Posted January 07, 2016
Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted January 07, 2016
Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted January 07, 2016
I must admit that since the Aylan media coverage, I'm keeping track of news (from both official and "alternative" medias) then crosses them with the overall feelings on various forums (ranging from extreme-lefts to extreme-rights tendencies and all in-betweens) as we're currently facing some European History (yeah, with a capital H) in realtime and it's quite fascinating regardless of my own opinions....
Who knows, maybe after a few years, I could write a book with all this stuff :o)
EDIT: for example, the Köln event is maybe not a terrorist attack like in Paris but it's playing the same effect on the public opinion
Who knows, maybe after a few years, I could write a book with all this stuff :o)
EDIT: for example, the Köln event is maybe not a terrorist attack like in Paris but it's playing the same effect on the public opinion
Post edited January 07, 2016 by catpower1980
Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 07, 2016
Who knows, maybe after a few years, I could write book with all this stuff :o)
Yeah it kind of feels like something you can say you watched happening to your grand kids.
Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 07, 2016
"Am Vorplatz und der Domtreppe befanden sich einige tausend meist männliche Personen mit Migrationshintergrund, die Feuerwerkskörper jeglicher Art und Flaschen wahllos in die Menschenmenge feuerten bzw. warfen. Am Parkraum angekommen, liefen viele aufgewühlte Passanten auf die Einsatzkräfte zu und berichteten unter anderem über die oben beschriebenen Zustände und über Schlägereien, Diebstähle, sexuelle Übergriffe an Frauen usw."
"Erschwerend bei der Räumung neben der Verständigung waren die körperlichen Zustände der Personen aufgrund des offensichtlichen massiven Alkoholgenusses und anderer berauschender Mittel (z.B. Joint). Ende der Räumung gegen circa 00.15 Uhr. Im weiteren Einsatzverlauf kam es immer wieder zu mehrfachen körperlichen Auseinandersetzungen vereinzelter Personen wie auch Personengruppen, Diebstählen und Raubdelikten an mehreren Ereignisorten gleichzeitig. Im Einsatzverlauf erschienen zahlreiche weinende und schockierte Frauen / Mädchen bei den eingesetzten Beamten und schilderten von sexuellen Übergriffen durch mehrere männliche Migranten/ -gruppen. Eine Identifizierung war leider nicht mehr möglich (siehe Punkt 8 u.a.)."!
"Zu Spitzenzeiten war es den eingesetzten Kräften nicht möglich, angefallene Strafanzeigen aufzunehmen. Neben den oben geschilderten Situationen kamen noch folgende Ereignisse/Vorfälle, die hier nicht alle aufgeführt werden, hinzu:
1. Zerreißen von Aufenthaltstiteln mit einem Grinsen im Gesicht und der Aussage: "Ihr könnt mir nix, hole mir Morgen einen Neuen."
2. "Ich bin Syrer, ihr müsst mich freundlich behandeln! Frau Merkel hat mich eingeladen."
3. Platzverweise wurden meist mit Zwang durchgesetzt. Betreffende Person tauchten immer wieder auf und machten sich einen Spaß aus der Situation. Ein Gewahrsam kam in dieser Lage aufgrund der Kapazitätsgrenze in der Dienststelle nicht in Betracht.
4. Bahnsteigsperrung aufgrund der Überfüllung. Reaktion: auf den Nebenbahnsteig, über das Gleis auf den überfüllten / abgesperrten Bahnsteig. Dies führte zu Gleissperrung da sich Personen im Gleis befanden, welche die Situation auf den Bahnsteigen nicht entschärfte.
5. Zustieg in die Züge nur über körperlichen Auseinandersetzungen - Recht des Stärkeren.
6. Im ganzen Bahnhof überall "Erbrochenes" und Stellen die als Toilette genutzt wurden.
7. Viele männliche Personen (Migranten) die ohne Reisabsichten in allen Bereichen des Bahnhofes ihren Rausch ausschliefen ( Bankschalter, Warteraum usw.).
8. Wurden Hilferufe von Geschädigten wahrgenommen, wurde ein Einschreiten der Kräfte durch Herumstehende (Mitglieder?) z.B. durch Verdichten des Personenringes / Massenbildung daran gehindert an die Betreffenden (Geschädigte/Zeugen/Täter) zu gelangen.
