Wishbone: Now THAT is immensely cool! It's too bad that modding is still somewhat invasive, and liable to break something when one of the frequent updates roll out. Once the game becomes somewhat more stable development-wise, I expect to see extremely impressive stuff from the modding community. At that, I'm already very impressed with what they're doing now, but as frequently as the game is updated, I'm not going to experiment with mods just yet.
Now i'm afraid of You. ;P
When it comes to mods, i've been using them since september 2010. update comes out, then come the updated mods, and it works.
But yes, updates still break mods, but also, updates make Your world outdated. So i don't mind, since with every major update, i create a new world. I rarely play vanilla anymore. Risugami's stuff like more stackables, or Somnia are a must for me.;)
Can't wait for Moogle to speed up his work on the Stairs and Slopes.
The biggest problem with mods is when the modders have too much real life, and not enough to update the mods on a regular basis. Risugami is fairly quick though.
Navagon: I watched the video and thought it was pretty cool. Then suddenly it went all "WTF?!". Although it should be noted that such things are actually very common in Japan.
I guess so. I wouldn't install it anyway, don't like cats, don't want pets. But i'm glad the game gets a lot of variety due to modding.
Anyhow, there You go - a cat. ;)