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low rated
GOG suspends all sales in Russia and Belarus
Russians Have Trouble Paying on Steam

Is that even true?

My personal opinion:
Kremlin warns West: In human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones

It seems to me that almost everyone outside Russia-Ukraine has a terrible itch for escalation,
so props for that I guess!?!

If anyone can confirm the transaction ban on Russia and Belarus please do.
Best regards.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by FateIsOneEdge
low rated
They did it early when they should have just waited for any official sanctions.

Poland is in a tricky spot right now.Someone posted they were getting sanctioned by the EU along with Hungary for some reason. The US was poking them to supply planes to Ukraine which would have put them on the firing line and the BBC was smearing them over refugees.

Post edited March 12, 2022 by §pec†re
low rated
§pec†re: They did it early when they should have just waited for any official sanctions.

Poland is in a tricky spot right now. Someone posted they were getting sanctioned by the EU along with Hungary for some reason. The US was poking them to supply planes to Ukraine which would have put them on the firing line and the BBC was smearing them over refugees.
Poland and Hungary are indeed being sanctioned by the EU, specifically over their shocking mistreatment of their LGBT citizens. It should have happened long ago. EU membership carries enormous benefits, but there are rules, especially around human rights. Poland could choose to treat their gay citizens like, well, citizens, and the sanctions would be dropped.

As to BBC "smears". It's true that the BBC frequently doesn't play fair, but they aren't faking the video of dark-skinned people being turned away from aid. Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.

I find it quite possible to hate Putin, and still hate racism and homophobia, even by our allies.
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: My personal opinion:]Kremlin warns West: In human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones

It seems to me that almost everyone outside Russia-Ukraine has a terrible itch for escalation,
so props for that I guess!?! [/url]
Dude, Russia already escalated when Putin decided to invade a neighbour country and to threaten a bunch of others..
The sanctions were a way to make him desist without starting WW3.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by phaolo
low rated
rabblevox: Poland and Hungary are indeed being sanctioned by the EU, specifically over their shocking mistreatment of their LGBT citizens. It should have happened long ago. EU membership carries enormous benefits, but there are rules, especially around human rights. Poland could choose to treat their gay citizens like, well, citizens, and the sanctions would be dropped.
These sanctions have nothing to do with lgbt rights, it's about rule of law violations.
low rated
Hi all. I missed that thread.
Thank you very much.
I agree they should have waited for someone else to make that move first and decide on it after evaluating the outcomes.
rabblevox: Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.
Must be that the massive influx of immigrants, is a threat that European countries face since the US's special operation(s) on Afghanistan (Iraq & Syria) and any subsequent instability resulting from that (them), in the Middle East.
There is no spare socioeconomic space, neither mutual intention for cultural assimilation, so priorities are given where it is due and appreciated.
I don’t recognize the word lgbt, I am outside the US and my English might not be so advanced.
phaolo: The sanctions were a way to make him desist without starting WW3.
The sanctions against Russia are a counterbalance to the US, EU & Ukraine sanctioned 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas, by Ukraine inbred and foreign bolstered paramilitary formations and are necessary to justify the political act, since the military intervention of any third party, not directly involved in the conflict, would be an intentional continental escalation.

Thank you all for your participation.
Best wishes.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by FateIsOneEdge
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: The sanctions against Russia are a counterbalance to the US, EU & Ukraine sanctioned 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas, by Ukraine inbred and foreign bolstered paramilitary formations and are necessary to justify the political act, since the military intervention of any third party, not directly involved in the conflict, would be an intentional continental escalation.
"Hey guys I'm not paying much attention is this true? By the way here's a bunch of Kremlin propaganda."
low rated
StingingVelvet: "Hey guys I'm not paying much attention is this true? By the way here's a bunch of Kremlin propaganda."
"Hey guys I am not paying much attention outside my echo chamber. By the way this is how I engage in virtue signaling without substance."

