Posted July 21, 2015

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015
Bedtime now. I'm doing a presentation tomorrow - will try and get back either right before or after lunch, but some chance I'm out til evening.
Minor correction - my role is 'City Council' not executive council. I went back and checked the specific wording in the PM.
Minor correction - my role is 'City Council' not executive council. I went back and checked the specific wording in the PM.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015
EBWOP or whatever. Stupid 10 minute timer when no one else is around. And grrr at trent for posting a theory with a big obvious gaping hole in it. And yes, I'd suggested the theory but that's before I knew your claim was "bomber."
So let's work this through. You're a bomber. You target flub. Jmich is his guardian and eats the death.
Why, then, does JMich show up "with multiple holes" in him rather than "in lots of pieces"? And the second problem is, what then happened to the scum NK? Why would they possibly have skipped the kill?
Because they knew the bomber would try and kill someone and they wanted to cast doubt? Theory that they targeted JMich or Flub doesn't really hold either.
I read the wiki on guardian after Yog posted the link for arsonist. Guardian can't absorb 2 unless there's something in his description I'm missing, so if scum had targeted flub or presumably Jmich, they'd both be dead in your scenario. And yet they aren't.
I mean...I really want to believe you,'s just not adding up for me how that would have played out if you're a bomber rather than a shooter. That seems a pretty hard chasm to cross to me.
So let's work this through. You're a bomber. You target flub. Jmich is his guardian and eats the death.
Why, then, does JMich show up "with multiple holes" in him rather than "in lots of pieces"? And the second problem is, what then happened to the scum NK? Why would they possibly have skipped the kill?
Because they knew the bomber would try and kill someone and they wanted to cast doubt? Theory that they targeted JMich or Flub doesn't really hold either.
I read the wiki on guardian after Yog posted the link for arsonist. Guardian can't absorb 2 unless there's something in his description I'm missing, so if scum had targeted flub or presumably Jmich, they'd both be dead in your scenario. And yet they aren't.
I mean...I really want to believe you,'s just not adding up for me how that would have played out if you're a bomber rather than a shooter. That seems a pretty hard chasm to cross to me.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015

So let's work this through. You're a bomber. You target flub. Jmich is his guardian and eats the death.
Why, then, does JMich show up "with multiple holes" in him rather than "in lots of pieces"? And the second problem is, what then happened to the scum NK? Why would they possibly have skipped the kill?
Because they knew the bomber would try and kill someone and they wanted to cast doubt? Theory that they targeted JMich or Flub doesn't really hold either.
I read the wiki on guardian after Yog posted the link for arsonist. Guardian can't absorb 2 unless there's something in his description I'm missing, so if scum had targeted flub or presumably Jmich, they'd both be dead in your scenario. And yet they aren't.
I mean...I really want to believe you,'s just not adding up for me how that would have played out if you're a bomber rather than a shooter. That seems a pretty hard chasm to cross to me.
I have played this game poorly this time, no doubt about it. If I wake up to a lynch I hope there are no more than 3 anti town factions left. I believe you and flub and that would mean yogs and RWarehall are anti town. I think the last one is either CSPVG or agentcarr, I lean toward CSPVG.
I hope there is not 4 anti town factions left because then town loses if I'm lynched. I have not lied. I have played poorly, but I have not lied. If I am lynched I just want to give props to the scum, y'all have had me twisted and confused most of this game as I would not have put Yogs as scum and I was almost sure RWarehall was not scum either.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted July 21, 2015

All I know is my random target was flub and he did not die. I am the Town Madbomber, there was no reason given for the failure of the bomb just that it failed. I would think if my bomb had killed JMich I would have been given some sort of notice to the fact. But all I got was a failure.
................<snip because of the reason>..............
How U know???
"if my bomb had killed JMich "
He's full of holes....shrapnel???
"But all I got was a failure."
It was "random" correct??? But you "know" your target was me.
So as bler144 said, what then happened to the scum NK?

