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Kleetus: I wish I WAS a president of my own banana republic and tax haven, Kleetus Isles.
Granted: History is changed and there was once a place called Kleetus Isles that you were the president of.

Unfortunately, that island has been destroyed by rising sea water, and even before that, your term ended and you did not get re-elected.

I wish that Dave Brubeck would stop being dead and go back to making music.
dtgreene: I wish that Dave Brubeck would stop being dead and go back to making music.
Granted, David Brubeck is back but he changes his name to David Bruback and goes unnoticed.

David's Got Back.

I wish Kleetus had back.
Kleetus: I wish Kleetus had back.
Yes, but it appears she doesn't have front.

Oops! It appears that something happened with the pronoun somewhere along the lines, and an extra "s" got added somewhere.

I wish for every account on this site whose user name starts with a "K" to be deleted, all their posts deleted, and all wish curruptions made by such users to be undone. (Note: If this wish is granted/corrupted by such a user, said grant will be undone by the wish.)
dtgreene: It appears that something happened with the pronoun somewhere along the lines, and an extra "s" got added somewhere.
I can feel it moving in my special area.

dtgreene: I wish for every account on this site whose user name starts with a "K" to be deleted, all their posts deleted, and all wish curruptions made by such users to be undone.
Granted, all accounts starting with K are deleted, except for mine as I'm Special K, I'm special.

All my wishes and corruption remain and the universe continues with Kleetus intact.

I wish that I was more intact.
Post edited December 21, 2016 by Kleetus
Granted but with a slight flaw.Everytime you walk across the road you stub your big toe on the gutter.

I wish I wasn't such a popular person.
Tauto: I wish I wasn't such a popular person.
Granted. Now everyone ignores you most of the time, and when they don't, they criticize your bad grammar (it should be weren't, not wasn't).

I wish that NES would be replaced with SNES (Super NES).
Granted but the games (cartridges) do not fit any more.

I wish I went to school and learn t to speak and write like dt so I wasn't a dumb arse as well as being so popular.
Wish granted; you go back to school now in today's era and f@ck the lightbulbs outta those horny, teasing, naughty schoolgirls, whose muffin constantly drips vanilla cream and they always "brush" their "hair", in public! Your reading and writing skills, sadly, remain as is.

I wish Merkel to go back home; she is now a public danger.
Post edited December 21, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish Merkel to go back home; she is now a public danger.
Granted? You are now in the town of Merkel, Texas, and are in danger as a result.

I wish for a programming language that:
* Is not C++
* Can communicate with C++ in both directions without boilerplate code
* Is simple
Behold! I have just written C+++!

(Not a programming language, mind you. Just literally the letter C, followed by three plus signs. I don't know how to code.)

I wish I knew how to code.
low rated
TwoHandedSword: I wish I knew how to code.
Granted; you learn C. Unfortunately, you find that the code you wrote frequently segfaults, and you find that it takes more time to track down and fix the segfaults than it took to write the offending code in the first place.

(Segmentation faults (or the equivalent on Windows: "program has performed an illegal operation") are actually a common problem with C and C++; some other languages (Rust for example) aim to prevent such things from happening.)

I wish learning to code were a mandatory part of the standard grade school curriculum all across the world.
TwoHandedSword: I wish I knew how to code.
dtgreene: Granted; you learn C. Unfortunately, you find that the code you wrote frequently segfaults, and you find that it takes more time to track down and fix the segfaults than it took to write the offending code in the first place.

(Segmentation faults (or the equivalent on Windows: "program has performed an illegal operation") are actually a common problem with C and C++; some other languages (Rust for example) aim to prevent such things from happening.)

I wish learning to code were a mandatory part of the standard grade school curriculum all across the world.
Granted. Seeing as you didn't specify what kind of code, I'm going to assume you meant Morris code, completely useless in this day and age.

I wish we could find Carmen.
Darvond: I wish we could find Carmen.
We did. She's in San Diego.

I wish more people knew how to play contract bridge.
Wish granted, but they prefer playing contact poker, after a few rounds.

I wish for the code of Hammurabi to replace modern European legal system.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish for the code of Hammurabi to replace modern European legal system.
Granted, the European legal system adopts the Hammertime code and MC Hammer is elected as Fearless Leader.

I wish that I was fearless and a leader.