Antoni_Fox: At first, i thought that linking my Steam and GOG accounts might be a good idea.
But now i'm wondering if it is a form of data farming, so GOG can just keep a record of what everyone is buying on Steam.
The first batch of GOG connect games have vanished, and haven't been replaced with anything new for over a week, it's just an empty page... And there is no longer any mention (or any direct way to enter) the GOG connect page from the store page, unless i've been struck blind.
Anyone visiting the GOG website now would not even know that GOG connect existed.
Your thoughts?
This connect business does not concern me, since I long ago abandoned my steam account and had/have no wishes to resurrect it.
One thing that I will point out though, is that no sooner had the bandwagon fallen over themselves to say how much of a great deal connect was , I received (as many of others must have) an email detailing changes to both privacy policies and the user agreement.
I have attached it for your reference. The link provided in the email used to point to a steam EULA. Now it points to Gogs own and can be found in caps in section 9.3 I am unaware if any changes have been made. Sorry, but I didn't watch it much as it did not concern me. To summarise,
1.There is no such thing as a free lunch
2.Whether you should feel worried about connect is up to you, see 1.
It is unlikely that gog will learn anything about you that steam didn't already know, in my opinion. What they do with it, well see 1.