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^ He wrote a Scooby Doo / Beetlejuice crossover.
^ Is trying to inspire me to care about Beetlejuice.
The only Beetlejuice he has seen lately is on his windshield.
^ Is trying to frame me for stealing a car even though I never drive.
^ Thinks drivers licenses are a setup by the deep state to force people into a pre-built infrastructure grid.
^ Doesn't seem to realize that's exactly what they are (you need a driver's license to be eligible for jury duty, or you need to be registered to vote - it was one and they changed it to the other, and I don't remember which, but needless to say, I'm not eligible for jury duty!).
^ like to burst bubbles.
^ Likes to distract from HMA's coherent statements, rare as they are.
^ He escapes the jury pool by asking about "Jury Nullification."
^ Nullified the jury with a guided missile.
^ is friends with Mr. Burke from Fallout 3.
Post edited June 10, 2024 by MysterD
^ He's constructed an underground bunker inspired by Fallout.
^ is a member of Bethesda's watered-down version of Brotherhood of Steel.
^ Used all their toaster power to help write parts of the Fallout tv show

Hooyaah: ^ He's constructed an underground bunker inspired by Fallout.
I would love to see such a thing, or perhaps tour one of the missile silos converted into apartments for the super rich
Quantum_Quark: ^ Used all their toaster power to help write parts of the Fallout tv show

Hooyaah: ^ He's constructed an underground bunker inspired by Fallout.
Quantum_Quark: I would love to see such a thing, or perhaps tour one of the missile silos converted into apartments for the super rich
^ insulted me big time, as the TV show looks to be based off Bethesda's inferior brand of Fallout Lore, world-building, writing stuff, etc.