrenched at my computer grading and focusing this game for the next couple hours. :)

I choose to read the last part of that sentence as " my computer grading the game and focusing on this game..."

I hope we get an A+!
TammyTown: snip
On Ix, I agree with wyrm that he can be...reckless. That said, I just don't get the upside if he's non-town of claiming the 'compulsive.' It leaves him on the table for policy kill later, so why invent it in if it's not there? Why include it if it is there?

Not a role claim, but there are a few things in my PM that are potential policy-lynch bait (for another day) as well. So I'm kinda inclined to believe another town player could have something similar, and really just don't see the payoff into Ix claiming that piece if he's not town and trying to share info. It might not even show if role copped, e.g.

If he's not town, it upped his risk and even if I don't understand everything he does, I just ...that one's a bridge too far for me. I think.

Brasas: snip
Responding to a few things from both posts:

1) I apologized to LIft and Doc because we've had several games boil over into personal attacks. I just want it to be clear I'm trying to attack their arguments, and not them personally. I'm not muddying anything in terms of the question, just trying not to be an actual dick about things or have someone take it personally.

2) FWIW, in general I'm willing to see all sides. I threw early shade at cristi on purpose, yes, and she responded admirably. Have you seen me throw shade at her sense? No, pretty sure I've had her as lock town. I don't recall throwing shade at you. The "you aren't who I thought you were" was me realizing you weren't on the same page, but that's not alignment indicative. Other than the "WTF" is wyrm doing, I haven't thrown shade at wyrm. Or at Trent.

3) How does one "distract" from the fact that one is under attack? Especially if the basis for that attack is that you're all over the place doing weird shit. I marched on, commenting on my re-read of Lift's town games, and trolled yogs. Pretty much doing the things you'd accused me of. So is that distraction, or is that just me not caring? If anything I've continued to give you more evidence for your theory.

FWIW, if there are flips my understanding is that I will flip town. So you can criticize my game in the post-game if you like. But here you're quite wrong.

In general, I agree, my style can be problematic. It tends to work ...moderately well in early game but can be a liability for town in late game. So there will come a point at which I should be on the table unless lock-town, but D1 is just not that day.

Similar to Wyrm's comment, if you don't find my analysis/thoughts helpful, no one can make you read them.

As for the "too many false positives" I'm not entirely sure what you mean there, but if you mean that, by pushing almost everyone, most of my pushing will end up being on townies, that's true in the aggregate (collectively within 1 game, or in the aggregate across multiple) whether one pushes a single player or all the players. Lift's voting record in the Academy game, for example was: Town Cop, Town Doctor, Vanilla.

I considered posting that last night because it was amusing, but a) it wasn't particularly fair, and b) there was some irony to it considering that I, at least to appearances, started this game on some sort of town PR. I post it now to highlight what you presumably know, which is that town v. town is just going to happen. A lot. Whether you spread it out or embrace it all at once.

Now, certainly, you may find my style distracting, but my intent is not to distract, but to pull things out and chew on them. Pick the ones you like and ignore the rest. Which is kinda what trent implied earlier he does with my posts.

And yes, the vast majority will be on town. But chewing on 1 thing doesn't change those odds. If your M.O. is that you spend all your time on 2 players, for example, in the majority of games (56%) they'll both be town.

If you want to accuse me of "being distracting" that's one thing. Can't really deny that. If you want to accuse me of "distracting" then you'd dang well better have an idea who I'm employing that on behalf of. Imo. You are, of course, free to disagree.

Anyway, had to rush through this - eating breakfast and have to get out the door and on the road.

Off all day. Have fun!
Bookwyrm627: Does this sound about accurate?
I'm being quite clear I see it as scummy? No?