true2life: In my experience, leftists start talking like this when they realize they cannot properly defend their position. I haven't read anything racist in this thread - where is the racism? It is far too prevalent for progressives to stymie discussions they cannot win by declaring the opposition to be any number of terrible things - racists, xenophobes, bigots, ect. The problem is, just because someone says something is racist does not mean it actually is! Anymore, it is much more likely its an ad-hominem attack meant to end discussion before the progressive talking points are destroyed. For all the anger that is the right is accused of harboring, I never see more anger than when a progressive is challenged.
Let me ask you, in all seriousness, why does your right to be free from some perceived offense supersede my right to speak my mind? Even if what I have to say is terrible, why do you have a duty to listen to me and take me seriously (coming from the person calling people he/she disagrees with cunts...)??
Alright, I'll bite this once.
Firstly, my comment was not directed at you. There are two specific cases of racism (ShadowAngel.207's "muslim subhumans" and Emob's attempt to paint every single Syrian refugee as a terrorist) plus one more who has popped up and has a remarkable talent for being a racist prick every chance he gets. We also have conservatives and right-wing libertarians here whose views I fully respect but still disagree with (ShadowStalker and timppu, for instance).
The reason I duck out of discussions heading this way is that rationally discussing with extremists is inherently impossible. Left-wing extremists cannot be discussed with about the free market because they refuse to acknowledge facts about the free market and dismiss everything as being "right-wing", right-wing extremists cannot be discussed with because justifying hatred against a specific race, religion or gender is no more an acceptable basis for a discussion than claiming cold-blooded murder or malicious theft is somehow acceptable.
You have every right to speak your mind without being punished for the sole fact of saying something. That's free speech. It's also where the very definition of free speech ends. I pointed out the minor differences between
actual free speech in Germany and the US here.
But likewise, I have every right not to listen to you, I have every right to hold you to account morally for your statements, and the state or a civil plaintiff has every right to hold you to account legally for the consequences of your speech. In criminal law, that might be incitement to commit a crime. In civil law, that might be libel, slander or defamation. And where civil law is ill-equipped to handle defamation of an entire race, gender or religion (because nobody can file suit on behalf of an entire gender, race or religion), that's where criminal law steps back in.
This is where overzealous free speech advocates kinda lose the plot, by failing to understand what free speech actually is, and the difference between prior restraint and subsequent punishment. This is also why, when the far right whines on about their "free speech" rights being violated, what they actually mean is they want to be a twat in general with absolute impunity. Actions have consequences, even verbal actions.
Hate speech legislation is not a law in its own right. It's a legal standard by which defamation is defined. It asks what the intent behind the statement was, and whether there was actual damage to reputation, incitement to hatred or incitement to discriminate against.
Insulting someone or telling a racist joke doesn't meet that legal standard (or shouldn't - there have been a few dodgy rulings in the UK to this end, although the frequency of these tends to be exaggerated by the British press). The point is that hate speech legislation is concerned with the effect or intended effect of speech, not the speech itself.