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015
I'll just say this, logic dictates with all the "established" roles, with 14 players, we almost have to have 3 scum left out of 8. We need 5 out of 5 town on the same target and its the only way to get a lynch. Once Flub revealed and chose a target, it became pretty obvious the only way we get a lynch of a scum today is through unity. There are most likely 3 scum hanging around trying to guide our choice
Maybe Flub is wrong, but Trent's story has a number of holes. I feel good about it.
He's now trying to claim total role-reversal except I see two confirmed doctors as town.
Just read above, he can't even keep this story straight...Lynch All Liars...
Look Trent, you said it yourself, maybe Christi protected your target by chance. Why all the wiggling?
It's pretty clear JMich was the night kill (either directly or via guarding Flub). Its clear how Christi died.
And there was the quick hammer. I didn't see Yog as the clear town everyone else seemed to, but if he's not, he didn't make mistakes like this. And frankly, maybe he's also scum as Flub apparently was only promised anti-town in the group...
I'm not surprised Bler is now trying to make some claim to start another wagon. I'm not surprised that a few people are now going around with weak claims in what appears to me to possibly be role fishing. We do have 3 scum lurking about, at least I sure hope it isn't 4 or we can't even possibly lynch scum this day.
The one thing that should be clear to any town though...
If you want any chance at lynching a scum, looks like we have at least a 50/50 shot, is to follow Flub's lead.
Undoubtedly, scum will do their best to "guide" us to a different "better" decision...(or I guess the same one if we're wrong) but given the dissenting votes, I think some people are scared.
I asked for a role claim only if we were given something substantial. Flub seems to have provided that.
I hope he chose wisely...but now the rest of town needs to do their part if we want an actual lynch.
Maybe Flub is wrong, but Trent's story has a number of holes. I feel good about it.
He's now trying to claim total role-reversal except I see two confirmed doctors as town.
Just read above, he can't even keep this story straight...Lynch All Liars...
Look Trent, you said it yourself, maybe Christi protected your target by chance. Why all the wiggling?
It's pretty clear JMich was the night kill (either directly or via guarding Flub). Its clear how Christi died.
And there was the quick hammer. I didn't see Yog as the clear town everyone else seemed to, but if he's not, he didn't make mistakes like this. And frankly, maybe he's also scum as Flub apparently was only promised anti-town in the group...
I'm not surprised Bler is now trying to make some claim to start another wagon. I'm not surprised that a few people are now going around with weak claims in what appears to me to possibly be role fishing. We do have 3 scum lurking about, at least I sure hope it isn't 4 or we can't even possibly lynch scum this day.
The one thing that should be clear to any town though...
If you want any chance at lynching a scum, looks like we have at least a 50/50 shot, is to follow Flub's lead.
Undoubtedly, scum will do their best to "guide" us to a different "better" decision...(or I guess the same one if we're wrong) but given the dissenting votes, I think some people are scared.
I asked for a role claim only if we were given something substantial. Flub seems to have provided that.
I hope he chose wisely...but now the rest of town needs to do their part if we want an actual lynch.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 21, 2015
I'm writing this on mobile so it will be short.
I'm much more inclined to think trentonlf is scum than that yogsloth is scum, so I'm surprised at sage's certainty.
I believe flub's claim because of the total information.
I want to see yogsloth and CSPVG claim, but I'm going to for now.
I'm Vanilla Town, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one in the game.
I'm much more inclined to think trentonlf is scum than that yogsloth is scum, so I'm surprised at sage's certainty.
I believe flub's claim because of the total information.
I want to see yogsloth and CSPVG claim, but I'm going to for now.
I'm Vanilla Town, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one in the game.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015

All I know is my random target was flub and he did not die. I am the Town Madbomber, there was no reason given for the failure of the bomb just that it failed. I would think if my bomb had killed JMich I would have been given some sort of notice to the fact. But all I got was a failure.
................<snip because of the reason>..............

How U know???
"if my bomb had killed JMich "
He's full of holes....shrapnel???
"But all I got was a failure."
It was "random" correct??? But you "know" your target was me.
So as bler144 said, what then happened to the scum NK?

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted July 21, 2015
We're claiming? I love claiming!
I'm Town Watching Tracker, which means that I send in a player name to our lovely moderator (he looks good in purple, and for some reason calls my ability Watching Guard). It's then randomly decided whether or not I watch or track my target. Watching and tracking, as I understand it, still work as normal.
I watched yogsloth night 1, and found that, other than myself, he was visited by dedo.
On night two, I watched RWarehall and found that, other than myself, he was visited by bler. Yes, I know how this one looks. Bler has already shared this information, and therefore it would be easy enough for me to come up with a claim like this. All that I can say is that this is what I did last night. I got the results I got, and that's it.
So, for now, I think I'll Vote: RWarehall.
I'm Town Watching Tracker, which means that I send in a player name to our lovely moderator (he looks good in purple, and for some reason calls my ability Watching Guard). It's then randomly decided whether or not I watch or track my target. Watching and tracking, as I understand it, still work as normal.
I watched yogsloth night 1, and found that, other than myself, he was visited by dedo.
On night two, I watched RWarehall and found that, other than myself, he was visited by bler. Yes, I know how this one looks. Bler has already shared this information, and therefore it would be easy enough for me to come up with a claim like this. All that I can say is that this is what I did last night. I got the results I got, and that's it.
So, for now, I think I'll Vote: RWarehall.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015