Post edited March 12, 2022 by FateIsOneEdge
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: The sanctions against Russia are a counterbalance to the US, EU & Ukraine sanctioned 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas, by Ukraine inbred and foreign bolstered paramilitary formations and are necessary to justify the political act, since the military intervention of any third party, not directly involved in the conflict, would be an intentional continental escalation.
StingingVelvet: "Hey guys I'm not paying much attention is this true? By the way here's a bunch of Kremlin propaganda."
You've got to be at least 75 years old I'd wager.
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: The sanctions against Russia are a counterbalance to the US, EU & Ukraine sanctioned 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas, by Ukraine inbred and foreign bolstered paramilitary formations and are necessary to justify the political act, since the military intervention of any third party, not directly involved in the conflict, would be an intentional continental escalation.
StingingVelvet: "Hey guys I'm not paying much attention is this true? By the way here's a bunch of Kremlin propaganda."
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: My personal opinion:]Kremlin warns West: In human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones

It seems to me that almost everyone outside Russia-Ukraine has a terrible itch for escalation,
so props for that I guess!?! [/url]
phaolo: Dude, Russia already escalated when Putin decided to invade a neighbour country and to threaten a bunch of others..
The sanctions were a way to make him desist without starting WW3.
Translation: "I have no idea what's actually going on, I saw a post headline or saw a 2 minute video from a mainstream news outlet and now I pretend to know what's actually happening."
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: Hi all.
FateIsOneEdge: I missed that thread.
Thank you very much.
I agree they should have waited for someone else to make that move first and decide on it after evaluating the outcomes.
rabblevox: Racism and nativism run really, really deep in eastern Europe, much deeper than in the US, in some ways.
FateIsOneEdge: Must be that the massive influx of immigrants, is a threat that European countries face since the US's special operation(s) on Afghanistan (Iraq & Syria) and any subsequent instability resulting from that (them), in the Middle East.
There is no spare socioeconomic space, neither mutual intention for cultural assimilation, so priorities are given where it is due and appreciated.
I don’t recognize the word lgbt, I am outside the US and my English might not be so advanced.
phaolo: The sanctions were a way to make him desist without starting WW3.
FateIsOneEdge: The sanctions against Russia are a counterbalance to the US, EU & Ukraine sanctioned 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas, by Ukraine inbred and foreign bolstered paramilitary formations and are necessary to justify the political act, since the military intervention of any third party, not directly involved in the conflict, would be an intentional continental escalation.

Thank you all for your participation.
Best wishes.
Can you link factual evidence of this supposed massacre.
Don't bother using Russian propaganda sources. There are multiple human rights organizations that would have reported this if it were true. Source one of them.

Thanks for your participation.
Best wishes.
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: It seems to me that almost everyone outside Russia-Ukraine has a terrible itch for escalation,
so props for that I guess!?!
Russia and Putin already escalated it, or maybe you didn't hear about the Russian invasion to Ukraine, and how they are bombing hospitals and other civilian targets without remorse, and other war crimes?

Do you also feel Britain and France shouldn't have backed up Poland when Hitler decided to invade Poland? Just let Hitler do what Hitler wants to do, let's not escalate?

I just don't get these Putin-shills...
FateIsOneEdge: 8 year massacre of Russian speaking populations and Russophiles of Donbas
LOL a true putinist, I see.

Hey, you forgot about the American biolabs in Ukraine which are allegedly trying to make a genetic bioweapon to target only "genetically Russians", or how Ukraine is trying to get hold of a nuclear weapon so that it could bomb Moscow, and lots of other laughable false propaganda that Kremlin (=Putin) has been spouting lately.

Your kind are the reason why I am glad GOG joined the sanctions. You are the people who let Putin in power.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by timppu
low rated
FateIsOneEdge: Is that even true?
Does it matter?

Consider, Google Pay is suspended, Paypal is Suspended, Visa is suspended.... so automatically GoG can't do hardly anything by default.

Though if they say they are explicitly doing it, they are virtue signalling to their own detriment.
low rated
phaolo: Dude, Russia already escalated when Putin decided to invade a neighbour country and to threaten a bunch of others..
The sanctions were a way to make him desist without starting WW3.
Swissy88: Translation: "I have no idea what's actually going on, I saw a post headline or saw a 2 minute video from a mainstream news outlet and now I pretend to know what's actually happening."
It is not really hard to understand what happened and what is going on.

Putin tried to do the same to Ukraine that they already did in Belarus before, ie. install a puppet leader who does what Putin tells him to do.

The Ukrainians foiled his plans and wouldn't accept his puppet, for which reason Putin finally decided to attack Ukraine.

However, due to poor Russian intelligence and Putin's own delusions, it wasn't a such a cakewalk as Putin expected, and Russia's losses have been piling up. For this reason, Putin has tried to break Ukrainian's backbone by openly attacking civilian targets and doing other atrocities.

Why anyone outside Russia would defend Putin and Russia in this conflict is beyond me. Maybe some people just want to be on the side of evil? Maybe they think they are cool doing so?
Post edited March 12, 2022 by timppu