FrostburnPhoenix: Everything correct except he wasn't the OP of that thread.
Time4Tea: 3) This is not correct. This thread was indeed prompted by the locking of the ZP thread, but I was not the OP of that one.
I totally agree with both, the thread "Zoom Platform?!?" OP is not Time4Tea but Fever_Discordia
but that was not the idea I expressed.
Let me blame a lack of format/writing and assume it as a personal failure considering
the annoying redundant writing style of mine, plenty of:
[-Enclosing- formats_to_group_ideas]
which goal is to avoid misunderstandings as the non native English speaker I am... and I failed
Anyway, Please let me retry. The changes made:
-Reused the original sentence words -entirely-
-Added 2 extra portions which are the 2 thread titles in concern enclosed between double quotes ("")
-Moved (quoted) "having Time4Tea as OP" to a better position on the sentence
Original version for easy comparison:
3) This concern/thread happens at the exact time the ZP thread gets locked having Time4Tea as OP
The enhanced version:
3) This concern/thread "Is talking about other game stores now prohibited?" having Time4Tea as OP
happens at the exact time the ZP thread "Zoom Platform?!?" gets locked
As you may read, your comments are correct while you now may agree mine is too
Some clarifications I consider important -in my personal case-:
-Is not the same to point out a COI than to -judge- a COI
-I am not interested on -judging- your COI.
In such case, a verdict would be relevant if prosecuting you from material gains.
And unless yourself confess something like that. Honestly, I don't care
-I am not interested to participate on the topic of this thread -while- the COI you are into.
Bail out yourself from 2 of the 3 facts I cite and you will liberate yourself from the COI.
Just for the sake of mentioning -
quick and totally simplistic yet silly- ideas:
a) Quit as the GOG boycott leader
b) Set distance from ZP
c) Quit being the OP of "Is talking about other game stores now prohibited?". In other words, Let someone else take the initiative creating a thread for the concern
After 2 of those, you will get my whole attention & support.
Again, not because with those -you served a sentence- (or any other evil interpretation you may make)
Now, let me answer to your reply
Time4Tea: 1) I am not the 'leader' of the boycott group. I started the thread and have been maintaining the list of signees. It is a community protest, signed by over 100 GOG users, many of which have joined for a range of different reasons.
Please let me recapitulate on this as I dont want to be considered an opportunistic attacker
I timely expressed my concern about it exactly here (19Mar2022):
Yes, I confess it is one of the few posts of mine on the whole forum I've edited & deleted.
Basically because:
a) At that date I was not part anymore of your Boycott lists
Joined from 23Sep2021 until 24Nov2021 (post2896 & post3351 for reference)
b) Not being part of it, did not give me any clear right/value to the matter
c) I regretted the next day of posting and not getting a reply from you but somebody else.
Frome there we can rescue part of my deleted post:
Anyway, I consider
ARD describes my concern very well on
Ancient-Red-Dragon: post #38
For honesty sake I believe the issue was not solved but by the reasons I already
gave, wasn't my business. But with your today's text
Time4Tea: I think it would be beneficial for everyone to see a clarification of:
what actually are the rules here? It becomes relevant if you really attempt to pursue everyone's benefit.
Time4Tea: There is no 'conflict of interest' with the GOG boycott thread:
I am affraid you are not understanding.
Let me re-emphasize: You are under a COI because
-this 3 facts are happening right now at the same time-:
1) You lead/represent the GOG boycott
2) You are a ZP Discord moderator
3) You are the OP of this thread
I am not limiting your COI to the boycott thread only,
but a general Conflict Of Interest to:
a) Represent a list of unsatisfied customers with a list of legitimate complaints and demands
(That you made and you ran with a pseudo-voting, IMO by the way)
b) And at the same time Being associated to ZP to a degree deeper than any regular customer there
(Not every ZP customer is one of their Discord moderators. At least not me)
c) And at the same time -you- T4T be the OP defending/promoting ZP in such passionate/active way
to the point to create this thread questioning why.
Honestly, I totally perceive your are in a full dark blindness with your COI thing
I wish you take a deep breath, present the -whole situation- to people -you trust-
and ask for point of view. You need to get out of there
Meanwhile, I repeat: I fully stop any comment/clarification/answer on this matters.
Enough of time invested on it.