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UPDATE: The Monstrous Fall Sale Finale has begun!
That means you have until Sunday 10:59 PM UTC to earn more XP and unlock the three freebies! Having a hard time deciding what to get? Can't blame you - there are tons of great deals to discover, plus some whole new ones which just got added to the pile. Yup, this is going to be a rather monstrous finale indeed!

GOG Connect is back!
It's the third edition of GOG Connect – back with 20 new games to grow your DRM-free library for free. These include favorites like Metro 2033 Redux, HuniePop, Broken Sword Director's Cut & Broken Sword 2 Remastered, Starbound, The Witcher 2 and way more.

Head to, connect your Steam account, and get started!

Score Deals Up To 90% Off | Earn XP, Get Free Games

The Monstrous Fall Sale – one of the grandest sales of this year – has begun! Join us for 10 days of new deals up to 90% off, free games to unlock, and surprises yet to come!

Start by grabbing Little Big Adventure 2 totally free to kick off your own monstrous adventure – just redeem through the banner on the front page. The giveaway will last for the first 48 hours, so be fast - that's a true classic that you really shouldn't miss.

But this is only the beginning - you can score even more free games during the Monstrous Fall Sale: participate in the fun, collect badges, and keep shopping to earn XP and unlock:
—Expeditions: Conquistador,
—Victor Vran

Every dollar spent gives you more XP (use your Wallet funds for an extra 10% boost) and you'll find great combos throughout the sale — like Divinity: Original Sin 2 or Tyranny, which unlock all 3 free games right off the bat.

Twitch Plays is coming back and the community will once again channel its inner farmer in two special Stardew Valley events that will grant everyone additional XP, if completed successfully on

You can learn more about the Sale's mechanics and track your progress here.

The Monstrous Fall Sale starts off with a thunderous roar and hot deals – but check back every day for new offers, bundles, and announcements. The Sale will last until November 13, 10:59 PM UTC.
mecharma: YAY :)
sephiroth091: thats another thing i love about gog, you guys are actually active in the forums.
well many of the other platforms the staff only plays behind the scenes mainly.
or only within specific areas.
^w^ <3
Got Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion with all DLC on Steam (yes, even the Soundtrack), yet I'm unable to add this to my GOG account. Why is that?
mecharma: YAY :)
Have you guys talked with EA about my request ?
MightyPinecone: Have you changed your settings to private in the interim period?
Vovchigus: No, I didn't change anything in privacy settings in Steam. But I could press some kind of "Reload" button (forgot it;'s name) in GOG Connect maybe a week ago.

Would appreciate any advice as I don't know should I bother support with this when they are busy with Sale.
Perhaps the system is overloaded again, if not then i haven't got a clue. Sorry.
sephiroth091: ...
thats another thing i love about gog, you guys are actually active in the forums.
well many of the other platforms the staff only plays behind the scenes mainly.
or only within specific areas.
^w^ <3
thats exactly what gog staff does too
Oh, and just when I thought that the Activision bundle pricing would be the most disappointing thing in the sale, in comes GOG connect to lower the bar even further.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by ReynardFox
ReynardFox: Oh, and just when I thought that the Activision bundle pricing would be the most disappointing thing in the sale, in comes GOG connect to lower the bar even further.
what did gog do in connect this time?
ReynardFox: Oh, and just when I thought that the Activision bundle pricing would be the most disappointing thing in the sale
Yeah, I was disappointed with that sale too.
low rated
Martian12: I have a question and forgive me if it was asked and answered before. I have a feeling that not all games on discount are displayed on the home page. Am I right? I just saw Alien Breed on a discount in my wishlist, I am sure it did not have a discount yesterday and it seems nowhere to be found on the home page.
Most discounted things should appear either somewhere in one (or more) of the sale tabs on the front page ("New & Notable", "Recently Added", "Roleplaying", etc.), or in one of the various bundle pages. Historically, most of the items that have been discounted during a sale, but which haven't appeared anywhere on the front page, have been things like alternate editions, upgrade DLCs, minor content DLCs, and soundtracks.
What happened with the discount of Bombshell Digital Deluxe Edition??
Last time I checked it was on sale, now is not. ¬¬
hummer010: I have the Moto Racer Collection on Steam, which includes Moto Racers 1,2 & 3. I can't get any of the MOto Racer games to show up in connect. I got 7 other games though, so connect is working. Maybe the collection doesn't get me the Moto Racers here.
Pardinuz: Oops. Cancel that. I can redeem them now. :) Just check back later.
Worked for me now too. I can confirm that the Moto Racer Collection on steam does get you Moto Race 1, 2 & 3 through connect.
avatar GOG Connect is back!
It's the third edition of GOG Connect – back with 20 new games to grow your DRM-free library for free. These include favorites like Metro 2033 Redux, HuniePop, Broken Sword Director's Cut & Broken Sword 2 Remastered, Starbound, The Witcher 2 and way more.
Starkrun: [...] you have helped me shrink my Steam collection.... I now have more i can permently delete from steam [...]
It's not advisable to delete games from Steam after getting them on GOG via Connect; subsequent Connect refreshes might detect that the game is no longer in your Steam library, and GOG could remove it from your GOG library, too (it mentions this possibility in the Connect FAQ). If Steam has a way to hide games (as I assume it does), I'd recommend just doing that.

Niggles: I just knew u were a closet steam fan.
Smannesman: I've always kept the door wide open.
Please close it. Nobody wants to see what you do in there when you think you're alone.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by HunchBluntley
high rated
The discount for <span class="bold">Torchlight II</span> was changed from -85% to -66%. I was about to buy it at the end of the sale (since it won't appear in GOG Connect apparently) but that's just messed up. I thought all discounts would remain the same for the whole duration.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Wurzelkraft
Well, got Metro 2033 Redux through Connect. Maybe thinking to get Singularity and Timeshift from the Activision bundle...
Post edited November 07, 2016 by gandalfnho
low rated
Wurzelkraft: The discount for <span class="bold">Torchlight II</span> was changed from -85% to -66%. I was about to buy it at the end of the sale (since it won't appear in GOG Connect apparently) but that's just messed up. I thought all discounts would remain the same for the whole duration.
you know, i'm actually not surprised about gogs spineless dirty games anymore

torchlight 1 discount also changed to 66%
Post edited November 07, 2016 by apehater