Kleetus: I wish there was no such thing as Winter.
Granted: It's now cold all year round.
(By the way, with respect to how you granted my wish, what happens with people who are both trans and gay?)
(New wish coming soon.)
I just feel like taking this one, even though it's already been granted. In fact, I have two different corruptions of it:
noir_7: I wish I'd never heard of the term "cisgender"
1. Granted, but now you haven't heard of analogous terms such as "straight" (when applied to people), "able-bodied", "white" (when applied to people), etc. As a result, you end up getting into a race discussion with a black person, and when you use the word "normal" to refer to white people, she takes offense.
2. Granted, but in the process, you are no longer cisgender. This means that you have become transgender or genderqueer, and you must transition away from your birth sex in order to feel comfortable. In doing so, you have ended up on the bad end of discrimination.
Anyway, here's my wish:
I witch that people would find better, more creative, ways to corrupt wishes.