vv221: [dependencies listing]
Gydion: At the top of the page before any game specific instructions or at the beginning of each section if needed. Like you [url=https://debian-facile.org/utilisateurs:vv222:games:shadowrun-returns]did here[/url].
I wrote this based on your suggestion, and that’s the model I’m probably keeping for future guides.
vv221: [use a sample work dir in instructions]
Gydion: Sure.
I’ll see if I can find something that does not make the instructions look like a wall of code.
Gydion: The as of yet unwritten Might & Magic 1-6 scripts? The POL script hasn't been updated since the unbundling. No particular preference though as I don't have MM1-6 in my GOG library and I don't use the scripts myself.
I guess you could have it check for some specific location under $HOME as well. Current directory, if it exists, should override though.
It’s done on some prototype scripts I’ll publish soon.
The 'play-anything.sh' file is first looked for at the value given by a $PLAYIT_LIB variable, that you have to set prior to run the script, and if this var is empty it does look in the current dir:
PLAYIT_LIB=~/.config/play-anything.sh sh ./play-pharaoh_gog-
I won’t take care of the Might & Magic series, I don’t own them and don’t plan to buy them anytime soon.
But as usual I’m open to contributions ;)