Strijkbout: The things that annoy me the most are [...] excessive screenshaking.
You might want to stay away from Final Fantasy Legend 2 (SaGa 2), as the screen shakes constantly from the time you defeat the second to last major boss until after the final battle, except when there's a text box on screen, and there's an entire final dungeon to get through at that point. (The Nintendo DS remake fortunately got rid of this, but unfortunately said version stayed in Japan.)
Also, I remember reading about some semi-recent Nintendo game where text would shake and not stop shaking, making it difficult (and possibly headache-inducing for some people) to read. Whose idea was this?
As for what I dislike:
1. Darkness implemented by making things harder to see (for example by using less lighting) until the player finds/creates a light source. If you are developing a game and want to have darkness be a factor, make it *impossible* to see things in the dark; everything should either be easy to see or completely invisible. (Even then, I would avoid situations where the player has to navigate invisible things without a way to make them visible, except perhaps in troll games.)
2. Anything that creates an accessibility issue. If you really *must* put things like screen shaking or potentially seizure-inducing flashing lights in your game, *please* include an option to disable them. (Many of the complaints in this thread are about graphical flaws that create accessibility issues, including every one that mentions things like headaches, nausea, or migrains.)
teceem: I always turn off DoF & Motion Blur.
real.geizterfahr: Yep. I'm not going to waste any performance on effects that look absolutely horrible. I never even try them, I just turn them off.
This is especially an issue for those playing on old or low-end GPUs, where a reduction in performance can make the game unplayable. (While high FPS is nice to have, too low FPS can hurt a game's playability, especially if it's an action game of any sort.)
StingingVelvet: In fact even beyond graphics, I hate when video games try to be movies. The greatest thing about video games is their interactivity and ability to NOT be like a movie.
Fully agree, though I might make an exception for visual and kinetic novels. (The again, one could reasonably argue that kinetic novels aren't games, as there's no interactivity in them, except maybe things like pushing a button to advance text.)