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dtgreene: I wish for a good fashion/dress-up game to be released on gog.
Granted, GoG releases Twister: Latex Edition.

I wish I was twisty.
low rated
Kleetus: I wish I was twisty.
Granted (despite the grammatical mistake: it should be "were", not "was"); you are now a pretzel. Someone comes along and eats you.

I wish more people knew about the subjunctive in English.
dtgreene: I wish more people knew about the subjunctive in English.
Granted. A grammar police will be installed in your country to make sure it's properly used. First mistake (or omittance) costs 20 dollars, 2 years prison for the second and a public execution for the third.

I wish I could cook better.
low rated
kmonster: I wish I could cook better.
Somehow, the message got corrupted to "I wish I could cook butter". Congratulations! You can now cook butter (whatever that means)!

I wish that, in Ultima 4, the Missile and Open spells didn't cost any reagents.
Wish granted. They cost in-game currency, though.

I wish Russia to ban FIFA 17; disgusting, just what the hell is EA thinking? (Since when football... Never mind, here this side, football is even in drug dealing and Panama-Papers off-shores, what the hell am i wondering again. Even my own nephew is anticipating that game, i can't have him watch that and turn into my niece or something, EWWW! *spit*)
Post edited December 05, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish Russia to ban FIFA 17; disgusting, just what the hell is EA thinking? Since when football... Never mind, here this side, football is even in drug dealing and Panama-Papers off-shores, what the hell am i wondering again. Even my own nephew is anticipating that game, i can't have him watch that and turn into my niece or something, EWWW! *spit*
Granted: the game, after being banned, becomes popular because of it. Furthermore, because of a comment in your wish, the wish-granting witch decides to turn your nephew into a girl anyway.

I wish that KiNgBrAdLeY7's username would change to QuEEnBrAdLeY8.
Wish granted. I sometimes do dress up to the opposite gender, but only during carnival time. But we have some months away from carnival events, so...

I wish Padoan to be succeeded by Grillo!
dtgreene: I wish that KiNgBrAdLeY7's username would change to QuEEnBrAdLeY8.
Granted, the gender reassignment surgery goes well and she opens a Grindr account with the username: QuEEnie (the 8 was cut off during surgery).

I was I was a gender reassignment surgeon so I could cut open genitalia.
low rated
Kleetus: I was I was a gender reassignment surgeon so I could cut open genitalia.
Granted, but it takes a while, as you need to go through medical school and all the other requirements for becoming a doctor. Another year is added on because of the grammatical mistake you made in your wish.

I wish for a new WRPG to be made for the computer that does not require a mouse.
dtgreene: I wish for a new WRPG to be made for the computer that does not require a mouse.
Welcome to Pilot Ace, the first WRPG that uses and requires an actual joystick.

I wish the US would finally convert to the metric system.
Wish granted, but people get confused and always make mistakes.

I wish for Grillo in Italy and Figion in France!
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish for Grillo in Italy and Figion in France!
Granted. A lot of grilling goes on in Italy and fidgeting in France.

I wish for a new RPG with overhead (not isometric) 2D graphics.
Wish granted! You suddenly discover Pokemon Uranium and have a real blast (seriously, try it!)!

I wish for a UFO to kidnap me and put me to mate with a female alien!
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish for a UFO to kidnap me and put me to mate with a female alien!
Wish almost granted. Unfortunately, it turns out that the alien species doesn't have gender in the sense that we know it, so you end up mating with an alien that isn't female (but isn't male either).

I wish that Pokemon Neptunium and Pokemon Plutonium would be released, and that this release be done prior to the start of development of those games.
dtgreene: I wish that Pokemon Neptunium and Pokemon Plutonium would be released
Granted, Pokemon Neptomaniac and Pokemon Plutomaniac are released.

Unfortunately, they contain a lot of mania and are unplayable, causing you to go insane.

I wish Miss Dee would release a game, Pokemon Deemania, so I can play her.