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low rated
timppu: Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.
Chedo: Damn, Putin is so great and advanced he travelled back in time and installed Lukashenko into power as a puppet. Amazing!
Smartass much? Lukashenko went full vassal of putin just like Assad who also became president before putin.
low rated
inb4 locked :) Yes, yes it is. And good on GOG for doing the right thing and taking a stand against the invasion of Ukraine by a Russian fascist dictator. It may have a small impact and not matter much in the grand scheme of things, but their donations do help, and also maybe they are raising awareness amongst Russians to the reality of the situation. Maybe they will be slightly less brainwashed when they see the whole world is against the war, despite what excuses Kremlin conjures up. You never know.
FateIsOneEdge: My personal opinion:
Kremlin warns West: In human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones

It seems to me that almost everyone outside Russia-Ukraine has a terrible itch for escalation,
so props for that I guess!?!
What exactly is escalation for Ukrainians at the moment? Their homes are being destroyed and they're being killed for defending them. How can you escalate things more for them?

Please don't bring up nuclear war. That's just a bluff on Putler's part.

One thing you gotta say about the invasion - it has united Europe against the fascist threat in a way not seen before, and countries that were fairly neutral before are taking very strong stances against it. Putler was worried about countries joining NATO? Guess what? He just pushed them closer. Putler was worried about alternative sources of energy and countries becoming less reliant on his fossil fuels? Guess what? He just made everyone to stop buying from them and invest in green energy more. I guess thanks for that. But screw Russia for the invasion of Ukraine to begin with, it should have never happened.
low rated
You only get out what you Putin. I guess you could say it's much like G.I.G.O...
low rated
“Cancellation of liability for the use of software (SW) unlicensed in the Russian Federation, owned by a copyright holder from countries that have supported the sanctions,” the proposed measure reads.

The proposal covers both civil and criminal liability (Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and indicates that while sanctions are in place, piracy of software for which there are no Russian alternatives would be permissible.

kinda funny, since russia seems to have made software piracy legal, a few days ago.
i'm sure they won't pirate GOG games or whatever, like they always had!

inb5 banned for "politics".
Post edited March 13, 2022 by dick1982
low rated
Chedo: Damn, Putin is so great and advanced he travelled back in time and installed Lukashenko into power as a puppet. Amazing!
ValentB: Smartass much? Lukashenko went full vassal of putin just like Assad who also became president before putin.
So how did he install him?
All I can further add is that Russia better look out.....and the world too. The International GOG squad of pimply-faced sexually repressed mercenaries is on a warpath. May the enemies of the world quake as these intellectual powerhouses whine, complain, and argue over things they really don't understand. lol May God Save Us All! lol If I wanted to hear this crap, I'd turn on CNN. At the end of the day, it's pointless debate from folks (including me) who are in no position to do anything. I could understand if it could affect a change somewhere, but it won't. It's just argument for the sake of arguing. Worry about games, and take the other crap to your social media.
Post edited March 14, 2022 by JoaoPauloZA