I'm Town Watching Tracker, which means that I send in a player name to our lovely moderator (he looks good in purple, and for some reason calls my ability Watching Guard). It's then randomly decided whether or not I watch or track my target. Watching and tracking, as I understand it, still work as normal.
I watched yogsloth night 1, and found that, other than myself, he was visited by dedo.
On night two, I watched RWarehall and found that, other than myself, he was visited by bler. Yes, I know how this one looks. Bler has already shared this information, and therefore it would be easy enough for me to come up with a claim like this. All that I can say is that this is what I did last night. I got the results I got, and that's it.
So, for now, I think I'll Vote: RWarehall.
If I am going to be lynched just going to post all my thoughts.
I am going to flip town, I just hope I have not screwed this game up for town.
I am the Town Madbomber and used my ability last night. I had only one chance at it and decided last night was the best chance I would have to help town with my ability as I knew there was a good chance I would be lynched today considering how poorly I have played this game. I did not get to select one person but had to put up half the remaining players and a random one from that half would be bombed. When the night ended I was surprised to see that my bomb had failed. I was told who I tried to bomb, fubbucket, and that he was still alive. Nothing else.
I don't want to believe flub, I have yogs so town that his claim seems totally implausible. As soon as Leonard flipped town it made it an almost certain thing that Cristi was not scum to me. I can't understand why flub would pick her to be the target last night, he should have picked me as I was under more suspicion. If flub truly cared about town why would he not have picked me given the chance? This keeps going through my head, but then his claim stops me. JMich was the arsonist bodyguard and was town, the arsonist has to be town. I can't see flub being scum if he is the arsonist because of JMich. Is flub using this as a way to manipulate the situation? Does he know that most people will see that JMich was the Town Bodyguard of the Arsonist and that would make him safe by claiming to be the arsonist? No one else has jumped in and counter claimed and that would lead me to believe flubs claim. As I said if flub is the arsonist he has to be town.
If flub is town and his claim is true then yogs has to be scum. I still find this hard to believe, but there is no other option if I believe flubs claim. Kudos to you yogs if you are scum, you have played it well.
I do believe bler, and I'm not sure what RWarehall's plan is. Does he know that there are 3 scum left and once I am lynched it will be 4 town and 3 scum? He seems to be pushing for bler to be lying. Is this so bler will be flubs next night target if he is one of the options?
For me right now my solid town reads are bler and Sage. I had yogs as solid town too, but if I am to believe flubs claim I would have to put flub as solid town.
This leaves RW, agaentcarr, CSPVG, and yogsloth as possible scum. I believe yogs and RWarehall are scum, not sure if they are the only two or not. I hope they are and town can still pull this out. If the majority believe bler and want to vote RWarehall I will change my vote as I do believe bler.

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 21, 2015
@bler are you going to confirm that you investigated RWarehall last night?

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015

I'm Town Watching Tracker, which means that I send in a player name to our lovely moderator (he looks good in purple, and for some reason calls my ability Watching Guard). It's then randomly decided whether or not I watch or track my target. Watching and tracking, as I understand it, still work as normal.
I watched yogsloth night 1, and found that, other than myself, he was visited by dedo.
On night two, I watched RWarehall and found that, other than myself, he was visited by bler. Yes, I know how this one looks. Bler has already shared this information, and therefore it would be easy enough for me to come up with a claim like this. All that I can say is that this is what I did last night. I got the results I got, and that's it.
So, for now, I think I'll Vote: RWarehall.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015
I have read over the thread since last night and I need to re-read it again now. I will not be as active today until tonight. You have me for a bit this morning but then I have to take mom to the Drs (She is ok the oncologist visit form last week seems her blood level for b12 if off) and then late to work after.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015

I'm much more inclined to think trentonlf is scum than that yogsloth is scum, so I'm surprised at sage's certainty.
I believe flub's claim because of the total information.
I want to see yogsloth and CSPVG claim, but I'm going to for now.
I'm Vanilla Town, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one in the game.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted July 21, 2015
=) If you are scum and you listen closely you can hear it. SHH listen. "I have been right in all my targets as town and as scum I was able to convince everyone to go after my picks.'
I do believe he is town. And if you are being truthful then yogs has to be scum.
What flavor do you have?
I might be wrong but I am inclined to believe Bler and if I do CSPVG as well as it seems there claims match up to each other.
@Bler - was it all a lie about finding your child you gave up at birth? (cause if so why bullshit flavor other then to through off town)?
- I also am very leery of a vanilla in a role madness game.
I am willing to leave Yogs alone right now for a better lynch candidate that I can say I have felt the whole game that there has been something off. RW - I think now is the time in the game to put everything on the table and claim and see what we know and what we can figure out.
Vote RWarehall
I do believe he is town. And if you are being truthful then yogs has to be scum.
What flavor do you have?
I might be wrong but I am inclined to believe Bler and if I do CSPVG as well as it seems there claims match up to each other.
@Bler - was it all a lie about finding your child you gave up at birth? (cause if so why bullshit flavor other then to through off town)?
- I also am very leery of a vanilla in a role madness game.
I am willing to leave Yogs alone right now for a better lynch candidate that I can say I have felt the whole game that there has been something off. RW - I think now is the time in the game to put everything on the table and claim and see what we know and what we can figure out.
Vote RWarehall