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^ Has never responded to "See you later, Crocodile."
^ What ya got, ocelot?
(never hear that)

EDIT: At the zoo, kangaroo?
Post edited June 12, 2024 by Hooyaah
^ Is one of these animals, but you must guess which one.
^ This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ.
^ supports Pequod's Coffee and Queequeg's Coffee
Post edited June 13, 2024 by Quantum_Quark
^ Once drank coffee with Queensryche.
^ Is always being demickey.
^ He wrote the Oscar Mayer hot dog song.
^ Likes to ninja people, which makes him, also demickey.
^ He's De Mickey, de mouse with de ears.
^ Hooyaah believes South Park's Evil Mickey is the actual mastermind behind modern Disney.
^ Is soon going to find out that Hooyaah was right all along.
^ Anticipates the dissection of Evil Mickey.
^ Wants to eat the organs.
^ They won't let him have it his way at Burger King.