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Smannesman: What is the point of this?
There is no dilemma, pirating is pirating.
Are you expecting people to applaud you for claiming you haven't pirated it yet?
To be fair he already bought the game on a different platform. Imho it would be nice if for example you have the PS/XBOX version of a game you could pay like $10 or so and have it on the PC. That would be enough to cover the costs related to porting/testing on a different platform.
Do not illegally download this or any other game. You're not entitled to the privilege of playing the PC version because you invested so heavily in the PS4 version. Wait for a sale, or just keep playing it on PS4.

Incidentally, the GOTY was just recently on sale (twice), and will more than likely be on sale again in the next month. Just be patient.
Must be a poor computer if the only game it runs is The Witcher 3 GOTY.
vsr: Robin Hood and Sheriff.
You like Sheriff. I get it. :D

I guess I should have known I'm talking to a person who considers Robin Hood a positive character.

So what did Rockstar steal from you? What did they take that was yours and that you need to take back? If you don't like their rules — don't buy their games. Simple. Of if you feel that you must play their games then accept their rules. Because at the end of the day it is THEIR game.

You are not owed anything by anyone. You are not entitled to things.

Rationalizing your own thievery is utterly contemptible.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by
You realize that you're not owed the game just because you don't want to pay the price, right?
Dionakra: ..
I can kind of understand. You already spend a big amount on a version and are not really into paying that amount again for the very same game.

But ask yourself: Do you really want the whole game as is again to play on the PC same or more as on PS4? Might it in THAT case not be worth to spend (keep in mind, currently is a sale and upcoming Winter + New Year and most likely inbetween sales will there be too; so might become cheap) ?

OR do you really just wanna see how it looks and behaves with you new PC but when you really think about it do not want to replay everything for real. Might in that case a Demo not be enough?
Dionakra: I am thinking of downloading it from our favourite bay on the internet, play it now and, when its price is fair to me, such as, 20€ for the GOTY version, buying it.
What do you think? I haven't downloaded it yet, I'm just thinking on it.
It's better not post such topics here..
Anyway, there's no dilemma, you already know what you should and shouldn't do without asking us.
If you can, just wait for a promo and buy the game, otherwise it's up to you.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by phaolo
blotunga: To be fair he already bought the game on a different platform. Imho it would be nice if for example you have the PS/XBOX version of a game you could pay like $10 or so and have it on the PC. That would be enough to cover the costs related to porting/testing on a different platform.
It would be lovely yes.
I'd love every console game and PC game I have on any platform to be free or heavily discounted for me on GOG/Steam as well.
Unfortunately that's not the reality.
I'd also love the GOTY upgrade for W3 to be freely available for everyone that bought the game and the expansions before the GOTY came out. That's also unfortunately not the case.
It's a shame publishers are such greedy b'stards.
Let it be. Wait for a Discount here on GOG. Be(come) a good Goglodyte.
low rated
USERNAME:vsr#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:14#Q&_^Q&Q#Robin Hood and Sheriff.
You like Sheriff. I get it. :D#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:14#Q&_^Q&Q#
What Sheriff has stolen from people?
Just like Rockstar stole nothing from me.
Wait for Holiday sales you will be happy with the prices and bundles they give for us :)
vsr: What Sheriff has stolen from people?
Just like Rockstar stole nothing from me.
No, actually, according to the folk tale the people were unlawfully taxed and so on. They were forced to give up what was theirs by law simply because the sheriff was stronger. In effect he was robbing them, while covering his crimes with an official title. You know, corruption...

Rockstar, on the other hand, is not doing anything wrong. They are offering to sell you a game under certain conditions. If you don't like the conditions — don't buy the game. Simple as that.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by
He probably used Jerkmuter on Rockstar, so now he can only find GTA pirated.
phaolo: He probably used Jerkmuter on Rockstar, so now he can only find GTA pirated.
LOL! =)
low rated
USERNAME:vsr#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:25#Q&_^Q&Q#What Sheriff has stolen from people?
Just like Rockstar stole nothing from me.#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:25#Q&_^Q&Q#
Sheriff has done nothing wrong too. He just collected legal taxes. Legal taxes.
If people didn't like conditions/terms under which land was provided to them - they were free to go to some other land/country/whatever. Simple as that.