BlackMageJ: I've got a PS3 Navigation controller hooked up to my PC, and it's brilliant. Having an analogue stick and a few buttons that can be held in one hand while the other operates the mouse should be a superb setup for lots of game, but sadly very few properly support 'gamepad' and 'mouse' at the same time.
So I'm starting the campaign now- developers, stop making your games switch between 'gamepad mode' and 'keyboard/mouse mode' and cancelling input from one whenever I use the other. Let me mix and match as I see fit, and get the best of both control methods.
Totally agreed! I am a die hard long time PC gamer. I had some consoles in the 1980s and an NES still in use into the early 90s but after that I moved completely to the PC for gaming and have never looked back. Everyone has their own favourite controller(s) and that's very much an individual preference thing. For me, my primary controller is and always will be a PC keyboard and mouse by default for every game. Having said that, there are some games that play better with a game controller of some sort also, and so I do own 2 Logitech gamepads, an F310 and a Cordless Rumblepad 2. The only time I use the gamepads is if a given game feels klunky on the keyboard and only uses a few keys for things so it would map well onto a gamepad. I might try the game with the gamepad and if it feels good then I'll use it, but it is rare that I end up playing games where the gamepad is the better controller. Usually they're game genres that I'm not super big on, such as platformers or other games that could have existed on an NES for example.
So, while I'm pretty huge on the keyboard+mouse I do have the gamepads on hand in case I want to try them out with a game, and the gamepad is usually plugged into a USB port like the rest of the things that I
might want to
choose at my own free will - or not to use. Some games however will detect you have a gamepad connected and do a "OMFG! He's a console gamer because he owns a gamepad and it is plugged in! Lets completely disconnect the mouse and keyboard now and just assume he only ever wants to use the gamepad from now on!" and you're trying to navigate the game's menu or whatever with the keyboard and it doesn't friggen work. WTF! That is the stupidest user interface design ever. There's NO good reason to force the user to choose one controller over the other, nor to make the choice for them like that. The proof is that there are games that do not do that, and work with both simultaneously no problem, so there's no technical reason that they must do this bad behaviour of enabling the gamepad as the primary control mechanism by default.
What's even worse though, is games that not only detect the gamepad and make it the primary controller, but they make it the ONLY OPTION if it is even plugged in. In other words, the only way to use the keyboard is to completely exit the game, unplug your gamepad then start the game again. That
drives me NUTS. It's just bad or lazy programming, probably the game either being written by or ported by developers that are game console developers and not actual PC gamers themselves.
Most of the time it does tend to be games that are console ports to PC that do not add anything special that PC gamers expect though, so it isn't a tremendous surprise either. Still sucks though.