Posted November 10, 2016
It’s not a bad game, but as many people say - it’s wasting its potential. The dark atmosphere is great, very nice music and a lot of non-trivial aspects (along with standard human/efl/dwarf races you can build your party with five more races that are not from a typical fantasy world: Faerkin, Ferran, Goreaux, Jurak, Rapacian + several more races that you’ll meet during your journey). Combat is phase-based: you plan action for each character and then execute them. There are a lot of possibilities including bribing your enemies to let you go so you can try different approaches. The problem is the game is long and very combat-heavy. Even with aforementioned possibilities it gets repetitive ralatively fast. The good thing is you can change the difficulty any time you wish so you may spice things up or make it easier and what’s also important - faster. Sadly, there is little more than fighting countless enemies. If you prefer more story oriented RPGs then it’s not for you but if dungeon crawling with a lot of encounters is ok for you then you should give it a try. Believe me, it’s a decent game. See above :)
Post edited November 10, 2016 by Ghorpm