JudasIscariot: Did you check your privacy settings?
Emachine9643: Yes, but some users have commented if they hover over my avatar they can't access either of those things and only get a bear.....
I remember we checked you some time ago, and we have that on our buglist (along with other users) - try to create URL with your old username, that you were using before (you changed it, right?) and there's a good chance you'll see your public wishlist.
https://www.gog.com/u/YOUROLDUSERNAME/wishlist Or maybe use:
https://www.gog.com/account/refresh ? Tell us if it helps.
P.S. Not changing avatars is also on our list, but I don't know the status or reason of that. We are not just ignoring this.
P.S. 2 To You guys that gave thanks - my heart is just melting. ;) You are truly awesome part of GOG community. *stops kissing asses and goes to sleep*