Klumpen0815: Fallout 3: Changing the series into first person shooters.
In one of the many interviews on
Matt Barton's youtube channel, I think it was Feargus Urquhart(or was it Josh Sawyer) who said that Fallout ended up as an isometric RPG because of technological limitations, and that he would have liked to make a proper FPS sequel to Fallout, but that Bethesda got there first. He said that he didn't agree with all the things that Bethesda did to the franchise, but the FPS perspective was one that he was really excited about.
Knowing the great games these guys were able to create, and hearing his opinion on the perspective shift, made me less angry about it from that point of view, and more angry about the incompetent writing that Bethesda passes as a narrative in all their games(maybe not Morrowind).
Sorry but I can't remember the exact interview where that was said, so I can't link to the source.