Posted April 20, 2019
high rated
This morning, the postman rang twice.
And what he brought me, was the newest book published by Bitmap Books:
"The CRPG Book: A Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games".
As some may already know, there were some problems with this book (scratches on the cover), as mentioned in this thread already:
Well, I went with option #2 (receiving my book now, despite the possibility of having some scratches on its cover).
And today it came - and yeah - for those interested: there are very slight scratches on the cover.
But since I don't intent to stow it away into my safe-deposit box, but to read it instead; I guess, these won't stay the only scratches/usage marks on the book.
But enough talk - let's see what I got:
Edit: added some more pics
Edit 2: the picture named "themap" should be named "theposter", of course - I was still half asleep, when I took the pics and posted them this morning. :)
And what he brought me, was the newest book published by Bitmap Books:
"The CRPG Book: A Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games".
As some may already know, there were some problems with this book (scratches on the cover), as mentioned in this thread already:
Well, I went with option #2 (receiving my book now, despite the possibility of having some scratches on its cover).
And today it came - and yeah - for those interested: there are very slight scratches on the cover.
But since I don't intent to stow it away into my safe-deposit box, but to read it instead; I guess, these won't stay the only scratches/usage marks on the book.
But enough talk - let's see what I got:
Edit: added some more pics
Edit 2: the picture named "themap" should be named "theposter", of course - I was still half asleep, when I took the pics and posted them this morning. :)
threecomponentsw.jpg (172 Kb)
themap.jpg (170 Kb)
mappadandcards.jpg (192 Kb)
thebookwrapped.jpg (159 Kb)
thebookunwrapped.jpg (128 Kb)
thebookunveiled.jpg (165 Kb)
itsathickbook.jpg (92 Kb)
thescratchesonth.jpg (141 Kb)
phantasie.jpg (186 Kb)
wasteland.jpg (176 Kb)
Post edited April 20, 2019 by BreOl72