darthspudius: Women can get off with anything against men quite easily in our country. We're not allowed to defend ourselves because it is discriminative against women. Police simply take a womans word for fact these days.
Tarm: In Sweden we had a health care organisation dedicated to both men and women having trouble with their partners and similar things. A place where they could get help.
Now we have shut down the one for men so if they get abused by women they have to seek help in the branch organised for women because apparently only men can beat women and not the other way around.
Imagine a man abused by his female partner having a group therapy session in a place designed to help women being abused by men all by himself where every other participant is a woman that have been beaten by a man. Yeah that's jolly...
Yet at the same time the rape epidemic by migrants in the last years in Sweden is constantly swept under the rug.
A friend of my former martial arts trainer moved to Sweden and created a family there. They were living in an area full of immigrants and most where from the middle east of course but never had problems with them. When one of the daughters was 14 and was already followed home many times it started with their 12 year old daughter too and they had to move into a region with less migrants just to prevent the rapings of their daughters that would have already occured if they wouldn't have been so fast. This was already some years ago and I can imagine how mean it has become by now since this is officially not happening.
Honestly, in spite of all the misandry I'm constantly encountering, currently I'd not like to be a European woman.
Klumpen0815: But they are still welcomed by the state and every other opinion is still suppressed, that's the clue!
It's about testing boundaries and not finding any.
MaGo72: Well then German women should get used to harassment/rape - flashmobs on concerts/big events I guess. Having glanced over several reports on those it seems that stuff started around late 2011 in Egypt. But since major feminists say, it is the male gender as a whole and not a cultural thing these flash-mobs are nothing new here in Germany. I do not know what all this fuss is all about. [Sarcasm off]
It's like the biggest enemies of neo-feminists are women and they want more rapes to happen. It blows my mind.
Maybe it's like with firestarting firefighters. Creating a rape-culture in order to say "See, we were right, there is a rape-culture!". Yeah... thanks for importing it. :(
I always wanted to have children and a daughter would be nice, now I'm not so sure anymore if I could keep her safe.