9. Geschädigte / Zeugen wurden vor Ort, bei Nennung des Täters bedroht oder im Nachgang verfolgt.
Aufgrund der ständigen Präsenz der Einsatzkräfte und aufmerksamer Passanten im Bahnhof, konnten vollendete Vergewaltigungen verhindert werden. Auffällig war zu dem die sehr hohe Anzahl an Migranten innerhalb der polizeilichen Maßnahmen der Landespolizei und im eigenen Zuständigkeitsbereich."
Basically, police officers stated there that several previous official info concerning the attacks were not true. They state that they checked the identities/papers of about 100 people of whom a lot were temporarily held/arrested. Of those most were Syrians and got into the country recently as asylseekers. They are also saying now that the attacks were aimed at the sexual assault component and the robberies were just the byproduct.
How about this:
If they want their muslim parallel culture, why not judge and punish them by Sharia law this one time?
A lot of flogging would have to take place and a lot of dicks would have to be hacked off, I guess.
Most Europeans just have no idea about the cultures they're trying to integrate.
I have regular contact to people from many different nations on the middle east and they can be quite nice, but you have to give them reasons to respect you otherwise they will make fun of your "sissy culture". People who don't hit back and set no boundaries are worth nothing in these cultures and will go down, that's what many people in Europe do not understand.
The strong one is always "right" in those situations and a white (infidel) woman without strong self-esteem, a good knife, proper skills and a group of her own will get fucked, that's the sad reality.
PS: Why is every migrant suddenly considered a refugee?
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Abrasive Charpit
Registered: Dec 2010
From Poland
Posted January 07, 2016
Basically, police officers stated there that several previous official info concerning the attacks were not true. They state that they checked the identities/papers of about 100 people of whom a lot were temporarily held/arrested. Of those most were Syrians and got into the country recently as asylseekers. They are also saying now that the attacks were aimed at the sexual assault component and the robberies were just the byproduct.
I guess it's theoretically possible that the Koln culture affected these people very fast or something...
Anyway, this is the tragedy of being blindly anti-differentiation rather than the traditional anti-discrimination. Some people need and deserve help. Some people need help but don't deserve it. Some deserve it and don't need it. Some neither deserve nor need it.
Welfare without any sort of selection / merit constraints is failing more and more spectacularly. The unrestrained desire to help others is unfortunately not enough to achieve the desired outcomes.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Brasas
Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 07, 2016
Basically, police officers stated there that several previous official info concerning the attacks were not true. They state that they checked the identities/papers of about 100 people of whom a lot were temporarily held/arrested. Of those most were Syrians and got into the country recently as asylseekers. They are also saying now that the attacks were aimed at the sexual assault component and the robberies were just the byproduct.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Tarm
Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 07, 2016
These days we see what happens when the soft and tender European political correctness culture meets a substantial amount of people coming from a harsh violent patriarchal culture.
The floodgates are open and the soft days are over, prepare for either adapting or going down.
The floodgates are open and the soft days are over, prepare for either adapting or going down.
Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted January 07, 2016
BTW, seems like same type of assaults happened in Zurich (Switzerland) on a smaller scale:
New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From Other
Posted January 07, 2016
Sadly there is no translation for the article from the Sueddeutsche Zeitung which had the exact wording of the internal police report. Only the Spiegel article which is a much toned down version can be accessed in english.
I is more stronger than Darth Vapour!
Registered: Apr 2014
From Germany
Posted January 07, 2016
Sadly there is no translation for the article from the Sueddeutsche Zeitung which had the exact wording of the internal police report. Only the Spiegel article which is a much toned down version can be accessed in english.
New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted January 07, 2016
I always find it fascinating that otherwise intelligent people will believe the most ridiculous things as long as it agrees with their ideology (in this case, that Trump is a simpleton). Use a little common sense.
New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From Other
Posted January 07, 2016
The floodgates are open and the soft days are over, prepare for either adapting or going down.
It is a clear statement which contradicts the main narrative heard from politicians in the last days.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by MaGo72
Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted January 07, 2016
The floodgates are open and the soft days are over, prepare for either adapting or going down.
They're trying to keep it under the rug for a whole week now and without the Internet they probably would have succeeded, but you know what happens when you throw a sheet over an elephant, it won't prevent people from seeing that there is an elephant in the room.
What really boggles my mind is, that Merkel still isn't gone and the CDU is still allowed to desperately try to save face.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Klumpen0815
Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland