Kusaha: Tried to open a new topic, but couldn't. Clicked on the "Post my message" it said processing, and then turned back the "Post my message" button, and didn't post it. Any idea why is this keep happening?
If you're trying to post links, note that there's a spam safety in place that requires a higher rep status than the one you have currently.
Broken quote tags will also prevent a new post from being processed.
ABH20: Is there a time limit on editing older posts now or have I encountered a bug?
Trying to edit a post made on August 18 this year and after clicking 'Post my message' things proceed as normal and the page refreshes, but the post hasn't changed. I've tried a few times and hard refreshed the page itself a bunch of times and nothing is working.
This is an old bug that seems to kick in randomly, has happened to me plenty of times.