Posted October 07, 2020

In my personal opinion here is what they should do:
1.Keep GOG Galaxy separate. "Do their thing". Make it Windows-only (actually I would say it's actually better for Linux users. As one myself I really wouldn't want to use some questionable prioretary "all in one" solution that would be hard to debug / troubleshoot / netfilter / control / rmlimit / etc as well as the fact that having even just FEW launcher APIs using JUST chat and JUST phoning home all at once would create a packet flood. Not to mention that such software could easily mess with local files in covert fashion so sandboxing Windows port instead of using native would be more desired).
Maybe also it would be good if they would remove all GOG branding from it, and even better make it clear that it is a COMPLETELY separate product from GOG.
2.Make "GOG Galaxy Legacy" (or name it whatever else like "GOG Launcher").
With the purpose of it supporting following functionality:
-ability to download offline installers
-ability to SHOW ACTUAL CHECKSUM HASHES for downloaded files (right now it's a bit of a joke of a functionality, quite frankly, it basically doesn't exist as of now)
-should be TOTALLY modular with ability to disable EVERY functionality
-optional ability to support achievements offline, with achievement data sent in batches AFTER game session is ended (NOT in data stream during game session), as trimmed down communication with servers as possible
-ability to entirely install everything offline regardless of ALL circumstances
-should be as lightweight as possible, minimal footprint, no electron
-no phoning home
-no store integration
-optional possibility to fire up lightweight chat window
-no reliance on NET, visual studio packages, etc (so easier crossplatform uniformity)
-no reliance on chromium for net, and generation (suggested raw html based app)
It should use Appimage as a distribution way (at least on Linux).
It should be crossplatform (available at least for Linux, Windows) and open source, with something like a GPL or similar license, with repo hosted on Gitlab (NOT Github) or some other place (that is not owned by big predatory corpo like Github now is).
This is my idea of how it should be. I think such approach would satisfy both "target groups" without sacrifising either.
But of course GOG has vast history of not listening to sane community requests so I guess the likelyhood of them doing this exactly like described is astronomically low.
Post edited October 07, 2020 by B1tF1ghter