Tauto: Is this gog.com or TinyE.com ? GoG issued you with a warning, but you seem now to treating it like a green light to be an even bigger troublemaker. You just needed to know whether most people would come out on your side. Now that you believe they are, you are going into hyper-dickhead mode.
Theoclymenus: They choose to not take any notice for some reason known only to themselves. You have to be part of the clique and to share the clique mindset. Don't ask me how you get in, because I'm not interested in their attitudes. You would think that these forums would be for all people, regardless of age, sex, country, background, outlook etc. But apparently not.
Ok, so you don't like the guy. Fine. But why waste your time ragging on him? He makes stupid jokes. We all do. It's normal here. He makes it pretty obvious that he hasn't formed this "clique" of his own will, it came from people who like his stupid jokes. It's almost been the same way for me, there have been people who like me and hate me as well, and people who've made threads about me which I didn't prompt.
If you don't like him, then don't like him.
If you like him, then join in the fun.
Reporting him is a waste of time because he hasn't broken any rules.
Just stick with the people you like and enjoy yourself. It's that easy. Anything else is only hurting yourself.